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Click a number next to an index entry to see the referenced page. The referenced information appears at the top of the resulting window.
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M -
N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- ! (bang) command
- terminating reports, 1
- ! (exclamation points)
- adding to report scripts, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1
- " (double quotation marks)
- enclosing member names, 1, 2, 3
- in application and database names, 1
- in dimension and member names, 1
- in ESSCMD commands, 1
- in formulas, 1, 2, 3
- in header information, 1
- in report scripts, 1
- terms in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- # (pound signs)
- in array and variable names, 1
- #MI values
- inserting into empty fields, 1, 2, 3
- instead of #MISSING, 1
- #MISSING values, 1, 2, 3
- aggregating
- defaults for, 1
- effects on calculation order, 1, 2, 3, 4
- setting behavior for, 1
- averages and, 1
- calculations and, 1, 2, 3
- disabling, 1
- formatting in reports, 1
- in calculations, 1
- inserting into empty fields, 1, 2
- parents and, 1, 2
- replacing with text, 1
- reporting samples, 1, 2
- skipping, 1, 2
- sorting data with, 1
- specifying in data source, 1
- testing for, 1
- viewing with Personal Essbase, 1
- #NOACCESS value, 1
- $ (dollar signs)
- in array and variable names, 1
- $ fields, 1
- $ALT_NAME setting, 1
- % (percent signs)
- as codes in data source, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1
- in report scripts, 1
- % operators
- defining member consolidations, 1
- in calc scripts, 1
- in mathematical operations, 1
- in unary operations, 1, 2, 3
- & (ampersands)
- in calc scripts, 1, 2
- in member names, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1
- in report scripts, 1
- & commands, 1, 2
- () (parentheses)
- in calc scripts, 1
- in dimension and member names, 1
- in formulas, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- indicating negative numeric values in fields, 1
- report scripts, 1, 2
- * (asterisks)
- as codes in data source, 1
- in application and database names, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- options in reports, 1
- used as wildcard, 1
- * operators, 1, 2, 3, 4
- + (plus signs)
- as codes in data source, 1
- in application and database names, 1
- in dimension and member names, 1
- in member names, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- + operators
- defining member consolidations, 1
- in mathematical operations, 1
- in unary operations, 1, 2, 3
- member consolidation, 1
- , (commas)
- as file delimiter, 1
- displaying in reports, 1
- in application and database names, 1
- in data fields, 1
- in dimension and member names, 1
- in formulas, 1
- in header records, 1
- in member combinations, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- suppressing in reports, 1, 2
- . (periods)
- in application and database names, 1
- in dimension and member names, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1
- / (slashes)
- as codes in data source, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- / operators
- defining member consolidations, 1
- in calc scripts, 1
- in mathematical operations, 1
- in unary operations, 1, 2, 3
- /* */ character pairs, 1, 2
- // (double slashes) in report scripts, 1
- : (colons)
- in application and database names, 1
- in formulas, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- :: (double colons) in formulas, 1
- ; (semicolons)
- in application and database names, 1
- in calc scripts, 1, 2, 3, 4
- in ESSCMD syntax, 1
- in formulas, 1, 2, 3
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- < (less than signs)
- in application and database names, 1
- in dimension and member names, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- in report scripts, 1
- = (equal signs)
- in application and database names, 1
- in calc scripts, 1
- in dimension and member names, 1
- in formulas, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1
- in report scripts, 1
- > (greater than signs)
- in application and database names, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1
- -> operators, 1
- in formulas, 1
- inserting in calc scripts, 1
- inserting in formulas, 1, 2
- overview, 1, 2
- usage examples, 1, 2
- ? (question marks)
- in application and database names, 1
- used as wildcard, 1
- @ (at signs)
- in dimension and member names, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- @ABS function, 1
- @ACCUM function, 1, 2
- @ALLANCESTORS function, 1
- @ALLOCATE function, 1, 2
- @ANCEST function, 1
- @ANCESTORS function, 1
- @ANCESTVAL function, 1
- @ATTRIBUTE function, 1, 2
- @ATTRIBUTEBVAL function, 1, 2
- @ATTRIBUTESVAL function, 1, 2
- @ATTRIBUTEVAL function, 1, 2, 3
- @AVG function, 1
- @AVGRANGE function, 1, 2
- @CALCMODE function, 1
- @CHILDREN function, 1
- @COMPOUND function, 1
- @COMPOUNDGROWTH function, 1
- @CONCATENATE function, 1
- @CORRELATION function, 1
- @COUNT function, 1
- @CURGEN function, 1
- @CURLEV function, 1
- @CURRMBR function, 1
- @CURRMBRRANGE function, 1
- @DECLINE function, 1
- @DESCENDANTS function, 1, 2
- @DISCOUNT function, 1
- @EXP function, 1
- @FACTORIAL function, 1
- @GEN function, 1
- @GENMBRS function, 1
- @GROWTH function, 1
- @IALLANCESTORS function, 1
- @IANCESTORS function, 1
- @ICHILDREN function, 1
- @IDESCENDANTS function, 1, 2
- @ILSIBLINGS function, 1
- @INT function, 1
- @INTEREST function, 1
- @IRDESCENDANTS function, 1
- @IRR function, 1
- @IRSIBLINGS function, 1
- @ISACCTYPE function, 1
- @ISANCEST function, 1
- @ISCHILD function, 1
- @ISDESC function, 1
- @ISDESCENDANTS function, 1
- @ISGEN function, 1
- @ISIANCEST function, 1
- @ISIBLINGS function, 1
- @ISICHILD function, 1
- @ISIDESC function, 1
- @ISIPARENT function, 1
- @ISISIBLING function, 1
- @ISLEV function, 1
- @ISMBR function, 1, 2
- @ISPARENT function, 1
- @ISSAMEGEN function, 1
- @ISSAMELEV function, 1
- @ISSIBLING function, 1
- @ISUDA function, 1
- @LEV function, 1
- @LEVMBRS function, 1
- @LIST function, 1
- @LN function, 1
- @LOG function, 1
- @LOG10 function, 1
- @LSIBLINGS function, 1
- @MATCH function, 1
- @MAX function, 1
- @MAXRANGE function, 1
- @MAXS function, 1
- @MAXSRANGE function, 1
- @MDALLOCATE function, 1, 2
- @MDANCESTVAL function, 1
- @MDPARENTVAL function, 1
- @MDSHIFT function, 1
- @MEDIAN function, 1
- @MERGE function, 1
- @MIN function, 1
- @MINRANGE function, 1
- @MINS function, 1
- @MINSRANGE function, 1
- @MOD function, 1
- @MODE function, 1
- @MOVAVG function, 1
- @MOVMAX function, 1
- @MOVMED function, 1
- @MOVMIN function, 1
- @NEXT function, 1
- @NPV function, 1
- @PARENT function, 1
- @PARENTVAL function, 1, 2
- @POWER function, 1
- @PRIOR function, 1, 2
- @PTD function, 1, 2, 3
- @RANGE function, 1
- @RANK function, 1
- @RDESCENDANTS function, 1
- @RELATIVE function, 1
- @REMAINDER function, 1
- @REMOVE function, 1
- @ROUND function, 1
- @RSIBLINGS function, 1
- @SANCESTVAL function, 1
- @SHIFT function, 1
- @SIBLINGS function, 1
- @SLN function, 1
- @SPARENTVAL function, 1
