Configuring MCS

General configuration is achieved using the file mcs-config.xml. It defines system parameters for MCS. The related XML schema is mcs-config.xsd. You'll find both files in the directory [wp_root]/mcs, and in the portal application's WEB-INF directory, when MCS is installed with IBM Mobile Portal Accelerator. The directory wp_root is the location where IBM Mobile Portal Accelerator is installed. Refer to the Configuring Multi-Channel Server topic in the IBM Mobile Portal Accelerator Information Center for more details on the procedure you must follow when updating these files, and for the location of the wp_root directory.

General configuration is achieved using the file mcs-config.xml. It defines system parameters for MCS. The related XML schema is mcs-config.xsd. You'll find both files in the directory [wp_root]/mcs, and in the portal application's WEB-INF directory, when MCS is installed with IBM Mobile Portal Accelerator. The directory wp_root is the location where IBM Mobile Portal Accelerator is installed. Refer to the Configuring Multi-Channel Server topic in the IBM Mobile Portal Accelerator Information Center for more details on the procedure you must follow when updating these files, and for the location of the wp_root directory.

The system parameters in the configuration file are grouped into several sections. The most important settings in the file have already been set by the installer, and the configuration file should be in a suitable state for you to start using MCS without any changes.

The details of some key configuration sections are reviewed in individual topics. Other sections, for example those dealing with content integration, are referred to their specific contexts.


Because file locations are set during installation, the configuration examples shown in related topics use placeholders for parts of the directory structure. You should substitute ${MCS_HOME} with the path proceeding the location described, and [context_root] with the application root context.

For information on the structure of the mcs-config.xsd file, see MCS configuration elements.

Logging configuration

You may also wish to make changes to the way MCS logging operates. Logging configuration requires changes to the mcs-jlog.xml file.

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