- accounts dimension
- A dimension type that makes accounting intelligence available. You can tag only one dimension as accounts; you do not have to have an accounts dimension.
- administrator
- An individual who installs and maintains the Hyperion Essbase system including setting up user accounts and security. See also database administrator, system administrator.
- Advanced Interpretation mode
- An option in Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in that you use to define a layout through drill through or Hyperion Essbase Query Designer or by typing data into the sheet. When you construct a free-form report in Advanced Interpretation mode, Hyperion Essbase interprets the member names and creates a default view that is based on the location of the labels.
- agent
- A process on the server that starts and stops applications and databases, manages connections from users, and handles user-access security. Referred to as ESSBASE.EXE.
- agent log file
- A record of actions performed by the agent (server).
- aggregate
- See consolidate.
- alias
- An alternate name for a dimension, member, or description.
- alias table
- A table that stores aliases for the dimensions or members in a database.
- ancestor
- A branch member that has members below it. For example, in the Sample Basic database, Qtr2 and Year are ancestors of April.
- application
- A management structure containing one or more Hyperion Essbase databases and the related files that control many system variables, such as memory allocation and autoload parameters.
- application designer
- An individual who designs, creates, and maintains Hyperion Essbase applications and databases.
- application log file
- A record of user actions that are performed on an application.
- Application Manager
- Hyperion Essbase software that you use to create and maintain Essbase applications.
- Application Programming Interface
- (API) A library of functions that you can use in a custom C or Visual Basic program to access the Hyperion Essbase server.
- application server
- A middle-tier server that is used to run application processes.
- An environment variable that specifies the Hyperion Essbase root directory.
- area
- A predefined set of members and values that makes up a partition.
- arithmetic data load
- A data load that performs operations on values in the database, such as adding 10 to each value.
- asymmetric report
- A report characterized by groups of members that differ by at least one member across the groups. There can be a difference in the number of members or the names of members. For example, a report based on Sample Basic can have three members grouped under "East" and two members grouped under "West."
- attribute
- A classification of a member in a dimension. You can specify an attribute to select and group members who have the specified attribute associated with them and to perform calculations and application-specific functions. For example, a Product dimension can have several attributes, such as Size and Flavor. A specific member of the Product dimension can have the Size attribute 8 and the Flavor attribute Cola.
- attribute association
- A relationship in a database outline whereby a member in an attribute dimension describes a characteristic of a member of its base dimension. For example, if product 100-10 has a grape flavor, the product 100-10 has the Flavor attribute association of grape. Thus, the 100-10 member of the Product dimension is associated with the Grape member of the Flavor attribute dimension.
- Attribute Calculations dimension
- A system-defined dimension that performs the following calculation operations on groups of members: Sum, Count, Avg, Min, Max. The calculation is based on the attributes associated with the members. This dimension is calculated dynamically and is not visible in the database outline. For example, by using the Count member, you can calculate how many Red products had sales in New York in January. By using the Avg member, you can calculate the average sales value for Red products in New York in January.
- attribute dimension
- A type of dimension that enables analysis that is based on the attributes or qualities of the members of its base dimension.
- attribute reporting
- A process of defining reports that is based on the attributes of the base members in the database outline.
- attribute type
- A text, numeric, Boolean, or date type that enables different functions for grouping, selecting, or calculating data. Although assigned at the dimension level, the attribute type applies only to level 0 members of the attribute dimension. For example, because the Ounces attribute dimension has the type numeric, you can use the number of ounces that is specified as the attribute of each product to calculate the profit per ounce for that product.
- bang character
- (!) A character that terminates a series of report commands and requests information from the database. A report script must be terminated with a bang character; several bang characters may be used within a report script.
- base currency
- The currency in which daily business transactions are performed.
- base dimension
- A standard dimension that is associated with an attribute dimension. To classify a member of a base dimension, you can associate it with a member of an attribute dimension that describes the classification, such as a specific flavor. For example, assuming products have flavors, the Product dimension is the base dimension for the Flavors attribute dimension.