- @SPLINE function, 1
- @STDEV function, 1
- @STDEVP function, 1
- @STDEVRANGE function, 1
- @SUBSTRING function, 1
- @SUM function, 1
- @SUMRANGE function, 1
- @SYD function, 1
- @TODATE function, 1, 2
- @TREND function, 1, 2
- @TRUNCATE function, 1
- @UDA function, 1
- @VAR function, 1, 2, 3
- @VARIANCE function, 1
- @VARIANCEP function, 1
- @VARPER function, 1, 2, 3, 4
- @WITHATTR function, 1, 2
- @XREF function, 1, 2
- [] (brackets)
- in application and database names, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- \ (backslashes)
- in application and database names, 1
- in dimension and member names, 1
- in formulas, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1
- _ (underscores)
- converting spaces to, 1, 2
- in array and variable names, 1
- in dimension and member names, 1
- in report scripts, 1
- {} (braces)
- in dimension and member names, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- in report scripts, 1, 2
- | (vertical bars)
- in application and database names, 1
- in dimension and member names, 1
- ~ (tildes)
- as character in headings, 1
- as codes in data source, 1
- ~ operators, 1, 2, 3, 4
- - (hyphens, dashes, minus signs)
- as codes in data source, 1
- in data fields, 1
- in dimension and member names, 1
- in member names, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1
- in report scripts, 1
- - operators
- defining member consolidations, 1
- in mathematical operations, 1
- in unary operations, 1, 2, 3
- ' (single quotation marks)
- in application and database names, 1
- in dimension and member names, 1
- ~ (tildes)
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1
- 0 (zero) values
- calculating, 1
- excluding in time balances, 1
- formatting in reports, 1, 2
- including in time balances, 1
- replacing with labels, 1
- skipping, 1, 2
- .A files, 1
- A, average time balance codes in data source, 1
- aborted transactions, 1
- aborting data loads, 1
- @ABS function, 1
- absolute values, 1
- access, 1, 2, 3
- assigning/reassigning user, 1, 2, 3, 4
- cells in blocks, 1, 2
- checking information about, 1
- concurrent, 1
- controlling, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- data sources, 1
- replicated partitions and, 1
- data targets, 1, 2
- defining global levels, 1, 2, 3
- getting started tips, 1
- global defined, 1
- global levels, 1
- internal structures optimizing, 1
- levels defined in filters, 1
- levels for users, 1
- linked objects, 1
- local, 1
- locked data blocks, 1, 2
- maintaining data integrity, 1
- minimum database level, 1
- modifying, 1, 2, 3, 4
- multi-user, 1
- optimizing, 1, 2
- outlines, 1
- overriding levels, 1
- partitioned databases, 1, 2, 3
- troubleshooting, 1
- remote databases, 1
- restricting, 1, 2
- Server Agent, 1
- setting database, 1
- simultaneous, 1, 2
- size considerations and, 1
- transactions and, 1, 2
- unspecified members, 1
- Access databases. See SQL databases
- Access DBs setting, 1, 2
- Account Dimension Properties page (Dimension Properties), 1
- account properties
- shared members and, 1
- account reporting values, 1
- accounts
- administrators, 1, 2
- users, 1, 2
- accounts dimension
- calculating first/last values in, 1, 2, 3
- calculating time period averages, 1
- calculating variance for, 1
- calculation passes for, 1
- calculations on, 1, 2, 3
- creating, 1
- currency applications, 1
- description, 1
- flipping values in, 1
- setting, 1
- setting member properties in data source, 1
- time balance members in, 1
- two-pass calculations and, 1
- unary operations in, 1
- usage examples, 1, 2
- usage overview, 1
- accounts tags, 1
- checking for, 1
- @ACCUM function, 1, 2
- accumulation of values, 1
- activity logs, 1
- actual expense vs. budgeted
- getting variance, 1, 2, 3
- setting properties, 1
- actual sales reporting samples, 1, 2
- ad hoc calculations, 1
- ad hoc currency reporting, 1
- add as sibling build method, 1
- attribute associations, 1
- adding
- See also building; creating; defining
- alias tables to outlines, 1, 2
- aliases to calc scripts, 1
- aliases to formulas, 1
- comments to calc scripts, 1
- comments to dimensions, 1
- comments to report scripts, 1
- dimensions to outlines, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- performance considerations, 1, 2
- restructuring and, 1
- dynamically calculated members to calculations, 1
- equations to calc scripts, 1, 2
- formulas to calc scripts, 1, 2, 3, 4
- formulas to oulines, 1
- formulas to report scripts, 1
- header information, 1
- headers to data sources, 1, 2, 3, 4
- headings to reports, 1, 2, 3, 4
- members, 1
- as children of specified parent, 1
- as siblings of lowest level, 1
- as siblings with matching strings, 1
- build methods, 1
- example for, 1, 2
- for currency conversions, 1, 2
- guidelines for, 1
- restrictions, 1
- through header information in the data source, 1
- to dimensions, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- to member fields, 1, 2
- to outlines, 1, 2
- members to report scripts, 1, 2
- in precise combinations, 1
- with common attributes, 1
- operators to formulas, 1
- page breaks to reports, 1, 2
- prefixes or suffixes to fields, 1
- records to data sources, 1, 2, 3
- shared members to outlines, 1, 2, 3
- caution for placing, 1
- text to calc scripts, 1
- text to formulas, 1
- titles to reports, 1
- values to empty fields, 1
- values to existing values, 1
- variables to formulas, 1
- variables to report scripts, 1, 2, 3, 4
- Adding Dimensions dialog box, 1
- addition
- consolidation codes in data source, 1
- prerequisite for, 1
- setting member consolidation properties, 1
- addition operator (+)
- unary operations, 1
- addition operators (+)
- defining member consolidations, 1
- in unary operations, 1, 2
- mathematical operations, 1
- member consolidation, 1
- ADDUSER command, 1
- adjusting buffer size, 1, 2
- adjusting column length, 1
- Admin page (Partition Wizard), 1
- administrative accounts, 1
- setting up, 1
- administrative requests, 1
- administrators, 1
- controlling partitioned updates, 1
- getting started with Hyperion Essbase, 1, 2
- maintenance routines, 1
- maintenance tasks, 1, 2
- minimizing downtime, 1
- usage prerequisites, 1
- user-management tasks, 1, 2, 3
- .ADW files, 1
- AFTER command, 1
- usage examples, 1, 2
- Agent log file, 1, 2
- Agent. See Server Agent
- agents, 1
- AGENTTHREADS setting, 1
- aggregating missing values
- in MaxL, 1
- aggregation
- See also consolidation
- formulas vs., 1
- missing values
- calculations and, 1, 2
- effects on calculation order, 1, 2, 3, 4
- in calculations, 1
- parents, 1
- AIX servers. See UNIX platforms
- .ALG files, 1
- alias combinations
- creating, 1
- defined, 1
- Alias Combinations page (Member Properties), 1
- alias field type
- in header records, 1
- in rules files, 1
- nulls and, 1, 2
- alias tables
- clearing contents, 1
- copying, 1
- creating, 1, 2
- described, 1
- importing/exporting, 1, 2
- including in report scripts, 1
- introducing, 1, 2
- loading, 1
- maximum per outline, 1
- removing from outlines, 1
- renaming, 1
- reserved generation names in, 1
- selecting, 1, 2
