Interface XSPContextFactory

public interface XSPContextFactory

Interface for a factory used to create an XSPContext object. The actual factory used is determined by the contribution to ApplicationEx.getFactoryLookup() with the id DesignerFacesController.XSP_CONTEXT_FACTORY . This method actually creates the context, so it should cannot be used as a lazy getter. One of the runtime framework classes calls this method once per request, when it creates and stores the XSPContext. To get the current XSPContext object, use the static method XSPContext.getXSPContext(FacesContext) instead. [To get the FacesContext use FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()].

Method Summary
 XSPContext getXSPContext(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
          Create and return a XSPContext instance that is initialized for the processing of the specified FacesContext.

Method Detail


XSPContext getXSPContext(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
                         throws FacesExceptionEx
Create and return a XSPContext instance that is initialized for the processing of the specified FacesContext. This is called once per request.

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