- batch calculation
- Any calculation on a database that is done in batch; for example, a calc script or a full database calculation. Dynamic calculations are not considered to be batch calculations.
- batch file
- Operating system file that can call multiple ESSCMD scripts and run multiple sessions of ESSCMD. Batch files handle batch data loads and complex calculations, and can include commands that run report scripts. You can run a batch file on the server from the operating system prompt. On Windows systems, batch files have .BAT file extensions. On UNIX, a batch file is written as a shell script.
- batch processing mode
- A method of using ESSCMD to write a batch or script file that can be used to automate routine server maintenance and diagnostic tasks. ESSCMD script files can execute multiple commands and can be run from the operating system command line or from within operating system batch files. Batch files can be used to call multiple ESSCMD scripts or run multiple instances of ESSCMD.
- block
- The primary storage unit within Hyperion Essbase. A data block is a multidimensional array representing the cells of all dense dimensions.
- build method
- A method used to modify database outlines. You choose a build method based on the format of data in data source files.
- cache
- A buffer in memory that holds data temporarily.
- calc script
- See calculation script.
- calculation
- The process of aggregating or of running a calc script on a database.
- calculation script
- A text file containing a set of instructions telling Hyperion Essbase how to calculate a database.
- cascade
- The process of creating multiple reports for a subset of member values.
- cell
- A unit of data representing the intersection of dimensions in a multidimensional database. Also, the intersection of a row and a column in a worksheet.
- cell note
- A text annotation of up to 599 characters for a cell in a Hyperion Essbase database. Cell notes are a type of linked reporting object.
- change log
- See outline change log.
- child
- A member that has a parent above it in the database outline. A child may have peers (siblings) that exist at its layer of the database outline.
- clean block
- A data block is marked as clean if the database is fully calculated, if a calc script calculates all dimensions at once, or if the SET CLEARUPDATESTATUS command is used in a calc script.
- client
- A client interface, such as the Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in software, a custom API program, or Hyperion Essbase Application Manager. A client is also a workstation that is connected to a server through a local area network.
- client log file
- A record of all messages, actions, and errors that are generated by a client.
- column
- A vertical display of information in a grid or table. A column can contain data from a single field, derived data from a calculation, or textual information. The words column and field are sometimes used interchangeably. Contrast with row.
- column heading
- A part of a report that lists members across a page. When you can define columns that report on data from more than one dimension, you produce nested column headings. A member that is listed in a column heading is an attribute of all data values in its column.
- committed access
- A Hyperion Essbase kernel Isolation Level setting that affects how Hyperion Essbase handles transactions. Under committed access, concurrent transactions hold long-term write locks and yield predictable results.
- consolidate
- The process of gathering data from dependent entities and aggregating the data up to parent entities. After you enter or load data into dependent child entities, you perform a consolidation to aggregate the data through the organization. As data consolidates, intercompany processing, conversion methods, equity adjustments, and minority ownerships perform calculations on the data. For example, if the dimension Year consists of the members Qtr1, Qtr2, Qtr3, and Qtr4, its consolidation is Year. The terms aggregate and roll-up also describe the consolidation process.
- crosstab reporting
- A type of reporting that categorizes and summarizes data in a table format. The cells within the table contain summaries of the data that fit within the intersecting categories. For example, a crosstab report of product sales information could show size attributes such as Small, and Large as column headings and color attributes such as Blue, and Yellow as row headings. The cell in the table where Large and Blue intersect could contain the total sales of all Blue products that are sized Large.
- currency
- A monetary unit of measure that is associated with a balance or transaction.
- currency conversion
- A process that converts currency values in a database from one currency into another currency. To convert one US dollar into the euro, the current exchange rate, for example, 0.923702, is multiplied to the dollar. After conversion (1* 0.923702), the euro amount is .92.
- currency partition
- A dimension type that separates local currency members for a base currency as defined in an application. A currency partition identifies currency types, such as Actual, Budget, and Forecast.
- currency symbol
- A character that represents a currency. For example, the currency symbol for the US dollar is $ and the currency symbol for the British pound is £.
