Debugging features

You can enable MCS debugging features in the debug and the debug-output sections of the mcs-config.xml.

You can enable MCS debugging features in the debug and the debug-output sections of the mcs-config.xml.

Viewing comments and logging output

You can enable or disable MCS debugging features in the debug section of the mcs-config.xml file.


The default value for the comments attribute is 'false'. No comments are output in the generated pages, apart from copyright information and the page message, and new line characters are reduced in number.

If you set the comments attribute to 'true', MCS will attempt to generate comments in the output pages. This approach will not work for device protocols that do not support comments. You will get line breaks, which makes the generated code easier to read during development. You will also get internal MCS comments.

With devices that do not allow the delivered source to be viewed, you will also need to set logPageOutput to 'true', which sends page output to the log file.

Debugging pipeline markup

You can also configure pipeline debugging features in the debug-output section of the mcs-config.xml file by setting the value of the directory attribute. It specifies the directory into which debugging pipeline operations will write their output. If this is not specified MCS treats debugging as inactive. Relative paths values should be relative to the root application context.

<debug-output directory="/pipeline_debug"/>

The output files are named with a timestamp and a unique number, and suffixed with a fileSuffix attribute value that you set in the pipeline:serialize element in the XDIME source.

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