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This chapter explains how to develop calc scripts and how to use them to control how Hyperion Essbase calculates a database. It provides some examples of calc scripts, which you may want to adapt for your own use. For more examples, see Examples of Calc Scripts.
This chapter includes the following sections:
For information on developing formulas, see Developing Formulas.
A calc script contains a series of calculation commands, equations, and formulas. You use a calc script to define calculations other than the calculations that are defined by the database outline.
For example, the following calc script calculates the Actual values in the Sample Basic database.
Figure 31-1: Calc Script Editor
You can use a calc script to specify exactly how you want Hyperion Essbase to calculate a database. For example, you can calculate part of a database or copy data values between members. You can design and run custom database calculations quickly by separating calculation logic from the database outline.
For most database calculations, a default calculation provides the required results. However, in certain cases, you may need to write a calc script to control how Hyperion Essbase calculates a database.
For example, you need to write a calc script if you want to do any of the following:
This section provides a step-by-step example of creating and saving a calc script.
For detailed information on creating formulas and obtaining the required calculation results, consider all the information in Calculating Data
This example is based on the Sample Basic database, which is supplied with the Hyperion Essbase server installation. This example increases all budget values by 5%. The example assumes that you have Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in installed on your machine.
Figure 31-2: Application Desktop Window
If you do not have Sample Basic installed, contact the Hyperion Essbase administrator.
If another user has Sample Basic open and locked, you can clear "Lock file" in the bottom right corner of the application desktop window. However, if you clear "Lock file", you cannot save your work.
FIX(Budget) Marketing = Marketing * 1.05; ENDFIX
Figure 31-3: Simple Calc Script
For more information on the FIX command, see Using the FIX Command and the online Technical Reference in the DOCS
The message "No errors" should be displayed at the bottom of Calc Script Editor.
You are now ready to calculate the Sample Basic database, increasing the Budget values by 5%. However, first take a look at the Sample Basic Budget values before running the calculation.
This example assumes that you have not changed the default Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in Retrieval Options. For more information, see the Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in User's Guide.
Hyperion Essbase displays the data value from the top level of each dimension.
Figure 31-5: Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in Showing Initial Data
Hyperion Essbase displays the Budget values.
Hyperion Essbase displays the Budget values for each quarter in the year.
Figure 31-6: Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in Showing Retrieved Budget Data for Each Quarter
Hyperion Essbase displays the Budget->Marketing values. These are the values that will increase by 5%.
Figure 31-7: Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in Showing Retrieved Data for Budget->Marketing
Now you are ready to run the Mycalc1 calc script, which increases the Budget->Marketing values by 5%.
Figure 31-8: Application Desktop Window Showing Calc Script
Hyperion Essbase calculates the database.
After Hyperion Essbase finishes a calculation, you can check the dimensions calculated and the calculation time in the application event log.
Figure 31-10: Application Event Log Showing Calculation Messages
From the entries, you can see that Hyperion Essbase calculated data values for the Marketing member on the Measures dimension, fixing on the Budget values. Hyperion Essbase calculated the database in 19.989 seconds.
Note: | Check the "fixed members [ ]" part of the message to ensure that all members you fixed on were actually included in the calculation. |
These entries are an example of the default level of messages that Hyperion Essbase provides. If required, you can display more detailed calculation messages in the application event log by using the SET MSG command. For more information, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS
The pre-calculation data values should still be displayed. If the pre-calculation data values are not displayed, repeat the steps in Calculating Sample Basic Data.
Figure 31-11: Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in Showing Retrieved New Data
As you can see, the data values have increased by 5%. The calculation is successful. If required, you can reload the default data into Sample Basic. See Loading Data.
You use Calc Script Editor to build a calc script. You can type the calc script directly into the text area of Calc Script Editor, or you can use the user interface features of Calc Script Editor to build the calc script.
Calc scripts are ASCII text. If desired, you can create a calc script in the text editor of your choice and paste it into Calc Script Editor.
Hyperion Essbase provides a flexible set of commands that you can use to control how a database is calculated. You can construct calc scripts from commands and formulas. Several types of commands are discussed in the following sections, including the following:
You can use the following calculation commands to perform a database calculation that is based on the structure and formulas in the database outline.
Note: |
For a complete list of calculation commands and syntax, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.
