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The examples in this chapter illustrate different types of calc scripts, which you may want to adapt for your own use.
This chapter includes the following examples:
For more examples that use the Intelligent Calculation commands SET UPDATECALC and SET CLEARUPDATESTATUS in calc scripts, Using Intelligent Calculation to Optimize Calculation.
The Sample Basic database includes a calculation of the percentage of variance between Budget and Actual values.
Figure 32-1: Calculating Variance and Variance %
During a default calculation of the Sample Basic database, Hyperion Essbase aggregates the values on the Market and Product dimensions. Aggregating percentage values does not produce the correct result. Therefore, the Variance % formula needs to be recalculated after the default calculation.
In the Sample Basic outline, Variance % is tagged as a Dynamic Calc, two-pass member, which means that Hyperion Essbase dynamically calculates Variance % values when you retrieve them. This calculation overwrites the incorrect values with the correctly calculated percentages. If you choose not to tag Variance % as a Dynamic Calc, two-pass member, you could use the following calc script to recalculate the percentages. For more information on dynamic calc members, see Dynamically Calculating Data Values.
Assuming that Intelligent Calculation is turned on (the default), the following calc script performs a default calculation and then recalculates the formula on Variance %:
Hyperion Essbase performs the following calculations:
For information on calculating statistical variance, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS
For more information on using a calc script for two-pass calculations, see Optimizing Calculations. For more information on developing formulas, see Developing Formulas.
This example is based on the Sample Basic database. The Marketing managers of each of the regions East, West, South, and Central need to calculate their corresponding areas of the database.
Figure 32-2: Market Dimension from the Sample Basic Database
The following calc script is used by the marketing manager of the region East to calculate the data values for East. It calculates the Year, Measures, and Products dimensions for each child of East.
/* Calculate the Budget data values for the descendants of East */ FIX(Budget, @DESCENDANTS(East)) CALC DIM(Year, Measures, Product); ENDFIX /* Consolidate East */ FIX(Budget) @DESCENDANTS(East); ENDFIX
Hyperion Essbase performs the following calculations:
The following three calc scripts are used by the marketing managers of the other regions:
/* Calculate the Budget data values for the descendants of West */ FIX(Budget, @DESCENDANTS(West)) CALC DIM(Year, Measures, Product); ENDFIX /* Consolidate West */ FIX(Budget) @DESCENDANTS(West); ENDFIX
/* Calculate the Budget data values for the descendants of South */ FIX(Budget, @DESCENDANTS(South)) CALC DIM(Year, Measures, Product); ENDFIX /* Consolidate South */ FIX(Budget) @DESCENDANTS(South); ENDFIX
/* Calculate the Budget data values for the descendants of Central */ FIX(Budget, @DESCENDANTS(Central)) CALC DIM(Year, Measures, Product); ENDFIX /* Consolidate Central */ FIX(Budget) @DESCENDANTS(Central); ENDFIX
The following example loads budget values into the Sample Basic database and recalculates the database:
/* Recalculate all Budget values */ FIX(Budget) CALC DIM(Year, Product, Market, Measures); ENDFIX
/* Recalculate the Variance and Variance % formulas, which require two passes */ Variance; "Variance %";
Hyperion Essbase performs the following calculations:
The following example is based on the Sample Basic database. It calculates product share and market share values for each market and each product.
The product and market share values are calculated based on:
Assume that you add four members to the Measures dimension: Market Share, Product Share, Market %, and Product %.
/* First consolidate the Sales values to ensure that they are accurate */ FIX(Sales) CALC DIM(Year, Market, Product); ENDFIX
/* Calculate each market as a percentage of the total market for each product */ "Market Share" = Sales % Sales->Market;
/* Calculate each product as a percentage of the total product for each market */ "Product Share" = Sales % Sales->Product;
/* Calculate each market as a percentage of its parent for each product */ "Market %" = Sales % @PARENTVAL(Market, Sales);
/* Calculate each product as a percentage its parent for each market */ "Product %" = Sales % @PARENTVAL(Product, Sales);
Hyperion Essbase performs the following calculations:
The following example is based on the Sample Basic database. It allocates overhead costs to each product in each market for each month.
The overhead costs are allocated based on each product's Sales value as a percentage of the total Sales for all products.
Assume that you add two members to the Measures dimension: OH_Costs for the allocated overhead costs and OH_TotalCost for the total overhead costs.
/* Declare a temporary array called ALLOCQ based on the Year dimension */ ARRAY ALLOCQ[Year];
/*Turn the Aggregate Missing Values setting off. If this is your system default, omit this line */ SET AGGMISSG OFF;
/* Allocate the overhead costs for Actual values */ FIX(Actual) OH_Costs (ALLOCQ=Sales/Sales->Product; OH_Costs = OH_TotalCost->Product * ALLOCQ;);
/* Calculate and consolidate the Measures dimension */ CALC DIM(Measures); ENDFIX
Hyperion Essbase performs the following calculations:
command means that #MISSING
values are not aggregated to their parents. Data values stored at parent levels are not overwritten. If this is your system default, you can omit this line. For more information on setting the default for aggregating #MISSING
values, see Optimizing Calculations.
Notice that both of the equations are enclosed in parentheses () and associated with the OH_Costs member, OH_Costs(equation1; equation2;). For more information, see Developing Calc Scripts.
Using the @ALLOCATE and @MDALLOCATE functions, you can allocate values to members in the same dimension or to members in multiple dimensions.
The following example uses the @ALLOCATE function to allocate budgeted total expenses across expense categories for two products. The budgeted total expenses are allocated based on the prior year's actual values.
