Interface FacesContainerProperty

All Superinterfaces:
FacesExtensibleNode, FacesProperty

public interface FacesContainerProperty
extends FacesProperty

A FacesContainerProperty represents a JavaBean property of the implementation class for a FacesDefinition.

It includes properties that can be Collections, arrays and Maps, all of which can contain multiple entries.

One of isArray(), isCollection() or isMap() must return true.

If isArray() then the Class.isArray() will always be true for the value returned by FacesProperty.getJavaClass().

If isCollection() then the value returned by FacesProperty.getJavaClass() will either be Collection or will implement it.

If isMap() then the value returned by FacesProperty.getJavaClass() will either be Map or will implement it.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getCollectionAddMethod()
          If isCollection() this may return the name of an add method that should be used to add an individual item in the collection to the runtime component or complex-type object.
 FacesProperty getItemProperty()
          The FacesProperty that describes a single item in the collection.
 boolean isArray()
 boolean isCollection()
 boolean isMap()
Methods inherited from interface
getFile, getJavaClass, getName, getSince, isAttribute, isRequired
Methods inherited from interface
getExtension, setExtension

Method Detail


boolean isArray()
true if the property is an array


boolean isMap()
true if the property is a map.


boolean isCollection()
true if the property is a collection.


FacesProperty getItemProperty()
The FacesProperty that describes a single item in the collection.


java.lang.String getCollectionAddMethod()
If isCollection() this may return the name of an add method that should be used to add an individual item in the collection to the runtime component or complex-type object. E.g. if the component is an ActionSource, it may have a collection property named "actionListeners" which has the add method "addActionListener".