To calculate... | Use... |
The entire database, based on the outline | CALC ALL |
A specified dimension or dimensions | CALC DIM |
All members tagged as two-pass on the dimension tagged as accounts | CALC TWOPASS |
The formula applied to a member in the database outline, where membername is the name of the member to which the formula is applied | membername |
All members tagged as Average on the dimension tagged as accounts (see Calculating Time Series Data.) | CALC AVERAGE |
All members tagged as First on the dimension tagged as accounts (see Calculating Time Series Data.) | CALC FIRST |
All members tagged as Last on the dimension tagged as accounts (see Calculating Time Series Data.) | CALC LAST |
Currency conversions (see Designing and Building Currency Applications.) | CCONV |
You can use the following commands to manipulate the flow of calculations. For detailed information on these commands, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS
To... | Use... |
Calculate a subset of a database | FIX ... ENDFIX |
Specify the number of times that commands are iterated | LOOP ... ENDLOOP |
You can also use the IF and ENDIF commands to specify conditional calculations. See Controlling the Flow of Calculations.
Note: | You cannot branch from one calc script to another calc script. |
You can use the following commands to declare temporary variables and, if required, to set their initial values. Temporary variables store the results of intermediate calculations.
You can also use substitution variables in a calc script. See Using Substitution Variables.
To... | Use... |
Declare one-dimensional array variables | ARRAY |
Declare a temporary variable that contains a single value | VAR |
For detailed information on the these commands, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS
Values stored in temporary variables exist only while the calc script is running. You cannot report on the values of temporary variables.
Variable and array names are character strings that contain any of the following characters:
Typically, arrays are used to store variables as part of a member formula. The size of the array variable is determined by the number of members in the corresponding dimension. For example, if the Scenario dimension has four members, the following command creates an array called Discount
with four entries. You can use more than one array at a time.
ARRAY Discount[Scenario];
You can use the following commands to define calculation behavior.
Note: |
For a complete list of commands, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.
To... | Use... |
Specify how Hyperion Essbase treats #MISSING values during a calculation | SET AGGMISSG |
Adjust the default calculator cache size. | SET CACHE |
Optimize the calculation of large, flat database outlines (see Optimizing Calculations.) | SET CALCHASHTBL |
Optimize the calculation of sparse dimension formulas in large database outlines (see Optimizing Calculations.) | SET FRMLBOTTOMUP |
Display messages to trace a calculation. | SET MSG SET NOTICE |
Turn on and turn off Intelligent Calculation (see Using Intelligent Calculation to Optimize Calculation.) | SET UPDATECALC |
Control how Hyperion Essbase marks data blocks for the purpose of Intelligent Calculation (see Using Intelligent Calculation to Optimize Calculation.) | SET CLEARUPDATESTATUS |
Specify the maximum number of blocks that Hyperion Essbase can lock concurrently when calculating a sparse member formula | SET LOCKBLOCK |
For currency conversions, restrict aggregations to parents that have the same defined currency (see Designing and Building Currency Applications.) | SET UPTOLOCAL |
SET commands in a calc script are procedural. A SET command in a calc script stays in effect until the next occurrence of the same SET command.
For example, consider the following calc script:
Hyperion Essbase displays messages at the detail level when calculating the Year dimension. However, when calculating the Measures dimension, Hyperion Essbase displays messages at the summary level.
Now, consider this calc script:
Hyperion Essbase calculates member combinations for Qtr1 with SET AGGMISSG (aggregate missing values) turned on. Hyperion Essbase then does a second calculation pass through the database and calculates member combinations for East with SET AGGMISSG turned off. For more information on the setting for aggregating missing values, see the SET AGGMISSG command in the online Technical Reference in the DOCS
directory. For more information on calculation passes, see Optimizing Calculations.
You can include comments to annotate calc scripts. Hyperion Essbase ignores these comments when it runs the calc script.
To include a comment, start the comment with /* and end the comment with */. For example, consider the following comment:
/* This is a calc script comment that spans two lines.*/
When you create a calc script, you need to apply the following rules:
CALC DIM(Product, Measures);
DATACOPY Plan TO Revised_Plan;
"Market Share" = Sales % Sales->Market;
IF (Sales <> #MISSING) Commission = Sales * .9; ELSE Commission = #MISSING; ENDIF;
You do not need to end the following commands with semicolons: IF, ELSE, ELSEIF, FIX, ENDFIX, LOOP, and ENDLOOP.