- data cache
- A buffer in memory that holds uncompressed data blocks.
- data cell
- See cell.
- data file
- A file containing data blocks; Hyperion Essbase generates the data file on data load and stores it on disk.
- data file cache
- A buffer in memory that holds compressed data (.PAG) files.
- data load
- The process of populating a Hyperion Essbase database with data. Loading data establishes actual values for the cells defined by the database's structural outline.
- data load rules
- A set of criteria or rules that Hyperion Essbase uses to determine how to load data from a text-based file or a relational dataset into a Hyperion Essbase database.
- data source
- External data, such as a text file, spreadsheet file, or SQL database that will be loaded into a Hyperion Essbase database.
- data value
- See cell.
- database
- A repository of data within Hyperion Essbase that contains a multidimensional data storage array. Each database consists of a storage structure definition (a database outline), data, security definitions, and optional calculation scripts, report scripts, and data loading scripts. An application contains one or more databases.
- database administrator
- An individual who administers a Hyperion Essbase database and may also design, maintain, and create the database.
- database designer
- In Hyperion Essbase, the highest type of access that can be assigned globally (per database). This type of access allows complete calculate and update access and the ability to run report and calc scripts.
- database filter layer
- A layer in the Hyperion Essbase security plan that defines specific settings for database members down to the cell level.
- dense dimension
- A dimension with a high probability that data exists for every combination of dimension members.
- descendant
- Any member below a parent in the database outline. For example, in the Sample Basic database, Qtr2 and April are descendants of Year.
- dimension
- A data category that is used to organize business data for retrieval and consolidation of values. Each dimension usually contains a hierarchy of related members grouped within it. For example, a Year dimension often includes members for each time period, such as quarters and months. Other common business dimensions might be Measure, Natural Accounts, Product, and Market.
- dimension build rules
- Specifications, similar to data load rules, that Hyperion Essbase uses to modify an outline. The modification is based on data in an external data source file.
- dimension type
- A dimension property that enables the use of predefined functionality. Dimensions that are tagged time have a predefined calendar functionality.
- dirty block
- A data block containing cells that have been changed since the last calculation. Upper level blocks are marked as dirty if their child blocks are dirty (that is, have been updated).
- disabled user name
- A user name that has become inactive, meaning that the user is not be able to log on to the server. Users with supervisor privilege can disable a user name for any reason. User names are disabled automatically if they exceed server-specific limitations on login attempts or number of inactive days. Only users with supervisor privilege can enable disabled user names.
- Dynamic Calc And Store members
- A member that the Hyperion Essbase server calculates only upon the first retrieval of the value. The server then stores the calculated value in the database. Subsequent retrievals of a Dynamic Calc And Store member do not require calculating.
- Dynamic Calc members
- A member that the Hyperion Essbase server calculates only at retrieval time. The server discards calculated values after the retrieval request is complete.
- dynamic calculation
- In Hyperion Essbase, a calculation that occurs only when you retrieve data on a member that has been tagged as Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc And Store. The member's values are calculated at retrieval time instead of being precalculated during batch calculation.
- dynamic reference
- A pointer in the rules file to header records in a data source. Header records define data load or dimension build criteria for the fields in a data source.
- Dynamic Time Series
- A process that is used to perform dynamic period-to-date reporting.
- Dynamic Time Series members
- Predefined members that are used to perform Dynamic Time Series reporting.
- EssCell
- The Hyperion Essbase cell retrieve function. An EssCell function is entered into a cell in Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in to retrieve a single database value that represents an intersection of specific database members.
- A command-line interface that is used to perform server operations interactively or through a batch file.
- ESSCMD script file
- A text file that contains ESSCMD commands, which Hyperion Essbase executes in order to the end of the file. You can run a script file from the operating system command line or from within an operating system batch file. The default extension is .SCR.
- extraction command
- A type of reporting command that handles the selection, orientation, grouping, and ordering of raw data extracted from a database. These commands begin with the less than (<) character.
- field
- A value or item in a data source file that will be loaded into a Hyperion Essbase database.