- setting as current, 1, 2
- updating, 1
- ALIAS. See alias field type
- aliases
- adding to calc scripts, 1
- adding to formulas, 1
- adding to report scripts, 1, 2, 3
- caution for, 1
- allowing changes, 1
- build methods and, 1
- creating, 1, 2
- attribute dimension build example, 1
- based on member combinations, 1
- caution for, 1, 2, 3
- guidelines for, 1
- parent/child dimension build example, 1
- defined, 1
- displaying, 1, 2
- in Calc Script Editor, 1
- in Formula Editor, 1
- displaying in reports, 1, 2
- duplicate generation fields and, 1
- editing names, 1
- entering in fields, 1
- expanding/contracting member list, 1
- introducing, 1
- maximum characters in names, 1
- multiple, 1
- shared members and, 1
- sorting members by, 1
- specifying for Dynamic Time Series members, 1
- with embedded blanks, 1
- @ALLANCESTORS function, 1
- usage, 1
- @ALLOCATE function, 1
- allocation
- examples, 1, 2, 3, 4
- functions, 1
- storage, 1, 2
- example, 1
- Allocation Manager, 1
- Allow Application to Start option, 1
- Allow Association Chgs option, 1
- Allow Commands option, 1
- Allow Connects option, 1
- Allow Formula Changes option, 1
- Allow Moves option, 1
- Allow Property Changes option, 1
- Allow Updates option, 1
- usage, 1
- alphabetizing members, 1
- alter application (MaxL), 1, 2, 3, 4
- alter database (MaxL), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
- alter system
- MaxL, 1
- alter system (MaxL), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- alter user (MaxL), 1, 2, 3, 4
- altering. See changing; editing
- alternate hierarchies (in Hyperion MBA). See shared members
- alternate names. See aliases
- ampersands (&)
- in calc scripts, 1, 2
- in member names, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1
- in report scripts, 1
- analysis, 1
- defining objectives, 1
- example, 1
- getting started tips, 1
- optimizing, 1
- single-server applications, 1, 2
- analyzing database design
- guidelines, 1
- @ANCEST function, 1
- ancestor/descendant relationships, 1
- defining calculation order for, 1
- @ANCESTORS function, 1
- ancestors
- checking for, 1
- currency conversions and, 1
- defined, 1
- getting, 1, 2
- new members with no, 1
- ANCESTORS command
- usage, 1
- @ANCESTVAL function, 1
- anchoring dimensions, 1
- AND operator, 1
- select/reject criteria, 1, 2
- annotating
- See also comments
- data cells, 1
- databases, 1
- partitions, 1, 2, 3
- .APB files, 1
- API (Application Programming Interface)
- complete listing of functions, 1
- introduction to, 1
- API directory, 1
- API function calls, 1
- API functions, 1
- using VBA functions, 1
- .APP files, 1
- App Access button, 1, 2, 3
- APP directory
- security file information, 1
- Application Access dialog box, 1
- Application Copy dialog box, 1
- Application Designer access setting, 1, 2, 3
- Application Designer privileges, 1
- Application Desktop window, 1
- application directory, 1, 2
- application event log
- calculation time, 1
- deleting, 1
- description of, 1
- dimensions calculated, 1
- dynamic calculator cache usage, 1
- last row committed, 1
- viewing, 1
- application files, 1
- Application Information dialog box, 1
- Application Log Viewer. See Log Viewer
- Application Manager, 1
- adding dimensions, 1
- adding members, 1
- annotating databases, 1
- as client interface, 1
- caution for clearing data, 1
- changing data compression defaults, 1
- changing Hyperion Essbase kernel settings, 1
- clearing alias tables, 1
- copying
- alias tables, 1
- applications, 1
- databases, 1
- objects, 1
- outlines, 1, 2
- creating
- alias tables, 1
- applications, 1
- databases, 1
- rules files, 1
- substitution variables, 1
- creating calc scripts, 1, 2, 3
- creating reports, 1, 2
- creating text files, 1
- defining calculations, 1
- as default, 1
- deleting
- alias tables, 1
- applications, 1
- databases, 1
- log files, 1, 2
- substitution variables, 1
- described, 1
- enabling two-pass calculations, 1
- importing/exporting alias tables, 1, 2
- loading data, 1
- maintaining security information, 1
- moving members, 1
- naming generations and levels, 1
- opening
- outlines, 1, 2
- report scripts, 1
- overview, 1
- removing linked objects, 1
- renaming
- alias tables, 1
- applications, 1
- databases, 1
- objects, 1
- replicating data, 1
- restructuring partitioned databases, 1
- running calc scripts, 1, 2, 3, 4
- saving outlines, 1, 2
- selecting
- applications, 1
- data sources, 1, 2, 3
- databases, 1
- setting
- cache size, 1, 2, 3
- current alias table, 1
- default calculation, 1
- index page size, 1
- isolation levels, 1
- sorting members, 1
- specifying data compression, 1
- specifying disk volumes, 1
- specifying file size, 1
- starting/stopping applications, 1, 2, 3
- starting/stopping databases, 1, 2, 3
- synchronizing outlines, 1
- transferring files from client to server, 1
- updating substitution variables, 1
- verifying outlines, 1
- viewing
- and changing user access, 1
- applications and databases, 1
- linked objects, 1
- log files, 1, 2
- storage information, 1
- Application Programming Interface. See API
- application server, 1, 2
- Application Settings dialog box
- global application access, 1
- minimum database access settings, 1
- options, 1
- specifying application file size, 1
- application startup, results of, 1
- Application Tools, 1
- applications, 1
- See also partitioned applications
- accessing, 1, 2, 3
- analytical vs. transaction processing, 1
- associating index files with, 1
- associating with calc scripts, 1, 2, 3
- building, 1
- client-server architecture described, 1
- components, 1
- copying, 1, 2
- copying using MaxL, 1
- creating, 1, 2
- for currency conversions, 1
- for Personal Essbase, 1
- prerequisites, 1
- required privilege, 1
- with Application Manager, 1
- creating using MaxL, 1
- currency conversions and, 1
- customizing, 1, 2
- data distribution characteristics, 1
- deleting, 1, 2
- deleting using MaxL, 1
- designing partitioned, 1
- deciding which type, 1
- scenarios for, 1, 2, 3
- designing simple, 1, 2, 3
- designing single-server, 1, 2
- developing, 1, 2, 3
- process summarized, 1
- displaying information using MaxL, 1
- file types listed, 1
- implementing global security, 1, 2
- inaccessible, 1
- interruptions, 1
- loading
- with related database, 1
- logging errors, 1
- maintaining, 1
- monitoring, 1, 2
- naming rule, 1
- not stopping, 1
- opening, 1, 2
- operations not supported, 1
- overview, 1
- partitioned
- benefits of, 1, 2
- choosing when not to use, 1
- choosing when to use, 1
- porting, 1, 2
- creating backups for, 1
- redefining information for, 1
- to UNIX platforms, 1
- renaming, 1
- renaming using MaxL, 1
- sample, 1, 2
- selecting, 1
- size considerations, 1
- starting, 1, 2, 3
- from Server Agent, 1
- starting using MaxL, 1
- starting/stopping in MaxL, 1
- stopping, 1, 2, 3, 4
- all opened, 1
- archiving and, 1
- with related database, 1
- stopping using MaxL, 1
- storing, 1
- viewing, 1
- information about, 1, 2, 3, 4
- log file contents, 1
- Applications list box, 1
- Applications page (Server Information), 1
- Apply Outline Changes dialog box, 1
