Configuring a JNDI datasource

The jndi-configuration section of the mcs-config.xml file contains the definition of a configuration of one or more JNDI datasources. You can refer to this definition when you specify a jndi-data-source element in the local-repository section of the configuration file.

The jndi-configuration section of the mcs-config.xml file contains the definition of a configuration of one or more JNDI datasources. You can refer to this definition when you specify a jndi-data-source element in the local-repository section of the configuration file.

The name attribute on the initial-context element defines the starting context for resolving JNDI names. The parameter element allows you to specify any name/value pairs required by a particular JNDI service.

  <initial-context name="myContext">

The next listing shows a matching local-repository entry. The initial-context attribute on the jndi-data-source element must match the name of the name attribute on the initial-context element defined in the jndi-configuration. The name attribute sets the name of the data source within the initial context.


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