- file delimiter
- One or more characters, such as commas or tabs, that separate fields in a data source.
- filter
- A method for controlling access to database cells in Hyperion Essbase. A filter is the most detailed level of security, allowing you to define the varying access levels that different users can have to individual database values.
- FlashBack
- A Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in command that restores the previous database view. This command is similar to a typical Undo command.
- formula
- A combination of operators and functions as well as dimension names, member names, and numeric constants. Formulas are used to perform specific calculations on members of a database.
- Free-Form mode
- An option in Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in that you use to type report script commands in the worksheet to create reports.
- free-form reporting
- A method of creating reports in which you type members of dimensions or report script commands in a worksheet. Free-form reporting is available in both Advanced Interpretation mode and Free-Form mode.
- function
- A predefined routine that returns a value, a range of values, a Boolean value, or a list of database members. The system provides the following categories of functions: mathematical, relationship, financial, member set, Boolean, statistical, forecasting, allocation, and date-time.
- generation
- A layer in a hierarchical tree structure that defines member relationships in a Hyperion Essbase database. Hyperion Essbase orders generations incrementally from the member that is the name of the dimension (generation 1) to the leaf members.
- generation name
- A unique name that describes a generation.
- global access layer
- A layer in the Hyperion Essbase security system used to define common access settings for applications and databases.
- global report command
- A command that is executed when it occurs in the report script file and that stays in effect until the end of the report file or until another global command replaces it.
- grouping
- A set of members that is selected by a filtering process and that may be treated as a separate aggregate group. This group behaves very much like a parent to all of its specific members, and it supports full calculation logic, including additive and non-additive calculations. For example, you can use the attribute Small to view and work with all members with the attribute Small.
- header record
- One or more records at the top of a data source. Header records describe the contents of the data source.
- hierarchy
- A set of multidimensional relationships in an outline, often created in a tree formation. For example, parents, children, and generations represent a hierarchy.
- Hyperion Essbase kernel
- A layer of the Hyperion Essbase server that provides the foundation for a variety of functionality, including data loading, calculations, spreadsheet lock&send, partitioning, and restructuring. The Hyperion Essbase kernel reads, caches, and writes data; manages transactions; and enforces transaction semantics to ensure data consistency and data integrity.
- index
- A method that Hyperion Essbase uses to retrieve data. The retrieval is based on the combinations of sparse dimensions. The term index also refers to the index file.
- index cache
- A buffer in memory that holds index pages.
- index entry
- A pointer to an intersection of sparse dimensions. Each index entry points to a data block on disk and locates a particular cell within the block by means of an offset.
- index file
- A file that Hyperion Essbase uses to store data retrieval information. It resides on disk and contains index pages.
- index page
- A subdivision of an index file containing entries that point to data blocks.
- input block
- A type of data block that has at least one loaded data value.
- input data
- Any data that is loaded from a data source and is not generated by calculating the database.
- intelligent calculation
- A calculation method that tracks which data blocks have been updated since the last calculation.
- interactive mode
- A method of using ESSCMD by entering commands in the ESSCMD window and responding to prompts if necessary. For routine server administration tasks or for complex tasks that require many commands, consider using batch processing mode.
- interdimensional irrelevance
- A situation in which a specific dimension does not intersect with other dimensions. The data is not irrelevant, but because the data in the specific dimension cannot be accessed from the other dimensions, those other dimensions are not relevant to the specific dimension.
- isolation level
- A Hyperion Essbase kernel setting that determines the lock and commit behavior of database operations. Choices are committed access and uncommitted access.
- latest
- A key word that is used within Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in or within Report Writer to extract data values based on the member defined as the latest period of time.
- leaf member
- A member that has no children.
- level
- A branch within a dimension. The levels are numbered incrementally from the leaf member (level 0) towards the root.
- level 0 block
- A data block that is created for sparse member combinations when all of the members of the sparse combination are level 0 members.
- level 0 member
- See leaf member.
- level name
- A unique name that describes a level.
- linked object
- A term that encompasses linked partitions and linked reporting objects.