- applying
- See also setting
- changes to outlines, 1, 2
- locks, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- privileges to groups, 1
- skip properties, 1
- ARBORDUMPPATH environment variable, 1
- .ARC files, 1
- architecture, 1
- client-server features, 1
- archive files, 1
- restoring from, 1
- archiving
- data, 1
- data targets, 1
- Area Definition dialog box
- defining linked areas, 1, 2
- defining replicated areas, 1
- defining transparent areas, 1, 2
- Area Specific Member Mapping dialog box, 1
- areas
- See also partitions
- changing shared, 1
- defined, 1
- Dynamic Time Series members in, 1
- linked partitions, 1
- mapping to specific, 1, 2
- in Partition Wizard, 1
- replicated partitions, 1
- transparent partitions, 1
- Areas page (Partition Wizard), 1, 2, 3
- arithmetic operations
- currency conversions, 1
- formulas and, 1, 2
- missing values and, 1
- performing on fields, 1
- performing on members, 1
- prerequisite for, 1
- report scripts, 1
- specifying in data source, 1
- arranging
- cells in blocks, 1
- data blocks, 1
- dimension build
- position of fields in rules file, 1
- dimensions in outlines, 1
- fields, 1, 2
- members in dense dimensions, 1
- members in outlines, 1, 2
- ARRAY command, 1
- usage example, 1
- arrays, 1
- as variables, 1, 2
- declaring, 1
- naming, 1
- ASC command, 1
- usage example, 1
- ascending sort order, 1
- applying to output, 1
- members in outlines, 1
- ASCII characters ignored in data loads, 1
- ASCII files
- calc scripts in, 1
- creating, 1, 2
- cross-platform compatibility, 1
- data sources, 1
- dumping security information to, 1, 2
- loading, 1, 2
- multiple, 1
- opening, 1
- ASCII text, 1, 2
- assets, 1
- Assign Filters dialog box, 1
- assigning
- See also defining; setting
- access levels to linked objects, 1
- aliases to members, 1, 2, 3, 4
- based on combinations, 1
- attributes to dimensions, 1
- filters to users and groups, 1
- generic passwords, 1
- privileges
- global access, 1, 2, 3, 4
- to users and groups, 1
- properties to dimensions, 1, 2, 3, 4
- overview, 1, 2, 3
- properties to members, 1, 2
- values to member combinations, 1
- values to variables, 1
- variance reporting properties, 1
- Associate Client Outline dialog box, 1
- Associate Server Outline dialog box, 1, 2
- associating
- applications with calc scripts, 1, 2, 3
- attributes
- automatically, 1
- example rules file, 1
- in Outline Editor, 1
- through dimension build, 1
- calc scripts with outlines, 1
- databases with calc scripts, 1, 2, 3, 4
- databases with reports, 1
- filters with outlines, 1
- members with report scripts, 1
- multilevel attribute dimensions, 1
- parents with members, 1
- rules files
- with data sources, 1
- with outlines, 1, 2, 3
- asterisks (*)
- as codes in data source, 1
- in application and database names, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- used as wildcard, 1
- ASYM command
- entering in report scripts, 1
- usage, 1
- asymmetric columns
- changing headings, 1
- creating, 1
- dynamically calculating values, 1
- in reports, 1
- in source data, 1, 2
- overriding groupings, 1
- asymmetric reports, 1
- creating, 1, 2
- defined, 1
- formatting, 1
- symmetric reports vs., 1
- at signs (@)
- in dimension and member names, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- attaching to databases. See connections
- attachments
- See also linked reporting objects
- limiting size, 1
- removing, 1
- saving, 1
- setting maximum size using MaxL, 1
- viewing in Application Manager, 1
- @ATTRIBUTE function, 1, 2
- attribute associations
- allowing changes, 1
- base dimensions, 1, 2
- field type, 1
- lost in cut or copy and paste, 1
- requirements, 1
- Attribute Calculations dimension
- accessing members from, 1
- changing member names, 1
- default member names, 1
- described, 1
- instead of consolidation symbols, 1
- instead of member formulas, 1
- members, default, 1
- properties of, 1
- retrieving multiple members from, 1
- ATTRIBUTE command, 1, 2
- usage, 1
- attribute dimension
- members
- using in report scripts, 1
- attribute dimensions
- associating with base dimensions in Outline Editor, 1
- comparison with standard dimensions, 1
- creating in Outline Editor, 1
- defining in dimension build, 1
- deleting members, 1
- described, 1, 2
- generation or level reference numbers, 1
- members
- options in dimension build, 1
- overview, 1
- prefixes and suffixes, 1
- preventing creation, 1, 2, 3
- multilevel
- building and associating, 1
- names as field types, 1, 2
- outline design, 1
- restructuring, 1
- summary of dimension building rules, 1
- tagging, 1
- type, 1
- using to avoid redundancy, 1
- attribute fields
- defining using rules files, 1
- position in rules file, 1
- attribute parent field type
- example, 1
- in header records, 1
- in rules files, 1
- nulls and, 1, 2
- attribute values, 1, 2
- @ATTRIBUTEBVAL function, 1, 2
- attributes
- advantages, 1
- as values resulting from formulas, 1
- associating
- automatically, 1
- in Outline Editor, 1
- through dimension build, 1
- associating aliases through dimension build, 1
- Boolean type
- changing default member names, 1
- described, 1
- duplicate values, 1
- calculating
- accessing calculated data, 1
- Attribute Calculations dimension, 1
- default calculation, 1
- Essbase functions, 1
- examples, 1
- multiple calculations, 1
- performance considerations, 1
- process, 1
- using attributes in formulas, 1
- calculation functions, 1
- date type, 1
- changing the member name format, 1
- duplicate values, 1
- defined, 1
- design considerations, 1
- mapping, 1
- member name format, 1
- member names, 1
- numeric type
- defined, 1
- defining ranges, 1
- duplicate values, 1
- ranges, 1
- size of ranges, 1
- process for defining in Outline Editor, 1
- setting types, 1
- shared member design approach, 1
- standard dimension design approach, 1
- text type, 1
- time-dependent values, 1
- types, 1
- UDAs
- alternative design approach, 1
- feature comparison, 1
- setting 1
- user-defined attributes. See UDAs
- using in partitions, 1
- @ATTRIBUTESVAL function, 1, 2
- @ATTRIBUTEVAL function, 1, 2, 3
- ATTRPARENT. See attribute parent field type
- .ATX files, 1
- audio clips, 1
- audit log files, 1, 2
- Autoconfigure Dense/Sparse option, 1
- automating routine operations, 1
- average time balance property, 1
- average time balances specified in data sources, 1
- averages
- Attribute Calculations dimension, 1
- determining with formulas, 1, 2
- for time periods, 1, 2
- reporting examples, 1, 2
- setting time balances, 1
- @AVG function, 1
- Avg member, Attribute Calculations dimension, 1
- @AVGRANGE function, 1, 2
- B, time balance codes in data source, 1
- background startup, 1
- backing up databases, 1
- backslashes (\)
- in application and database names, 1
- in dimension and member names, 1
- in formulas, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1
- backups
- creating archive as, 1
- creating by exporting, 1
- restoring after system failures, 1
- security, 1
- .BAK file, 1
- .BAK files, 1
- balance sheet accounts, 1
- bang command (!)
