
Definition classes.


Interface Summary
FacesComplexDefinition A definition for a class other than a UIComponent.
FacesComponentDefinition A definition for a class implementing UIComponent.
FacesCompositeComponentDefinition A FacesCompositeComponentDefinition's FacesDefinition.isTag() method always returns true.
FacesContainerProperty A FacesContainerProperty represents a JavaBean property of the implementation class for a FacesDefinition.
FacesConverterDefinition Note, it is possible to use converters without registering them in an xsp-config file.
FacesDefinition A FacesDefinition represents a tag which belongs to a particular namespace.
FacesDefinitionClass Implementers must be instances of UIComponent.
FacesExtensibleNode A node that may store extra meta-data beyond that specified in it's interface.
FacesFacet This is not actually used (as of 8.5.2, may change in future).
FacesGroupDefinition Corresponds to the "group" element in xsp-config files, not to the "New Group" option in the Custom Control, Property Definition tab; those are FacesPropertyTypes.
FacesLibrary This is a wrapper for a collection of FacesLibraryFragments that have the same namespaceUri.
FacesLibraryFragment The representation of a config file in the FacesRegistry.
FacesProject The representation of a Project in the FacesRegistry.
FacesProperty A FacesProperty represents an attribute value in the source file.
FacesPropertyType A FacesPropertyType's typeDefinition is always itself - it merges the functions of a complex FacesSimpleProperty, and the typeDefinition defining the value of that property.
FacesRegistry A registry is used to resolve from tag names and namespace URIs used in the .xsp files to the class of the object that should be created from such a tag.
FacesRendererDefinition The definition for a specific renderer, unique per render-kit-id, renderer-type and component-family.
FacesRenderKitFragment A FacesRenderKitFragment represents all of the tags with the same render-kit-id in a config file.
FacesRenderKitLibrary The render kit fragments that have the same render-kit-id.
FacesSharableRegistry The main API is FacesRegistry.
FacesSimpleProperty A FacesSimpleProperty represents a JavaBean property of the implementation class for a FacesDefinition.
FacesValidatorDefinition Note ValidatorDefinitions don't have to appear as a tag in an xsp file.

Class Summary

Package Description

Definition classes.