Interface PropertyDesignerExtension

All Superinterfaces:

public interface PropertyDesignerExtension
extends DesignerExtension

This applies to both properties and attributes.

On getJsfDefaultValue() and getJsfSuggestedValue():
The JSF faces-config.xml file format allows for these in the attribute and property elements. Both accept (#PCDATA) and are optional. The explainations from the jsf dtd are below. If these values are present they will be pre-existing in the files, not added specifically for use in Designer, so their values may be targeted at some other design-time tool.

The "default-value" contains the value for the property or attribute in which this element resides. This value differs from the "suggested-value" in that the property or attribute must take the value, whereas in "suggested-value" taking the value is optional.
The "suggested-value" contains the value for the property or attribute in which this element resides. This value is advisory only and is intended for tools to use when populating pallettes.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getCategoryId()
          PLEASE NOTE, this should not be called directly.
 java.lang.String getCategoryLabel()
          PLEASE NOTE, this should not be called directly.
 java.lang.String getDesignerDefaultValue()
          A default value for the property.
 java.lang.String getEditorId()
          This defines the type of editor to open this property in.
 java.lang.String getEditorParameter()
          A parameter to the editor specified in the editor id.
 java.lang.String getJsfDefaultValue()
          This is NOT the same as the getDesignerDefaultValue().
 java.lang.String getJsfSuggestedValue()
          See comment above - such values are not targeted at the Designer product.
 java.lang.String[] getStylesExcluded()
          If this is a renderer's attribute for a CSS style, it might return the list of CSS styles not supported by this renderer in the current renderKit.
 java.lang.String getSubCategory()
          A subcategory - used by event properties to categorize the events into mouse-event, focus-event etc.
 java.lang.String getValidationFormula()
          A validation formula for the property value.
 java.lang.String getVisible()
          A visibility value - whether or not to display the property as a javascript expression.
 boolean isDeprecated()
          Tests whether or not a particular property is deprecated by the XPages runtime.
 boolean isEvent()
          A boolean indicating that this takes an EventHandler.
 boolean isStyleClass()
          Deprecated. unused
Methods inherited from interface
getDescription, getDisplayName, getIcon

Method Detail


java.lang.String getCategoryId()
PLEASE NOTE, this should not be called directly. Instead use DesignerExtensionUtil.getPropertyCategoryId(,, which has special handling for FacesCompositeComponentDefinitions

e.g. "events", "appearance", "data". Designer would use this to group properties. It would place the property in the correct category (by using this value as an id of a pre-existing category). If it isn't found, this value is used as the name of a new category to place the component into.

This is an unlocalizable string that may be null.


java.lang.String getCategoryLabel()
PLEASE NOTE, this should not be called directly. Instead use DesignerExtensionUtil.getPropertyCategoryLabel(,, which has special handling for FacesCompositeComponentDefinitions

e.g. translations of "events", "appearance", "data". Designer would use this to group properties. It would place the property in the correct category (by using this value as an id of a pre-existing category). If it isn't found, this value is used as the name of a new category to place the component into.

This is a localizable string that may be null.


java.lang.String getEditorId()
This defines the type of editor to open this property in.

It is an unlocalizable string that may be null.



java.lang.String getEditorParameter()
A parameter to the editor specified in the editor id. For example, if the editor is a combo box, the parameter might be a list of delimited strings to populate the combo box with.


java.lang.String getDesignerDefaultValue()
A default value for the property. The value may be a primitive or a value binding or method binding expression - which is expected will depend on the type of property. It may be null.

It's specified in the designer-extension.

It is currently up to the callee to validate that it is of the expected type.



java.lang.String getJsfDefaultValue()
This is NOT the same as the getDesignerDefaultValue(). See comment above - such values are not targeted at the Designer product.



java.lang.String getJsfSuggestedValue()
See comment above - such values are not targeted at the Designer product.



java.lang.String getSubCategory()
A subcategory - used by event properties to categorize the events into mouse-event, focus-event etc.



java.lang.String getVisible()
A visibility value - whether or not to display the property as a javascript expression. Defaults to null.



java.lang.String getValidationFormula()
A validation formula for the property value. May be null.



boolean isEvent()
A boolean indicating that this takes an EventHandler.



java.lang.String[] getStylesExcluded()
If this is a renderer's attribute for a CSS style, it might return the list of CSS styles not supported by this renderer in the current renderKit. (Note, a renderer may have muliple style-like attributes, e.g. xp:viewPanel has attributes dataTableStyle and viewStyle)

null or an unvalidated list of CSS styles that the renderer doesn't support for this style attribute.


boolean isStyleClass()
Deprecated. unused

true if this property or attribute should take the name of a CSS style class available in the current page. Defaults to false.


boolean isDeprecated()
Tests whether or not a particular property is deprecated by the XPages runtime.

true if the property is no longer supported.