Application response measurement

This topic outlines the procedure for installing and configure profiling for pipeline operations in MCS using the OpenArm (Application Response Measurement) libraries. Two MCS processes; webd:get and urid:fetch are timed and logged using log4j.

This topic outlines the procedure for installing and configure profiling for pipeline operations in MCS using the OpenArm (Application Response Measurement) libraries. Two MCS processes; webd:get and urid:fetch are timed and logged using log4j.


Application response management is not supported by Mobile Portal Accelerator.

Notes on logged values

The meaning of transaction identifiers are dependent on the ARM collection agent being used. For information on the collector, refer to the documentation on the Open ARM implementation used for MCS at

The time recorded is the overall time to retrieve a resource, including the time to allocate and open the outbound socket, retrieve the resource and close the socket.

A status code of 0 indicates success. A non-zero code indicates failure.

Installing and configuring the libraries

The following libraries and configuration file are designed to work in the context of the MCS distribution.

The commons-pool-1.2.jar is required, and is not supplied with some web application servers.

Copy all the .jar files into the lib directory in your web application path, and copy the open-arm.cfg file to a convenient location. Add the following entries to the mcs-jlog.xml file.

<appender name="ARM-LOG" class="org.apache.log4j.FileAppender">
  <param name="Append" value="false"/>
  <param name="File" value="/tmp/arm.log"/>
  <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
    <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d{dd MMM HH:mm:ss} - %m%n"/>

<category name="net.m2technologies.open_arm">
  <priority value="info"/>
  <appender-ref ref="ARM-LOG"/>

Then set the system property Arm40.ArmTransactionFactory of your JVM to the class of your ARM provider, and define the location of the configuration file.


On MCS startup, an error is thrown if profiling is not correctly configured.

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