- adding to report scripts, 1
- terminating reports, 1
- .BAS files, 1
- base dimensions
- associating with attribute dimensions in Outline Editor, 1
- defined, 1, 2
- member associations, 1
- members
- associating with attributes in Outline Editor, 1
- attribute formulas, 1
- attributes, 1
- Basic databases. See Demo Basic database; Sample Basic database
- BASIC directory, 1
- basic equations, 1
- basic reporting techniques, 1
- creating simple reports, 1, 2
- developing free-form reports, 1
- editing report scripts, 1, 2, 3, 4
- implementing security, 1
- opening
- report scripts, 1
- opening report scripts, 1
- running report scripts, 1, 2, 3
- saving report scripts, 1
- .BAT files, 1
- batch files, 1
- and ESSCMD scripts, 1
- report scripts and, 1
- running, 1
- batch mode
- command-line syntax for, 1
- creating scripts for, 1
- dimension building and, 1
- dynamic calculations and, 1
- error-handling, 1
- examples
- importing and calculating, 1
- printing reports, 1
- updating SQL scripts, 1
- file-name extensions and, 1
- MaxL, 1
- overview, 1
- shutting down server, 1
- syntax, 1
- updating outlines, 1
- when to use, 1
- batch processing time, 1
- BEFORE command, 1
- usage example, 1
- BEGINARCHIVE command, 1, 2
- partitioned applications and, 1
- BIN directory
- ESSCMD files, 1
- files stored in, 1
- bitmap compression, 1
- described, 1
- estimating block size, 1
- overview, 1
- specifying, 1
- bitmap dimensions, 1
- bitmap files, 1
- bitmap, calculator cache, 1, 2
- bitmaps, 1
- black squares (Report Viewer), 1
- blank fields
- adding values to, 1
- in data source, 1
- in rules file, 1
- blanks. See white space
- block calculation mode, 1
- block density (defined), 1
- block offsets, 1
- BLOCKHEADERS command, 1, 2
- blocks. See data blocks
- .BND files, 1
- Boolean
- attribute dimension type, 1, 2
- attributes
- changing default member names, 1
- described, 1
- duplicate values, 1
- expressions in rules files
- for select/reject criteria, 1, 2
- functions, in formulas, 1, 2
- Boolean expressions, 1
- for select/reject criteria, 1
- grouping, 1
- usage example, 1
- Boolean operators, 1, 2
- BOTTOM command
- entering in report scripts, 1, 2, 3
- precedence, 1
- restrictions, 1, 2
- upper limits, 1
- usage, 1
- usage example, 1
- bottom-up
- partitioning, 1
- bottom-up calculation, 1, 2
- transparent partitions, 1
- bottom-up ordering
- calculations, 1
- dynamic builds, 1, 2, 3
- examples, 1, 2
- bottom-up partitioning
- defined, 1
- braces ({})
- in dimension and member names, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- in report scripts, 1, 2
- brackets ([])
- in application and database names, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- BRACKETS command, 1, 2
- overriding, 1
- branches
- Calc Script Editor
- aliases, 1
- dimensions, 1
- members, 1
- data hierarchies, 1
- Formula Editor
- aliases, 1
- dimensions, 1
- members, 1
- outlines, 1
- sharing members, 1
- browser for editing objects, 1, 2
- budgets
- allocating values, 1, 2
- comparing actual to budgeted, 1, 2
- example database for forecasting, 1
- example for increasing, 1
- generating and loading new, 1
- getting variance, 1, 2
- partitioned applications and, 1
- variance reporting and, 1
- buffer size
- setting using MaxL, 1, 2
- buffers, 1, 2
- See also caches
- extracted data row cells, 1
- increasing size, 1
- setting internal, 1
- sorted data, 1
- build methods
- adding members
- as children of specified parent, 1
- as sibling with matching strings, 1
- as siblings of lowest level, 1
- bottom-up ordering, 1
- creating
- multiple roll-ups, 1, 2
- creating shared members
- at different generations, 1, 2
- at same generation, 1, 2, 3
- including branches, 1, 2
- defined, 1
- defining parent/child relationship, 1
- description, 1
- null processing, 1, 2
- selecting, 1, 2
- supported for associating attributes, 1
- top-down ordering, 1
- valid field types, 1
- BUILDDIM command, 1, 2
- building
- See also adding; creating
- applications, 1
- calc scripts, 1, 2, 3
- in Calc Script Editor, 1, 2, 3
- restrictions, 1
- syntax for, 1
- with Application Manager, 1
- databases, 1, 2, 3
- development process for, 1
- example for, 1
- prerequisites for, 1
- dimensions, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- dynamically. See dynamic builds
- example for, 1
- guidelines for, 1, 2
- prerequisites, 1, 2, 3
- restructuring databases and, 1
- with data sources, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- with dynamically calculated members, 1
- with rules files, 1, 2, 3, 4
- dynamic calculations, 1, 2
- restrictions, 1, 2, 3
- formulas, 1, 2
- with Formula Editor, 1, 2
- multiple roll-ups, 1
- reports, 1, 2, 3
- basic techniques, 1, 2
- free-form, 1
- with API function calls, 1
- shared members dynamically, 1, 2, 3, 4
- builds. See dynamic builds
- business models
- checklist for creating, 1
- creating as a part of database design, 1
- Cache Memory Locking
- enabling with Application Manager, 1
- enabling with ESSCMD or MaxL, 1
- updating, 1
- caches
- as storage units, 1
- calculator, 1, 2, 3
- determining size, 1
- disabling, 1
- getting information about, 1, 2
- locking memory for, 1
- managing, 1, 2
- optimizing read/writes, 1, 2
- setting size, 1, 2, 3, 4
- with Application Manager, 1, 2
- with ESSCMD or MaxL, 1, 2
- with Hyperion Essbase kernel, 1, 2
- updating, 1, 2, 3
- CALC ALL command, 1
- block ordering and, 1
- currency conversions, 1
- dynamic calculations and, 1
- dynamically calculated members and, 1
- Intelligent Calculation and, 1, 2, 3, 4
- partitioned applications and, 1
- usage overview, 1, 2, 3
- CALC AVERAGE command, 1
- CALC COL command. See CALCULATE COLUMN command
- CALC command, 1
- CALC DIM command, 1
- dynamically calculated members and, 1
- Intelligent Calculation and, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- usage examples, 1, 2, 3
- CALC FIRST command, 1
- CALC LAST command, 1
- CALC ROW command. See CALCULATE ROW command
- Calc Script button (Application Manager), 1
- calc script calculations, 1
- Calc Script Editor
- building calc scripts, 1, 2, 3
- changing scripts, 1
- checking syntax, 1, 2, 3
- copying scripts, 1
- expanding/contracting dimensions, 1
- expanding/contracting member branches, 1
- finding and replacing text, 1
- opening, 1
- printing calc scripts, 1
- saving calc scripts, 1, 2
- searching for members, 1
- undoing last action, 1
- calc script files, 1, 2
- naming, 1, 2
- opening, 1, 2
- selecting, 1, 2
- calc scripts, 1
- adding
- aliases, 1
- comments, 1
- equations, 1, 2
- formulas, 1, 2, 3, 4
- text, 1
- aggregating missing values in, 1
- applying conditions, 1
- attaching to databases, 1
- building in Calc Script Editor, 1, 2, 3, 4
- calculation order, 1
- changing, 1, 2, 3
- checking syntax, 1
- clearing databases after export, 1
- copying, 1, 2
- creating with Application Manager, 1
- currency conversions, 1, 2
- declaring variables in, 1, 2
- defined, 1, 2
- defining
- as default, 1
- execution access, 1
- deleting, 1, 2
- displaying completion notices with, 1
- dynamic calculations and, 1, 2
- examples, 1, 2, 3, 4
- formulas in, 1
- generating statistical information, 1