- linked partition
- A form of shared partition that provides the ability to use a data cell to link together two different databases. When a user clicks on a linked cell in a worksheet, for example, Hyperion Essbase opens a new sheet displaying the dimensions in the second database. The user can then drill down into the available dimensions in the second database.
- linked reporting object
- (LRO) An external file that is linked to a data cell in a Hyperion Essbase database. Linked reporting objects (LROs) can be cell notes or files that contain text, audio, video, or pictures.
- location alias
- A location alias is a descriptor that identifies a data source. The location alias specifies a server, application, database, user name, and password. Location aliases are set by the database administrator at the database level using Application Manager, ESSCMD, or the API.
- log file
- A system maintained file that records actions and commands. For example, an application log file records user actions that are performed on that application; a client log file records client messages, actions, and errors.
- mathematical operator
- A symbol that defines how data is calculated. A mathematical operator can be any of the standard mathematical or Boolean operators, for example, +, -, *, /, and %. Mathematical operators are used in formulas, outlines, and scripts.
- member
- A discrete component within a dimension. For example, a time dimension might include members such as Jan, Feb, and Qtr1.
- member filtering (member selection)
- The process of selecting specific members that will be used in a query. You can apply selection criteria such as generation names, level names, pattern match, attributes, and UDAs.
- member select
- A feature within Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in that you use to specify members for a report.
- member selection report command
- A type of Report Writer command that selects ranges of members based on database outline relationships, such as sibling, generation, and level.
- member-specific report command
- A type of Report Writer formatting command that is executed as it is encountered in a report script. The command affects only the member to which it is associated and executes the format command before it processes the member.
- Minimum Database Access
- An option group that controls the default security to all of an application's databases, using access settings (such as Read or None) that are applied globally to the application. All users connecting to databases within the application have the access level defined as minimum access; however, individual user privileges may be higher.
- missing data
- (#MISSING) A marker indicating that data in the labeled location does not exist, contains no meaningful value, or was never entered or loaded. Missing data exists when an account contains data for a previous or a future period but not for the current period.
- multidimensional database
- (MDDB) A method of referencing data through three or more dimensions. An individual record is the intersection of a point for a set of dimensions.
- multithreading
- A client-server process that enables multiple users to work on the same applications without interfering with each other.
- Named Pipes
- A network protocol stack that enables Hyperion Essbase clients on Windows 95/98 to communicate with Hyperion Essbase servers on Windows NT, when both operating systems use NetBEUI instead of TCP/IP.
- Navigate Without Data
- A Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in option that you use to turn off data retrieval. This feature is most useful when a database has Dynamic Calc and Dynamic Calc And Store members.
- nested column headings
- A column heading for a report column that displays data from more than one dimension. For example, in the Sample Basic database, a column heading that contains both Year and Scenario members is a nested column. This is scripted as: <COLUMN (Year, Scenario). The nested column shows Q1 (from the Year dimension) in the top line of the heading, qualified by Actual and Budget (from the Scenario dimension) in the bottom line of the heading.
- numeric attribute range
- A feature that you can use to associate a base dimension member that has a discrete numeric value with an attribute that represents a range of values. For example, to classify your customers by age, you can define an Age Group attribute dimension that contains members for the following age ranges: 0-20, 21-40, 41-60, and 61-80. You can associate each member of the Customer dimension with a particular Age Group range. You can then retrieve data based on the age ranges rather than based on individual age values.
- object
- A file that is related to an application or database. Objects can be outlines, rules files, calc scripts, report scripts, or data sources. They are stored within the application or database subdirectory on the server or client machine.
- on-line analytical processing
- (OLAP) A multidimensional, multi-user, client-server computing environment for users who need to analyze consolidated enterprise data in real time. OLAP systems feature zooming, data pivoting, complex calculations, trend analyses, and modeling.
- outline
- The database structure of a multidimensional database, including all dimensions, members, tags, types, consolidations, and mathematical relationships. Data is stored in the database according to the structure defined in the outline.
- outline change log
- A record of changes made to a Hyperion Essbase database outline.
- page file
- See data file.