"Opening Inventory" = "Ending Inventory" - Sales + Additions;
For a complete list of member names that must be enclosed in quotation marks, see Rules for Naming Dimensions and Members.
Commission (IF(Sales < 100) Commission = 0; ENDIF;)
Profit (IF (Sales > 100) Commission = Sales * .1; ENDIF;)
"Opening Inventory" (IF (@ISMBR(Budget)) IF (@ISMBR(Jan)) "Opening Inventory" = Jan; ELSE "Opening Inventory" = @PRIOR("Ending Inventory"); ENDIF; ENDIF;)
Marketing (IF (@ISMBR(@DESCENDANTS(West)) OR @ISMBR(@DESCENDANTS(East))) Marketing = Marketing * 1.5; ELSEIF(@ISMBR(@DESCENDANTS(South))) Marketing = Marketing * .9; ELSE Marketing = Marketing * 1.1; ENDIF;)
Note: | If you use ELSE IF (with a space in between) rather than ELSEIF (one word) in a formula, you must supply an ENDIF for the IF statement. |
FIX(Budget,@DESCENDANTS(East)) CALC DIM(Year, Measures, Product); ENDFIX
The FIX and ENDFIX statements do not need to be followed by a semicolon (;).
When you write a calc script, you can use the Calc Script Editor syntax checker to check the syntax. For more information, see Checking Syntax.
Note: |
For detailed information on calc script syntax, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.
Open Calc Script Editor to create a new calc script or open an existing calc script.
For information on opening an existing calc script, see Changing a Calc Script.
Hyperion Essbase displays a list of all the calc scripts associated with the application and database that you selected.
Figure 31-12: Application Desktop Window
To open an existing calc script, select it in the Calc Scripts list and click Open.
Hyperion Essbase opens Calc Script Editor:
You can use Hyperion Essbase Application Manager to add a new calc script.
Alternatively, from the Hyperion Essbase Application Manager menu, select File > New > Calc Script.
Hyperion Essbase opens Calc Script Editor. You can now build a calc script. Hyperion Essbase prompts you to name a calc script when you save it. See Saving a Calc Script.
To change a calc script, open it in Calc Script Editor. How you do that depends on where the calc script is stored.
The following example shows the application desktop server window for an Hyperion Essbase server called Aspen. The Sample Basic database is selected.
Figure 31-14: Application Desktop Server Window
Hyperion Essbase displays the calc script files (.CSC
files) stored in the \
dbname directory on the server machine, where ARBORPATH is the directory in which you installed Hyperion Essbase and appname and dbname are the current application and database.
For example, assuming that the Hyperion Essbase install directory is C:\ESSBASE
, if you select Sample Basic, Hyperion Essbase displays the.CSC
You can now edit the calc script.
Hyperion Essbase displays the Open Server Object dialog box.
Figure 31-15: Open Server Object Dialog Box
Hyperion Essbase displays the calc script in Calc Script Editor.
Hyperion Essbase displays the calc script files (.CSC
files) stored in the \
dbname directory on your client machine, where ARBORPATH is the directory in which you installed Hyperion Essbase, and appname and dbname are the current application and database on your client machine.
For example, assuming that the Hyperion Essbase install directory is C:\ESSBASE
, if you have an application called MYAPP01 and a database called MYDB01 on your client machine, Hyperion Essbase displays the.CSC
directory on your client machine.
In this example, there are three calc scripts already created for the MYDB01 database.
Figure 31-16: Application Desktop Client Window
Hyperion Essbase opens Calc Script Editor. You can now edit the calc script.
Hyperion Essbase displays the Open Client Object dialog box.
Figure 31-17: Open Client Object Dialog Box
Hyperion Essbase displays the Open Client File dialog box.
Hyperion Essbase displays the calc script in Calc Script Editor.
You can save a calc script as either of the following:
If you want other users to have access to the calc script, you need to save it on the Hyperion Essbase server. If you save a calc script on your client machine, other users do not have access to the calc script. While you are developing a calc script, you may want to save it on your client machine. Then move the completed script to the Hyperion Essbase server.