- grouping formulas and dimensions, 1, 2, 3, 4
- inserting
- calculation commands, 1, 2, 3
- variables, 1
- Intelligent Calculation and, 1, 2, 3, 4
- loading, 1, 2, 3
- names with special characters, 1, 2
- overriding default calculation order, 1
- performing multiple calculation passes, 1
- examples, 1, 2, 3, 4
- printing, 1
- restrictions, 1
- running, 1
- aborted transactions and, 1
- calculating Sample Basic, 1
- information messages after, 1
- on partitioned applications, 1
- with Application Manager, 1
- with ESSCMD, 1
- with MaxL, 1
- saving, 1, 2, 3
- on client workstations, 1, 2
- syntax for
- checking, 1, 2
- guidelines, 1
- troubleshooting, 1
- two-pass calculations, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- UDAs and, 1
- undoing changes, 1
- unlocking, 1
- usage overview, 1, 2, 3
- viewing log file contents, 1
- CALC TWOPASS command, 1
- usage examples, 1, 2, 3
- CALCDEFAULT command, 1
- CALCLINE command, 1
- CALCLOCKBLOCK setting, 1
- @CALCMODE function, 1
- usage examples, 1, 2
- Calculate Database dialog box, 1
- canceling operations, 1
- running calc scripts, 1
- calculate privilege, 1
- defined, 1, 2
- filters and, 1
- CALCULATE ROW command, 1, 2
- restrictions, 1
- usage examples, 1, 2, 3
- calculated columns
- adding totals, 1
- clearing values, 1, 2
- creating, 1, 2, 3
- calculated data, 1
- filtering, 1
- formatting, 1, 2
- calculated values vs. input values, 1
- calculation commands, 1, 2
- computation, 1
- control, 1
- declaring temporary variables for, 1
- functions, custom-defined, 1
- iterating through, 1
- macros, custom-defined, 1
- specifying global settings, 1
- calculation scripts. See calc scripts
- calculations, 1, 2, 3
- See also calc scripts; dynamic calculations
- aborted transactions and, 1
- account reporting values, 1
- across multiple processors, 1
- ad hoc, 1
- adding formulas to, 1, 2, 3, 4
- with Formula Editor, 1, 2
- assigning constants, 1
- associating with specific database, 1, 2, 3, 4
- attributes
- accessing calculated data, 1
- Attribute Calculations dimension, 1
- default calculation, 1
- described, 1
- examples, 1
- multiple calculations, 1
- performance considerations, 1
- process, 1
- using attributes in formulas, 1
- basic concepts, 1
- block mode, 1
- blocks with dirty status, 1
- bottom-up, 1, 2
- calc scripts vs., 1
- caution for changing outlines and, 1, 2
- cell mode, 1
- checklist for defining, 1
- concurrent and memory usage, 1
- controlling flow, 1, 2, 3
- currency conversions, 1, 2, 3
- links and, 1
- dates, 1
- default, 1
- overriding, 1
- setting, 1, 2, 3
- defining global behavior, 1
- defining order, 1
- cells, 1, 2
- data blocks, 1
- dimensions, 1
- forward references and, 1
- members, 1, 2
- designing for optimal, 1
- difference between actual and budgeted, 1
- displaying completion notices, 1
- displaying settings, 1
- entire database, 1
- executing in MaxL, 1
- extending capabilities, 1
- failing, 1
- first-time, 1
- fixing unexpected results, 1, 2
- getting current state, 1
- getting information about, 1
- handling missing and zero values, 1
- members across multiple parents, 1
- members in outlines, 1
- members with different operators, 1
- missing values and, 1, 2, 3
- monitoring, 1
- monthly assets, 1
- multiple databases, 1
- operator precedence, 1
- optimizing, 1, 2
- with attributes, 1
- with bottom-up calculation, 1
- with calc scripts, 1
- with calculator cache, 1
- with dynamic calculations, 1, 2
- with Intelligent Calculation, 1
- with interdependent values, 1
- with two-pass calculations, 1
- overview, 1, 2, 3
- partial list of members, 1
- partitioned applications
- with replicated partitions, 1
- with transparent partitions, 1, 2, 3, 4
- performance and multi-users, 1
- performance, with attributes, 1
- performing multiple passes, 1, 2, 3, 4
- examples, 1, 2, 3, 4
- period-to-date values, 1, 2
- preventing delays, 1
- recovering, 1
- relationships between members, 1
- report scripts, 1, 2
- examples, 1, 2, 3
- rolling averages, 1
- running, 1
- default, 1
- in batch mode, 1, 2, 3
- setting the default calc using MaxL, 1
- setting up two-pass, 1, 2, 3
- shared members, 1
- single-server applications, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- specified dimensions, 1
- statistics, 1
- stopping, 1
- subsets of data, 1, 2, 3
- example, 1
- with Intelligent Calculation, 1
- testing, 1
- top-down, 1, 2
- types described, 1, 2
- using MaxL, 1
- variance performance, 1
- with a series of dimensions, 1
- with a series of member formulas, 1
- year-to-date values, 1
- calculator cache
- as storage unit, 1
- bitmap, 1, 2
- disabling, 1
- maximum size, 1
- optimizing, 1, 2
- overview, 1
- setting size, 1, 2, 3
- calculator hash tables, 1, 2
- canceling
- archiving operations, 1
- calculations, 1
- changes to calc scripts, 1
- ESSCMD operations, 1, 2
- captures, 1, 2
- carriage return as file delimiter, 1
- case conversions, 1, 2
- case sensitivity
- field type designation in header record, 1
- member names, 1
- case-sensitive names
- converting case, 1, 2
- defining selection criteria for, 1, 2
- report scripts, 1
- setting for database, 1, 2
- case-sensitive passwords, 1
- case-sensitive searches
- Calc Script Editor, 1
- Field Properties dialog, 1
- Formula Editor, 1, 2
- Report Editor, 1
- case-sensitivity in ESSCMD, 1
- cash flow, 1, 2
- catalogs, 1, 2, 3
- category conversion property, 1
- CCONV command, 1, 2
- usage examples, 1, 2
- usage overview, 1, 2
- CCTRACK setting, 1
- cell calculation mode, 1
- cells, 1
- accessing, 1
- simultaneously in different databases, 1
- annotating, 1
- copying range of, 1
- determining calculation order for, 1, 2
- examples, 1, 2, 3, 4
- empty, 1
- caution for storing, 1
- linking objects to, 1
- mapping to targets, 1
- ordering in blocks, 1
- partitioning and, 1, 2, 3
- removing linked objects, 1
- returning unique values for, 1
- shaded, 1
- centering data, 1, 2
- example, 1
- centralized data repositories, 1
- .CFG files, 1, 2
- See also configurations
- change log files, 1, 2
- contents described, 1
- enabling/disabling, 1
- format example, 1
- overview, 1
- restructuring and, 1
- setting size, 1
- updating, 1
- Change Password dialog box, 1
- changes
- affecting only outlines, 1
- applying to outlines, 1, 2
- discarding partition, 1
- impacting restructures, 1, 2
- overriding incremental restructuring, 1
- overwritten, 1
- relational storage manager and, 1
- tracking outline, 1
- unable to make, 1
- undoing, 1
- viewing outline, 1
- changing
- See also editing; altering
- access privileges, 1, 2, 3, 4
- alias table names, 1
- aliases, 1
- attribute associations, 1
- calc scripts, 1, 2, 3
- consolidations, 1
- data, 1, 2, 3
- prerequisite for, 1
- data values, 1
- default storage properties, 1
- dimension names, 1
- dimension properties, 1, 2, 3, 4
- dimensions, 1, 2
- default configurations, 1
- for currency conversions, 1
- formulas, 1, 2
- headings in reports, 1
- Hyperion Essbase kernel settings, 1, 2
- scope and precedence, 1
- with Application Manager, 1
- with ESSCMD, 1, 2
- linked partitions, 1
- member combinations for linked objects, 1
- member names, 1
