Interface FacesProperty

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
FacesContainerProperty, FacesMethodBindingProperty, FacesPropertyType, FacesSimpleProperty

public interface FacesProperty
extends FacesExtensibleNode

A FacesProperty represents an attribute value in the source file. It may correspond to

  • A property of the UIComponent or complex type implementation class
  • The method binding for a property of the UIComponent or complex type implementation class
  • An render specific attribute of a UIComponent

  • Method Summary
     FacesLibraryFragment getFile()
     java.lang.Class<?> getJavaClass()
              The java class associated with this property.
     java.lang.String getName()
              Return the name of this attribute.
     java.lang.String getSince()
     boolean isAttribute()
              True if this was declared as a jsf attribute instead of a bean property.
     boolean isRequired()
              Specifies that this property should always be given a value in a runtime xml page.
    Methods inherited from interface
    getExtension, setExtension

    Method Detail


    java.lang.String getName()
    Return the name of this attribute.



    java.lang.Class<?> getJavaClass()
    The java class associated with this property. Note this is not necessarily a FacesComplexDefiniton's javaClass; it may be int.class if it's primitive or MethodBinding.class if it's a method binding or something like Map.class if it's a container. Or it may just not correspond to any FacesComplexDefiniton.


    boolean isAttribute()
    True if this was declared as a jsf attribute instead of a bean property. The difference is that a property has a set method. Attributes, without a set method, are not allowed to be set to null, according to the JSF specification.



    boolean isRequired()
    Specifies that this property should always be given a value in a runtime xml page.



    java.lang.String getSince()


    FacesLibraryFragment getFile()