When you save a calc script from Calc Script Editor, by default Hyperion Essbase associates it with the current application and database.
Calc scripts created using Hyperion Essbase Application Manager are given a.CSC
extension by default. If you run a calc script from Hyperion Essbase Application Manager or from Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, it must have a.CSC
extension. However, a calc script is an ASCII file, and you can use MaxL or ESSCMD to run any ASCII file as a calc script.
A calc script can also be a string defined in memory. You can access this string via the API on the Hyperion Essbase client or Hyperion Essbase server. Thus, from dialog boxes, you can dynamically create a calc script that is based on user selections.
Hyperion Essbase displays the Save Server Object dialog box.
Figure 31-18: Save Server Object Dialog Box
To associate the calc script with an application and all the databases within the application:
To associate the calc script with a database:
Figure 31-19: Save Server Object Dialog Box
Hyperion Essbase saves the calc script as a calculation script object on the Hyperion Essbase server.
Calc script objects associated with an application are saved in the \
appname directory on the Hyperion Essbase server machine. Calc script objects associated with a database are saved in the \
dbname directory on the Hyperion Essbase server machine. ARBORPATH is the Hyperion Essbase install directory, and appname and dbname are the application and database with which you have associated the calc script.
For example, consider the following:
, Hyperion Essbase saves CalcTwo as CALCTWO.CSC
, Hyperion Essbase saves CalcTwo as CALCTWO.CSC
If the calc script is new, Hyperion Essbase displays either the Save Server Object dialog box or the Save Client Object dialog box, depending on whether you opened Calc Script Editor from the application desktop server window or the client window.
If Hyperion Essbase displays the Save Server Object dialog box, under Location, select Client. The Save Client Object dialog box replaces the Save Server Object dialog box.
Figure 31-20: Save Client Object Dialog Box
To associate the calc script with an application on your client machine and all the databases within the application:
To associate the calc script with a database:
Hyperion Essbase saves the calc script as a calc script object on your client machine.
Calc script objects associated with an application are saved in the \
appname directory on the Hyperion Essbase client machine. Calc script objects associated with a database are saved in the \
dbname directory on the Hyperion Essbase client machine. ARBORPATH is the Hyperion Essbase install directory, and appname and dbname are the application and database with which you associate the calc script.
For example, consider the following:
, Hyperion Essbase saves CalcTwo as CALCTWO.CSC
, Hyperion Essbase saves CalcTwo as CALCTWO.CSC
If the calc script is new, Hyperion Essbase displays either the Save Server Object dialog box or the Save Client Object dialog box, depending on whether you opened Calc Script Editor from the application desktop server window or the client window.
If Hyperion Essbase displays the Save Server Object dialog box, under Location, select Client. The Save Client Object dialog box replaces the Save Server Object dialog box.
Hyperion Essbase displays the Save Client File dialog box.
Hyperion Essbase saves the calc script in the directory you specified.
Hyperion Essbase displays the Save Client Object dialog box.
Figure 31-21: Save Client Object Dialog Box
The Save Server Object dialog box replaces the Save Client Object dialog box.
Figure 31-22: Save Server Object Dialog Box
Hyperion Essbase saves the calc script on the Hyperion Essbase server. For more information, seeSaving a Calc Script.
You can run a calc script from any of the following:
If you run a calc script from the Hyperion Essbase Application Manager, you can run it on your Hyperion Essbase client machine or on the Hyperion Essbase server.
When you run a calc script from Hyperion Essbase Application Manager or from Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, you can view the calculation messages in the event log file. When you use MaxL or ESSCMD to run a calc script, Hyperion Essbase displays the messages ESSCMD terminal and in the ESSCMD or MaxL output file, if output logging is turned on. To display the event log file, select Application > View Event Log from the Hyperion Essbase Application Manager menu.
Hyperion Essbase displays both of the following:
You can use these messages to tune a database during calculation. To display more detailed information, you can use the SET MSG SUMMARY, SET MSG DETAIL, and SET NOTICE commands in a calc script. For more information, see Specifying Global Settings for a Database Calculation.
You can run a calc script from the Hyperion Essbase Application Manager desktop or from the Hyperion Essbase Application Manager menu.