- members, 1
- outlines, 1, 2, 3, 4
- caution for, 1, 2, 3
- dynamically, 1
- for currency conversions, 1
- with rules files, 1
- passwords, 1
- report layouts, 1
- security settings, 1, 2
- system password, 1, 2
- character searches. See searches
- character strings
- in calculation formulas, 1
- character strings. See strings
- characters
- calc scripts, 1
- end-of-file markers and special, 1
- forbidden at the beginning of a name, 1
- formulas, 1
- ignored in data sources, 1
- ignored in report extraction, 1
- in array and variable names, 1
- maximum
- in aliases, 1
- in application and database names, 1
- in application names, 1
- in database names, 1
- in dimension names, 1
- in member names, 1, 2
- in URLs, 1
- numeric in member names, 1
- quoting in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- valid in numeric data fields, 1
- checking
- disk space, 1
- forward references, 1
- syntax
- Calc Script Editor, 1, 2, 3
- Formula Editor, 1, 2
- check-out facility, 1
- .CHG files, 1, 2
- updating, 1
- child
- See also parent/child relationships
- adding as member of specified parent, 1
- as only member (implied sharing), 1
- calculation order for outlines, 1
- checking for, 1
- consolidation properties and, 1
- currency conversions and, 1
- defined, 1
- dimension as, 1
- member as, 1, 2
- rolling up, 1
- shared member as, 1
- child field type
- in header records, 1
- in rules files, 1
- sharing members, 1, 2, 3
- child processes, 1
- CHILD. See child field type
- @CHILDREN function, 1
- CHILDREN command, 1
- entering in report scripts, 1
- usage, 1
- choosing
- alias tables, 1, 2
- applications for loading, 1
- with ESSCMD, 1
- build methods, 1, 2
- calc script files, 1, 2
- data sources, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- using Windows, 1
- data targets, 1
- data to partition, 1, 2, 3
- databases for loading, 1
- with ESSCMD, 1
- dimension type, 1, 2, 3, 4
- guidelines for, 1
- fields, 1
- members
- for dynamic calculations, 1
- members for column groupings, 1
- members for dynamic calculations, 1, 2
- members for report scripts, 1, 2, 3
- from Dynamic Time Series, 1
- with ATTRIBUTE command, 1
- with Boolean operators, 1
- with conditions, 1
- with substitution variables, 1
- with TODATE command, 1
- with UDAs, 1
- with wildcards, 1
- with WITHATTR command, 1
- multiple dimensions and members, 1
- multiple files, 1, 2
- multiple members, 1
- partition type, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- in Partition Wizard, 1, 2, 3, 4
- records, 1, 2, 3
- report script files, 1, 2
- SQL data sources, 1
- values for dynamic calculations, 1, 2
- guidelines for, 1, 2
- clean status
- caution for sparse dimensions, 1
- clearing data and, 1
- Intelligent Calculation and, 1
- marking blocks with, 1, 2
- partial calculations and, 1
- Clear Alias Table dialog box, 1
- Clear Data Combinations page (Data Load Settings), 1
- CLEARBLOCK command, 1, 2
- CLEARBLOCK DYNAMIC command, 1, 2, 3
- CLEARDATA command, 1
- partitioned applications and, 1
- usage overview, 1, 2
- clearing
- See also deleting
- alias tables, 1
- data, 1, 2, 3, 4
- caution, 1
- in calculated columns, 1, 2
- locks, 1
- log file contents, 1, 2
- member combinations, 1
- values in transparent partitions, 1
- CLEARLOGFILE setting, 1, 2
- CLEARROWCALC command, 1
- client
- interfaces
- accessing linked objects and, 1
- workstations
- as used in Hyperion Essbase, 1
- caution for loading data from, 1
- troubleshooting connections, 1
- client interfaces, 1
- client window, 1
- client workstations
- caution for improper shutdown, 1
- deleting calc scripts, 1
- recovering from improper shutdowns, 1
- writing calc scripts to, 1, 2
- clients, 1, 2, 3
- communicating with server, 1
- configuring, 1
- types described, 1, 2
- client-server applications
- See also single-server applications
- development guidelines, 1
- overview, 1
- client-server model, 1, 2, 3
- Close dialog box
- saving partition definitions, 1
- closing
- See also exiting; quitting; stopping
- applications, 1, 2, 3, 4
- archiving and, 1
- multiple simultaneously, 1
- with related database, 1
- databases, 1, 2, 3
- Log Viewer, 1
- Partition Wizard, 1
- .CNT files, 1
- codes in data source
- setting member properties, 1
- COLHEADING command, 1
- Collapse to Ancestor command, 1
- collapsing
- alias member lists, 1
- Calc Script Editor lists, 1
- Formula Editor lists, 1
- outline hierarchies, 1
- colons (:)
- in application and database names, 1
- in formulas, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- column calculation commands, 1
- COLUMN command
- entering in report scripts, 1
- column formatting commands, 1, 2, 3, 4
- column headings
- adding to calculated columns, 1
- adding to reports, 1, 2
- changing, 1
- defined, 1
- displaying, 1
- for loading asymmetric columns, 1
- multi-line, 1
- names truncated, 1
- repeating, 1
- SQL data sources, 1
- suppressing, 1
- column widths, 1
- columns
- See also fields
- adjusting length, 1
- calculating in reports, 1, 2
- creating asymmetric, 1
- creating calculated, 1, 2
- defining as fields, 1
- fixed-width, 1
- formatting, 1
- formatting for data load, 1, 2
- mapping specific fields only, 1
- nesting in reports, 1
- numbering, 1
- ordering in data sources, 1
- overriding grouping in reports, 1
- parent/child data sources, 1
- replacing empty fields with text, 1
- restricting number of, 1
- setting as data field, 1
- switching with rows, 1
- symmetry in reports, 1
- using attributes in, 1
- combining fields. See joining fields
- command prompt, 1
- command syntax, 1
- command-line interface
- See also ESSCMD; server console
- running batch files, 1
- commands, 1
- See also specific command
- calculation types listed, 1
- case sensitivity, 1
- caution for processing, 1
- computation, 1
- control, 1
- data extraction, 1, 2, 3
- declaring temporary variables for, 1
- displaying help for, 1
- entering in ESSCMD scripts, 1
- entering in report scripts, 1
- ESSCMD syntax, 1
- global calculation settings, 1
- iterating through, 1
- member selection, 1, 2
- page layout, 1, 2
- performance-related, 1
- report formatting, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- caution for usage, 1, 2
- report output, 1
- Server Agent, 1
- sorting, 1, 2
- startup in server console, 1
- commas (,)
- as file delimiter, 1
- displaying in reports, 1
- in application and database names, 1
- in data fields, 1
- in dimension and member names, 1
- in formulas, 1
- in header records, 1
- in member combinations, 1
- in names in scripts and formulas, 1, 2
- suppressing in reports, 1, 2
- COMMAS command, 1, 2
- overriding, 1, 2
- comment fields, 1
- comments
- See also annotating
- adding to dimensions, 1
- adding to members, 1
- calc scripts, 1
- display options, 1
- report scripts, 1
- storing, 1
- viewing in Application Manager, 1
- commission, 1, 2, 3
- returning from calc scripts, 1
- Commit Block setting, 1, 2
- Commit Row setting, 1, 2, 3
- commits, 1
- data loads failing and, 1, 2
- initiating, 1
- managing, 1
- rollbacks and, 1
- setting isolation level, 1, 2
- with ESSCMD, 1, 2
- updating isolation level, 1
- committed access
- about, 1