Note: |
For more information on the @ALLOCATE function, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.
The following example is based on the Sample Basic database. Assume that you have made the following changes to Sample Basic:
Figure 32-3: Modified Measures and Scenario Dimensions from the Sample Basic Database
For this example, assume that data values of 1000 and 2000 are loaded into Budget->Total Expenses for Colas and Root Beer, respectively. These values need to be allocated to each expense category, evenly spreading the values based on the non-missing children of Total Expenses from PY Actual. The allocated values need to be rounded to the nearest dollar.
The following calc script defines the allocation:
/* Allocate budgeted total expenses based on prior year */
FIX("Total Expenses") Budget = @ALLOCATE(Budget->"Total Expenses", @CHILDREN("Total Expenses"),"PY Actual",, spread,SKIPMISSING,roundAmt,0,errorsToHigh) ENDFIX
The following table shows the results:
Hyperion Essbase cycles through the database, performing the following calculations:
Note: |
For another example of the @ALLOCATE function, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.
The following example uses the @MDALLOCATE function to allocate a loaded value for budgeted total expenses across three dimensions. The budgeted total expenses are allocated based on the prior year's actual values.
Note: |
For complete information on the @MDALLOCATE function, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.
The following example is based on the Sample Basic database. Assume that you have made the following modifications:
For this example, a value of 750 (for Budget->Total Expenses->Product-> East->Jan) needs to be allocated to each expense category for the children of product 100 across the states in the East. The allocation uses values from PY Actual to determine the percentage share that each category should receive.
The following calc script defines the allocation:
/* Allocate budgeted total expenses based on prior year, across 3 dimensions */
SET UPDATECALC OFF; FIX (East, "100", "Total Expenses")
BUDGET = @MDALLOCATE(750,3,@CHILDREN("100"),@CHILDREN("Total Expenses"),@CHILDREN(East),"PY Actual",,share); ENDFIX
The following table shows the values for PY Actual:
Hyperion Essbase cycles through the database, performing the following calculations:
The following table shows the results of the allocation for Budget:
Note: |
For another example of the @MDALLOCATE function, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.
The following example is based on the Sample Basic database. However, the example assumes that no members are tagged as Dynamic Calc, and that the Profit per Ounce member (under Ratios in the Scenario dimension) is not included in the calculation. For more information on Dynamic Calc members, see Dynamically Calculating Data Values.
You want to know what sales value you have to reach in order to obtain a certain profit on a specific product.
This example adjusts the Budget value of Sales to reach a goal of 15,000 Profit for Jan. The results are shown for product 100-10.
Figure 32-4: Measures Dimension from the Sample Basic Database
Assume that the data values before running the goal-seeking calc script are as follows:
The calc script is as follows:
/* Declare the temporary variables and set their initial values*/
Target = 15000, AcceptableErrorPercent = .001, AcceptableError, PriorVar, PriorTar,
PctNewVarChange = .10, CurTarDiff, Slope, Quit = 0, DependencyCheck, NxtVar;
/*Declare a temporary array variable called Rollback and base it on the Measures dimension */ ARRAY Rollback [Measures];
/* Fix on the appropriate member combinations and perform the goal-seeking calculation*/ FIX(Budget, Jan, Product, Market) LOOP (35, Quit) Sales (Rollback = Budget; AcceptableError = Target * (AcceptableErrorPercent); PriorVar = Sales; PriorTar = Profit; Sales = Sales + PctNewVarChange * Sales;); CALC DIM(Measures); Sales (DependencyCheck = PriorVar - PriorTar; IF(DependencyCheck <> 0) CurTarDiff = Profit - Target; IF(@ABS(CurTarDiff) > @ABS(AcceptableError)) Slope = (Profit - PriorTar) / (Sales - PriorVar); NxtVar = Sales - (CurTarDiff / Slope); PctNewVarChange = (NxtVar - Sales) / Sales; ELSE Quit = 1; ENDIF; ELSE Budget = Rollback; Quit = 1; ENDIF;); ENDLOOP CALC DIM(Measures); ENDFIX
Hyperion Essbase performs the following calculations:
The IF command checks to see if the absolute value (irrespective of the + or - sign) of CurTarDiff is greater than the absolute value of the acceptable error (AcceptableError). If it is, Hyperion Essbase calculates the Slope, NxtVar, and PctNewVarChange temporary variables.
If it is not greater than AcceptableError, Hyperion Essbase breaks the LOOP command by setting the value of Quit to 1. The calculation continues after the ENDLOOP command.
The results are shown in the following table:
The following example uses the @TREND function to forecast sales data for June through December, assuming that data currently exists only up to May. Using the linear regression forecasting method, this example produces a trend, or line, that starts with the known data values from selected previous months and continues with forecasted values based on the known values. In addition, this example demonstrates how to check the results of the trend for "goodness of fit" to the known data values.
Note: |
For more information on the @TREND function, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.
The following example is based on the Sample Basic database. Assume that the Measures dimension contains an additional child, ErrorLR. The goodness-of-fit results are placed in this member.
The following calc script defines the forecasting:
Sales (@TREND(@LIST(Jan,Mar,Apr),@LIST(1,3,4),, @RANGE(ErrorLR,@LIST(Jan,Mar,Apr)), @LIST(6,7,8,9,10,11,12), Jun:Dec,LR););
The following table explains each parameter:
Note: |
For more information on the @LIST and @RANGE functions, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.
The following table shows the results of the calc script:
Hyperion Essbase cycles through the database, performing the following calculations:
since these months were not part of Ylist.
Note: |
For another example of the @TREND function, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.
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