Note: | Before you can run a calc script in Hyperion Essbase Application Manager, you must save it as a calc script object on the Hyperion Essbase server or on your client machine. See Saving a Calc Script. To run a calc script saved as an object on your client machine, you must run the calc script from the desktop. |
If the calc script is saved on your client machine, open the application desktop client window.
Figure 31-23: Application Desktop Server Window
Hyperion Essbase displays the Select Database dialog box.
Figure 31-24: Select Database Dialog Box
If you are not currently connected to the server, click Connect.
Hyperion Essbase runs the calc script against the database that you selected.
Hyperion Essbase displays the Calculate Database dialog box.
Figure 31-25: Calculate Database Dialog Box
Hyperion Essbase runs the calc script against the database you selected in the application desktop server window.
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You can use execute calculation in MaxL or the RUNCALC command in ESSCMD to perform this task. See the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory for information.
For information on running a calc script from Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, see the Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in User's Guide.
You can print a calc script from Calc Script Editor.
Hyperion Essbase displays the Print Calc Script dialog box.
How you delete a calc script depends on where it is saved.
Hyperion Essbase displays a list of all the calc scripts associated with the application and database that you chose.
Figure 31-26: Application Desktop Server Window
Hyperion Essbase displays a Confirm Delete message box.
You cannot delete the file using Hyperion Essbase Application Manager. Delete the calc script file by using the client machine's file system.
In Calc Script Editor, select Edit > Undo, or click the
You can place member formulas in a calc script. When you place formulas in a calc script, they override any conflicting formulas that are applied to members in the database outline.
In a calc script, you can do both of the following:
To calculate a formula that is applied to a member in the database outline, simply use the member name followed by a semicolon (;). For example:
calculates the formula applied to the Variance member in the database outline.
To define a formula in a calc script, use Calc Script Editor. For example:
Expenses = Payroll + Marketing + Misc;
cycles through the database, adding the values in the members Payroll, Marketing, and Misc and placing the result in the Expenses member. This formula overrides any formula placed on the Expenses member in the database outline.
Note: | You cannot apply formulas to shared members or label only members. |
You can define basic equations in a calc script as follows:
Member = mathematical_operation;
where Member is a member name from the database outline, and mathematical_operation is any valid mathematical operation.
For example, the following formula causes Hyperion Essbase to cycle through the database, subtracting the values in COGS from the values in Sales and placing the result in Margin:
Margin = Sales - COGS;
The next formula cycles through the database subtracting the values in Cost from the values in Retail, calculating the resulting values as a percentage of the values in Retail, and placing the results in Markup:
Markup = (Retail - Cost) % Retail;
For more information on the nature of multidimensional calculations, see Multidimensional Concepts.
When you use an IF statement as part of a member formula in a calc script, you need to do both of the following:
Profit (IF (Sales > 100) Profit = (Sales - COGS) * 2; ELSE Profit = (Sales - COGS) * 1.5; ENDIF;)
Hyperion Essbase cycles through the database and performs the following calculations:
The whole of the IF ... ENDIF statement is enclosed in parentheses and associated with the Profit member, Profit
When you use an interdependent formula in a calc script, the same rules apply as for the IF statement. You need to do both of the following:
Consider the interdependent formula discussed earlier. If you place the formula in a calc script, you construct it as follows:
"Opening Inventory" (IF(NOT @ISMBR (Jan))"Opening Inventory" = @PRIOR("Ending Inventory")); ENDIF; "Ending Inventory" = "Opening Inventory" - Sales + Additions;)
The whole of the formula is enclosed in parentheses and is associated with the Opening Inventory member, as follows:
"Opening Inventory"(IF(...)...)
You can type text and operators directly into the text area of Calc Script Editor, or you can use the toolbar buttons to add the text and operators. You can also cut, copy, and search for text in Calc Script Editor.
Text is displayed at the cursor position as you type.
For example, to insert an addition operator (+), place the cursor where you want to insert the addition (+) operator, and type + or click the
For more information on the cross-dimensional operator, see Developing Formulas.
Hyperion Essbase displays the Function Templates dialog box.
For example, to insert the @VAR function, select Math.
For example, scroll down the list and select @VAR. Hyperion Essbase displays the function or operator and the default arguments below the Categories list.
Figure 31-28: Function Templates Dialog Box
Hyperion Essbase inserts @VAR
at the cursor position.