- page heading
- A type of report heading that lists members that are represented on the current page area of the report. All data values on the page area have the members in the page heading as a common attribute.
- paging
- A storage scheme that makes use of spare disk space to increase the available memory.
- parent
- A member that has an aggregated branch below it.
- partition area
- A subcube within a database. A partition is composed of one or more areas. These areas are composed of cells from a particular portion of the database. For replicated and transparent partitions, the number of cells within an area must be the same for both the data source and the data target to ensure that the two partitions have the same shape. For example, if the data source area contains 18 cells, the data target area must also contain 18 cells to accommodate the number of values
- Partition Manager
- A Hyperion Essbase tool that you use to create and maintain a replicated, linked, or transparent database partition. Partition Manager includes Partition Wizard, a component that contains a series of pages that step you through the partition creation process.
- partitioning
- The process of defining areas of data that are shared or linked between data models. Partitioning can affect the performance and scalability of Hyperion Essbase applications.
- Password Management
- A group of options in the server settings that lets you limit a user's allowed number of login attempts, number of days of inactivity, and number of days using the same password.
- pattern matching
- The ability to match a value with any or all characters of an item that is entered as a criterion. A missing character may be represented by a wild card value such as a question mark (?) or an asterisk (*). For example, find all instances of apple returns apple, but find all instances of apple* returns apple, applesauce, applecranberry, and so on.
- period
- An interval within the time dimension.
- pivot
- The ability to alter the perspective of retrieved data. When Hyperion Essbase first retrieves a dimension, it expands data into rows. You can then pivot or rearrange the data to obtain a different viewpoint.
- precalculation
- The process of calculating the database prior to user retrieval.
- preserve formulas
- The process of keeping user-created formulas within a worksheet while retrieving new data.
- property
- A characteristic of a member, such as two-pass calculation or shared member. Properties affect how Hyperion Essbase works with the data.
- record
- In a database, a group of fields that make up one complete entry. For example, a record about a customer might contain fields for name, address, telephone number, and sales data.
- redundant data
- Duplicate data blocks that Hyperion Essbase retains during transactions until Hyperion Essbase commits the updated blocks.
- Remove Only
- A Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in command that you use to remove only the highlighted cells within a worksheet.
- replicated partition
- A portion of a database, defined through Partition Manager, that you use to propagate as update to data that is mastered at one site to a copy of data that is stored at another site. Users are able to access the data as though it were part of their local database.
- report
- The formatted summary information that is returned from a database after a report script is run. One or more reports can be generated from a report script.
- Report Extractor
- A Hyperion Essbase component that retrieves report data from the Hyperion Essbase database when you run a report script.
- report script
- An ASCII file containing Hyperion Essbase Report Writer commands that generate one or more production reports. Report scripts can be run in batch mode, through the ESSCMD command-line interface, or through Hyperion Essbase Application Manager. The report script is a text file that contains data retrieval, formatting, and output instructions.
- Report Viewer
- A Hyperion Essbase component that displays the complete report after a report script is run. Saved reports typically have the file extension .RPT.
- restore
- An operation to reload data and/or structural information after a database has been damaged or destroyed. Typically performed after you shut down and restart the database.
- restructure
- An operation to regenerate or rebuild the database index and, in some cases, the data files.
- roll-up
- See consolidate.
- root member
- The highest member in a dimension branch.
- row
- A horizontal display of information in a grid or table. A row can contain data from a single field, derived data from a calculation, or textual information. The words row and record are sometimes used interchangeably. Contrast with column.
- row heading
- A report heading that lists members down a report page. The members are listed under their respective row names. Rows are indented below a dimension name.
- server
- A multi-user database server that accesses data values based on the intersection of dimension members.
- server application
- See server.
- server interruption
- Any occurrence that stops the server, including a crash, a power outage, or a user pressing the Ctrl+C keys.
- shared member
- A member that shares storage space with another member of the same name. The shared member has a property that designates it as shared. The use of shared members prevents duplicate calculation of members that appear in the outline more than once.