- caution for, 1
- defined, 1
- locks and, 1, 2, 3
- rollbacks and, 1
- setting, 1, 2, 3
- common currency, 1
- communications
- client-server models, 1, 2, 3
- communications protocols, 1
- Company database
- provided with Hyperion Essbase, 1
- comparing
- data values, 1, 2, 3
- timestamps for outlines, 1
- compilers, 1, 2
- complete loads, 1
- completion notices, 1
- complex formulas, 1, 2, 3
- @COMPOUND function, 1
- compounded interest, 1
- @COMPOUNDGROWTH function, 1
- compression, 1
- checking compression ratio, 1
- enabling/disabling, 1
- estimating block size, 1
- fragmentation allowance, 1, 2
- optimal configuration, 1
- overview, 1
- processes described, 1
- ratio, 1
- repetitive values, 1, 2, 3
- specifying, 1, 2
- types defined, 1
- updating, 1
- values (ESSCMD), 1
- viewing settings information, 1
- compression settings
- changing using MaxL, 1
- computing data relationships, 1
- @CONCATENATE function, 1
- concatenating fields, 1
- concurrent calculations, 1, 2
- overview, 1
- conditional blocks, 1
- conditional equations, 1
- conditional operators, 1, 2
- conditions
- adding to report scripts, 1, 2
- examples, 1, 2, 3
- logical, 1, 2
- setting for ESSCMD, 1
- specifying
- for data loads, 1, 2
- in formulas, 1, 2
- testing, 1, 2
- configurable variables, 1
- setting, 1
- configuration files, 1, 2
- configurations
- activating change logs, 1
- activating outline change log, 1, 2
- changing, 1
- checking, 1
- clearing log files, 1, 2
- clients, 1
- controlling log file contents, 1
- currency calculations, 1
- database, 1
- dimensions
- automatic, 1, 2, 3
- changing default setting, 1
- determining optimal, 1, 2
- enabling incremental restructuring, 1
- Hyperion Essbase kernel settings and, 1
- Intelligent Calculation, 1
- logging spreadsheet updates, 1
- resetting error log
- files, 1
- limits, 1
- setting number of threads, 1
- setting outline change file size, 1
- viewing settings information, 1, 2
- Confirm Delete dialog box, 1, 2
- Confirm Password text box, 1, 2
- Confirmation dialog box, 1
- Connect page (Partition Wizard), 1
- connection passwords, 1
- connections
- communications protocols, 1
- databases with data cells, 1
- losing, 1
- multiple servers, 1
- partitioned applications, 1, 2, 3
- preventing system failures, 1, 2
- terminating, 1
- for specific user, 1, 2
- troubleshooting, 1
- Connections dialog box, 1
- consecutive values, 1
- consistency. See data integrity
- console. See server console
- consolidation, 1, 2
- changing, 1
- codes in data source, 1
- default order, 1
- defined, 1
- defining for members, 1, 2
- display options, 1
- excluding members from, 1, 2
- fixing unexpected results, 1, 2
- operators listed, 1
- performance considerations, 1
- restrictions, 1
- specifying requirements for, 1
- consolidation paths
- defining, 1, 2
- checklist for, 1
- consolidation properties
- described, 1
- setting, 1, 2
- shared members and, 1
- consolidations (in Hyperion MBA). See defaults, calculations
- constants, 1, 2
- contracting. See collapsing
- control information, 1
- conventions. See naming conventions
- conversions, 1
- See also currency conversions
- case, 1, 2
- positive/negative values, 1
- white space
- in data loads, 1
- to underscores in data load, 1
- converting
- dates, 1
- spaces to underscores, 1
- coordinates (data values), 1
- Copy Alias Table dialog box, 1
- Copy Filter dialog box, 1
- Copy Group dialog box, 1
- Copy to Server Object dialog box, 1
- Copy User dialog box, 1
- COPYAPP command, 1
- COPYDB command, 1, 2, 3
- COPYFILTER command, 1
- copying
- See also duplicating; replicating
- alias tables, 1
- applications, 1, 2
- base dimension members, 1
- calc scripts, 1
- data, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- database outlines, 1
- databases, 1, 2
- filters, 1
- from data targets, 1
- objects, 1
- outline files, 1, 2, 3
- outlines
- with Application Manager, 1
- security profiles, 1, 2
- text
- in calc scripts, 1
- in formulas, 1
- in report scripts, 1
- @CORRELATION function, 1
- correlation coefficient, calculating, 1
- corrupted data, 1, 2
- operations causing, 1
- cost of goods, 1
- example for allocating, 1
- @COUNT function, 1
- Count member, Attribute Calculations dimension, 1
- count, calculating, 1
- country dimension
- creating, 1
- currency applications, 1
- description, 1
- specifying, 1
- usage overview, 1
- country-specific data. See locales,
- .CPL files, 1
- crashes
- getting information about, 1
- minimizing, 1, 2
- recovering from, 1, 2, 3
- suggested procedures, 1
- restructuring and, 1
- transaction rollbacks and, 1
- Create Alias Table dialog box, 1
- create application (MaxL), 1, 2
- create blocks on equations
- setting in MaxL, 1
- Create Blocks on Equations option, 1
- Create Currency Database dialog box, 1
- create database (MaxL), 1, 2, 3, 4
- Create Field Using Join dialog box, 1, 2
- Create Field Using Text dialog box, 1
- create group (MaxL), 1
- create location alias (MaxL), 1
- Create New Application dialog box, 1, 2
- Create New Database dialog box, 1, 2
- create user (MaxL), 1
- Create/Delete Applications privilege type, 1
- Create/Delete Users/Groups privilege type, 1
- CREATEAPP command, 1
- CREATEDB command, 1
- CREATEGROUP command, 1
- CREATEUSER command, 1
- creating
- See also adding; building
- alias combinations, 1
- alias tables, 1, 2
- aliases, 1, 2
- based on member combinations, 1
- caution for, 1, 2, 3
- guidelines for, 1
- applications, 1, 2
- for currency conversions, 1
- for Personal Essbase servers, 1
- prerequisites, 1
- required privilege for, 1
- with Application Manager, 1
- backups, 1, 2
- data blocks, 1
- data load rules, 1
- database outlines, 1, 2, 3, 4
- example for, 1
- from data sources, 1
- guidelines for, 1
- prerequisites for, 1
- with Outline Editor, 1, 2
- databases, 1, 2, 3
- for Personal Essbase servers, 1
- process summarized, 1
- with Application Manager, 1
- Dynamic Calc And Store members, 1
- Dynamic Calc members, 1
- ESSCMD script files, 1, 2
- fields, 1, 2, 3
- with joins, 1, 2
- filters, 1, 2
- for partitioned databases, 1, 2
- formulas, 1, 2
- examples, 1, 2, 3
- syntax for, 1
- with Formula Editor, 1, 2
- writing equations, 1
- header records, 1, 2
- linked partitions, 1, 2
- linked reporting objects, 1
- member groups, 1, 2
- multiple roll-ups, 1, 2
- outline files, 1
- outlines
- for currency conversions, 1
- outlines for currency conversions, 1
- partition definition files, 1
- partitions, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- for currency conversions, 1, 2
- process summarized, 1
- queries, 1
- replicated partitions, 1, 2, 3
- report files, 1
- report scripts, 1, 2
- basic techniques, 1, 2
- in ESSCMD, 1
- in MaxL, 1
- parts described, 1
- with Application Manager, 1
- rules files, 1, 2
- process overview, 1
- scripts for batch processing, 1
- shared members, 1, 2, 3, 4
- for different generations, 1, 2
- for same generation, 1, 2, 3
- guidelines for, 1, 2
- with Outline Editor, 1
- with rules files, 1
- shared roll-ups, 1
- substitution variables, 1
- text files, 1, 2
- trace files, 1, 2
- transparent partitions, 1, 2
- two-dimensional reports, 1, 2
- UDAs, 1, 2