Figure 31-29: Calc Script Editor With @VAR Function Inserted
If you checked Insert Arguments, Hyperion Essbase inserts @VAR
and default, temporary arguments. You can then type over the temporary arguments with the correct arguments.
Figure 31-30: Calc Script Editor With @VAR Function and Arguments Inserted
Hyperion Essbase displays the Find dialog box.
Figure 31-31: Calc Script Editor Find Dialog Box
For example, to search for Margin but not margin, type Margin in the Find what text box and check Match case.
If you want to insert member names in a calc script by selecting them within Calc Script Editor, you need to associate the calc script with the database outline that contains the members.
Hyperion Essbase displays the Associate Client Outline Object or Associate Server Outline Object dialog box.
Figure 31-32: Associate Server Outline Object Dialog Box
Hyperion Essbase displays the dimension names of the associated outline in the Dimensions list. You can now insert members from this list. See Associating a Calc Script with a Database.
Hyperion Essbase associates the calc script with the database outline only while you are editing the calc script. When you close Calc Script Editor, Hyperion Essbase cancels the association. If you want to insert members from the database outline in the future, you need to re-associate the outline with the calc script.
The name of the dimension is displayed in the Members list. If a
button is displayed to the left of the dimension name, the dimension has children. The following shows the Scenario dimension in the Sample Basic database.
Figure 31-33: Inserting Dimensions and Members In a Calc Script
If you want to insert the name of the dimension in a formula, click the dimension name in the Members list. Hyperion Essbase inserts the dimension name at the cursor position.
button changes to a
Figure 31-34: Expanding a Member Branch
Hyperion Essbase does not display the member's children. The
button changes to a
For example, select the Measures dimension from the Sample Basic database.
Hyperion Essbase displays the Find dialog box.
Figure 31-36: Searching For Members
For example, to search for the Marketing member in the Measures dimension, enter market.
Figure 31-37: Searching For Members
For example, to search for Margin, but not Margin % in the Sample Basic database, type margin, and check Match whole word only.
Hyperion Essbase finds and selects the appropriate member.
For example, select the Product dimension in the Sample Basic database.
Figure 31-39: Expanding a Dimension
In the Members list, Hyperion Essbase displays all members in the dimension.
Hyperion Essbase displays the alias names for the members. The following example shows the Product dimension from the Sample Basic database.
Figure 31-41: Displaying and Inserting Alias Names
When you select a member from the Members list, Hyperion Essbase inserts the alias name at the cursor position. If required, Hyperion Essbase automatically encloses the alias name in double quotation marks ("").
Hyperion Essbase includes a syntax checker that tells you about any syntax errors in a calc script. For example, Hyperion Essbase tells you if you have mistyped a function name.
The syntax checker cannot tell you about semantic errors in a calc script. Semantic errors occur when a calc script does not work as you expect. To find semantic errors, always run the calculation, and check the results to ensure they are as you expect.
Select Syntax > Check Syntax or click the
Hyperion Essbase displays the syntax checker results at the bottom of the Calc Script Editor window. If Hyperion Essbase finds no syntax errors, it displays the following message:
If Hyperion Essbase finds one or more syntax errors, it displays the number of the line that includes the error and a brief description of the error. For example, if you do not include a semicolon end-of-line character at the end of a calc script command, Hyperion Essbase displays a message similar to the following:
Select Syntax > Next Error or Syntax > Previous Error.
When you reach the first or last error, Hyperion Essbase displays the message:
Hyperion Essbase maintains the list of error messages until you check the syntax again.
Assume that you have a formula on a sparse dimension member and the formula contains either of the following:
Hyperion Essbase always recalculates the data block that contains the formula, even if the data block is marked as clean for the purposes of Intelligent Calculation. For more information, see Using Intelligent Calculation to Optimize Calculation.
You may achieve significant calculation performance improvements by carefully grouping formulas and dimensions in a calc script. For more information and examples, see Calculating a Series of Member Formulas and Calculating a Series of Dimensions.
When you run a calc script, Hyperion Essbase automatically displays the calculation order of the dimensions for each pass through the database. Thus, you can tell how many times Hyperion Essbase has cycled through the database during the calculation.
Hyperion Essbase displays these information messages in the ESSCMD window and in the event log file. To display the event log file, select Application > View Event Log from the Hyperion Essbase Application Manager menu.