- sibling
- A child member at the same branch level as another child member. For example, in the Sample Basic database, East and West are siblings.
- See symmetric multiprocessing
- sparse dimension
- A dimension with a low probability that data exists for every combination of dimension members.
- Spreadsheet Add-in
- Hyperion Essbase software that works with your spreadsheet. Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in is an add-in module to your spreadsheet software.
- standard dimension
- A dimension that is not an attribute dimension.
- stored member
- A member that Hyperion Essbase does not dynamically calculate upon retrieval. Stored members are stored on disk.
- subset
- A cross-section of data. Subsetting further defines members that meet specific conditions.
- substitution variable
- A variable that acts as a global placeholder for information that changes regularly. You set the variable and a corresponding string value; the value can then be changed at any time. Substitution variables can be used in calc scripts, report scripts, Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, and Hyperion Essbase API.
- supervisor
- A defined type of user who has full access to all applications, databases, related files, and security mechanisms for a server.
- suppress rows
- The option to exclude rows that contain missing values and to underscore characters from spreadsheet reports.
- swapping
- See paging.
- symmetric multiprocessing
- (SMP) A server architecture that enables multiprocessing and multithreading. Hyperion Essbase supports multiple threads over SMP servers automatically. Thus, performance is not significantly degraded when a large number of users connect to a Hyperion Essbase server simultaneously.
- system administrator
- A person who maintains the hardware, software, disk space distribution, and configurations for running Hyperion Essbase software.
- See Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.
- template
- A predefined format that is designed to retrieve particular data on a regular basis and in a consistent format.
- time dimension
- A dimension type that defines how often data is collected and updated, such as fiscal or calendar periods. Only one dimension may be tagged as time; a time dimension is not required.
- time series reporting
- A process of reporting data based on a date calendar (for example, year, quarter, month, or week).
- toolbar
- A series of shortcut buttons providing quick access to commands. Usually located directly below the menu bar. Not all windows have a toolbar.
- Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
- (TCP/IP) A standard set of communications protocols that are adapted by many companies and institutions around the world and that link computers with different operating systems and internal architectures. You use TCP/IP utilities to exchange files, send mail, and store data to various computers that are connected to local and wide area networks.
- transparent partition
- A form of shared partition that provides the ability to access and manipulate remote data transparently as though it were part of your local database. The remote data is retrieved from the data source each time you request it. Any updates made to the data are written back to the data source and become immediately accessible to both local data target users and transparent data source users.
- two-pass calculation
- A Hyperion Essbase property that is used to recalculate members that are dependent on the calculated values of other members. Two-pass members are calculated during a second pass through the database outline.
- Formerly called user-defined attribute. A UDA is a term associated with members of an outline to describe a particular characteristic of the members. Users can specify UDAs within calc scripts and reports to return lists of members that have the specified UDA associated with them. UDAs can be applied to dense as well as sparse dimensions.
- unary operator
- A group of mathematical indicators (+, -, *, /, %) that define how roll-ups take place on the database outline.
- uncommitted access
- A Hyperion Essbase kernel setting that affects how Hyperion Essbase handles transactions. Under uncommitted access, concurrent transactions hold short-term write locks and can yield unpredictable results.
- uniform resource locator
- (URL) An address for a resource in the World Wide Web, such as a document, image, downloadable file, service, or electronic mailbox. URLs use a variety of naming schemes and access methods such as HTTP, FTP, and Internet mail. An example of a URL is
. A URL can also point to a file on a local or network drive, such as D:\essbase\docs\index.htm.
- upper-level block
- A type of data block that is created for sparse member combinations, when at least one of the sparse members is a parent-level member.
- See uniform resource locator.
- user-defined attribute
- See UDA.
- validation
- A process of checking a rules file, report script, or partition definition against the outline to make sure the object being checked is valid.
- visual cue
- A formatted style such as a fonts or a color that highlights specific types of data values. Data values may be dimension members; parent, child, or shared members; dynamic calculations; members containing formula; read only data cells; read/write data cells; or linked objects.
- workbook
- An entire spreadsheet file with many worksheets.
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