Form attributes


Attributes that are common to form controls. The caption, help and prompt attributes can contain literal text, or an MCS expression or a JSP expression that evaluates to a string or a text policy name.


Attribute Description Type Default Options Use
active Whether or not the control is active and is displayed xs:boolean true    optional 
caption The caption for the control xs:string none    optional 
captionPane The pane in which the caption will be displayed xs:string none    optional 
entryPane The pane in which the input element of the control will be displayed xs:string none    optional 
help Help text for the control xs:string none    optional 
onchange The script policy to execute when the control value changes xs:string none    optional 
onselect The script policy to execute when a selection is made xs:string none    optional 
prompt Prompt text for the control xs:string none    optional 

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