When you calculate formulas, avoid using parentheses unnecessarily. The following formulas cause Hyperion Essbase to cycle through the database once, calculating both formulas in one pass:
Profit = (Sales - COGS) * 1.5; Market = East + West;
Similarly, the following configurations cause Hyperion Essbase to cycle through the database only once, calculating the formulas on the members Qtr1, Qtr2, and Qtr3:
Qtr1; Qtr2; Qtr3;
(Qtr1; Qtr2; Qtr3;)
However, the inappropriately placed parentheses in the following example cause Hyperion Essbase to cycle through the database twice, once calculating the formulas on the members Qtr1 and Qtr2 and once calculating the formula on Qtr3:
(Qtr1; Qtr2;) Qtr3;
When you calculate a series of dimensions, you can optimize performance by grouping the dimensions wherever possible.
For example, the following formula causes Hyperion Essbase to cycle through the database only once:
CALC DIM(Year, Measures);
However, the following syntax causes Hyperion Essbase to cycle through the database twice. It cycles through once for each CALC DIM command:
CALC DIM(Year); CALC DIM(Measures);
You can use substitution variables in calc scripts. Substitution variables are useful, for example, when you reference information or lists of members that change frequently.
When you include a substitution variable in a calc script, Hyperion Essbase replaces the substitution variable with the value you specified for the substitution variable.
You create and specify values for substitution values in Hyperion Essbase Application Manager. For more information, see Creating Applications and Databases.
You can create variables at the server, application, and database levels. When you use a substitution variable in a calc script, it must be available to the calc script. For example, if you create a substitution variable at the database level, it is only available to calc scripts within the database. However, if you create a variable at the server level, it is available to any calc script on the server.
The ampersand (&) character prefaces a substitution variable in a calc script. Hyperion Essbase treats any string that begins with a leading ampersand as a substitution variable, replacing the variable with its value before parsing the calc script.
For example, &CurQtr;
becomes Qtr1;
if you have given the substitution variable &CurQtr
the value Qtr1
Consider an example in which you want to calculate Sample Basic data for the current quarter. You can use the following calc script:
FIX(&CurQtr) CALC DIM(Measures, Product); ENDFIX
You then define the substitution variable CurQtr
as the current quarter; for example, Qtr3. Hyperion Essbase replaces the variable CurQtr with the value Qtr3 when it runs the calc script.
You can use the CLEARDATA and CLEARBLOCK calculation commands to remove data values and data blocks from a database. You can use the CLEARBLOCK DYNAMIC command to remove blocks for Dynamic Calc And Store member combinations. For more information, see Dynamically Calculating Data Values.
When you use the CLEARBLOCK command, Hyperion Essbase removes the entire contents of a block, including all the dense dimension members. Hyperion Essbase removes the entire block, regardless of any FIX command on members within the block.
The following examples are based on the Sample Basic database. If the Scenario dimension is dense, the following example removes all the data blocks that do not contain input data values. Hyperion Essbase ignores the FIX command:
If the Scenario dimension is sparse, the following formula removes only the blocks whose Scenario dimension member is Actual. The other blocks remain:
When you use the CLEARDATA command, Hyperion Essbase changes the values of the cells you specify to #MISSING
. The data blocks are not removed unless all cells in a block are cleared (that is, all cells in the block are set to #MISSING
For example, the following formula clears all the Actual data values for Colas:
CLEARDATA Actual->Colas;
You can use the FIX command with the CLEARDATA command to clear a subset of a database. If you want to clear an entire database, you can select the Clear Data command from the Database menu in Hyperion Essbase Application Manager.
For more information on the CLEARBLOCK and CLEARDATA calculation commands, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS
You can use the DATACOPY calculation command to copy data cells from one range to another range in a database. The two ranges must be the same size.
For example, in the Sample Basic database, the following formula copies Actual values to Budget values:
DATACOPY Actual TO Budget;
You can use the FIX command to copy a subset of values.
For more information on the FIX command, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS
You can calculate a subset of a database, which means that you can use different formulas to calculate separate sections of a database.
To calculate a subset of a database, you can use either of the following:
For more information, see Calculating Lists of Members and Using the FIX Command.
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When you have Intelligent Calculation turned on, the newly calculated data blocks are not marked as clean after a partial calculation of a database. When you calculate a subset of a database, you can ensure that the newly calculated blocks are marked as clean using the SET CLEARUPDATESTATUS AFTER command. This ensures that Hyperion Essbase recalculates the database as efficiently as possible using Intelligent Calculation. For more information on Intelligent Calculation, see Using Intelligent Calculation to Optimize Calculation. For more information on the SET CLEARUPDATESTATUS command, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.
You can use a member set function to generate a list of members that is based on a member you specify. For example, you can use the @IDESCENDANTS function to generate a list of all the descendants of a specified member.
In the Sample Basic database, @IDESCENDANTS("Total Expenses");
generates the following list of members: Total Expenses, Marketing, Payroll, and Misc.
When you use a member set function in a formula, Hyperion Essbase generates a list of members before calculating the formula.
For detailed information on these and other member set functions, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS
The FIX ... ENDFIX commands are particularly useful to calculate a carefully defined subset of the values in a database. For example, the following calc script calculates only the Budget values for only the descendants of East (New York, Massachusetts, Florida, Connecticut, and New Hampshire) in the Sample Basic database:
FIX(Budget,@DESCENDANTS(East)) CALC DIM(Year, Measures, Product); ENDFIX
The next example fixes on member combinations for the children of East that have a user-defined attribute (UDA) of New Mkt. For information on defining user-defined attributes, see Creating and Changing Database Outlines.
New Mkt"
)) Marketing = Marketing * 1.1; ENDFIX
The next example uses a wildcard match to fix on member names that end in the characters -10. In Sample Basic, this example fixes on the members 100-10, 200-10, 300-10, and 400-10.
)) Price = Price * 1.1; ENDFIX
When you use the FIX command only on a dense dimension, Hyperion Essbase retrieves the entire block that contains the required value or values for the member or members that you specify. Thus, I/O is not affected, and the calculation performance time is improved.
When you use the FIX command on a sparse dimension, Hyperion Essbase retrieves the block for the specified sparse dimension member or members. Thus, I/O may be greatly reduced.
Hyperion Essbase cycles through the database once for each FIX command that you use on dense dimension members. When possible, combine FIX blocks to improve calculation performance. For example, the following calc script causes Hyperion Essbase to cycle through the database only once, calculating both the Actual and the Budget values:
FIX(Actual,Budget) CALC DIM(Year, Measures); ENDFIX
However, this calc script causes Hyperion Essbase to cycle through the database twice, once calculating the Actual data values and once calculating the data values for Budget:
FIX(Actual) CALC DIM(Year, Measures); ENDFIX FIX(Budget) CALC DIM(Year, Measures); ENDFIX
You cannot FIX on a subset of a dimension that you calculate within a FIX statement. For example, the following calc script returns an error message because the CALC DIM operation calculates the entire Market dimension, although the FIX above it fixes on specific members of the Market dimension.
New Mkt"
)) CALC DIM(Year, Measures, Product, Market); ENDFIX
You cannot use the FIX command within a member association. The code example in the following four lines is incorrect:
Jan ( Fix (@IDESCENDANTS(Sales)) Actual=5; Endfix; )
Within a member association, use an IF statement instead of a FIX command. The previous example should be coded as follows:
Jan ( If (@ISIDESC(Sales)) Actual=5; EndIF; )
For detailed information on using the FIX command, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS
A Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server partitioned application can span multiple servers, processors, or computers. For more information on partitioning, see Designing Partitioned Applications and Building and Maintaining Partitions.
You can achieve significant calculation performance improvements by partitioning applications and running separate calculations on each partition.
However, when you use partitioning, you need to do both of the following:
You need to calculate databases in a specific order to ensure that Hyperion Essbase calculates the required results. For example, consider the following partitions in which you view information from the West, Central, and East databases transparently from the Corporate database.
Figure 31-42: Calculating Partitions
West, Central, and East contain only actual values. Corporate contains actual and budgeted values. Although you can view the West, Central, and East data in the Corporate database, the data exists only in the West, Central, and East databases; it is not duplicated in the Corporate database.
Therefore, when Hyperion Essbase calculates Corporate, it needs to take the latest values from West, Central, and East. To obtain the required results, you need to calculate West, Central, and East before you calculate Corporate.
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