This book describes the tasks for planning and administering an application server in the following environments:
The planning and administration of a DB2 Server for VSE & VM application server consists of designing, implementing, securing, and maintaining a database. To accomplish these tasks, you must know about:
The first three areas are described in this book. For a description of the other topics, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM SQL Reference manual, SC09-2989, and the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Services Utility manual, SC09-2983.
Note: | The DB2 Server for VSE & VM Performance Tuning Handbook, GC09-2987, contains information on database design techniques that you must know before you start to design your database. This information was previously in this manual under the chapter describing advanced database design and performance techniques. |
Throughout this book, the Customer Information Control System (CICS) refers to |CICS/VSE Version 2 Release 3 or CICS Transaction Server Version 1 |Release 1 or later for online support and for ISQL. DB2 Server for VSE & VM refers to DATABASE 2 Server for IBM VSE & VM Systems Version 7 Release 1, unless otherwise noted.
Figure 1 depicts a typical configuration with one database and two users.
Figure 2 depicts a typical configuration with one database, one batch partition user, and a CICS(R) partition with several interactive users.
Figure 1. Basic Components of the RDBMS in VM/ESA
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Figure 2. Basic Components of the RDBMS in VSE/ESA
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The database is composed of :
The database manager is the program that provides access to the data in the database. In VM it is loaded into the database virtual machine from the production disk. In VSE it is loaded into the database partition from the DB2 Server for VSE library.
The application server is the facility that responds to requests for information from and updates to the database. It is composed of the database and the database manager.
The application requester is the facility that transforms a request from an application into a form suitable for communication with an application server.
Note: | General references to the database management system are assumed to apply to the database under discussion, any unique or specific references to other database systems will be explicitly made. |
This section summarizes the technical and library changes made to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM product for Version 7 Release 1.
Chapter 1, Designing a Database.
To store information in a database, you must first convert it into tables while maintaining any relationships that exist within it. This chapter outlines the steps for effective design of a database.
Chapter 2, Implementing Your Design.
This chapter describes how to estimate your storage requirements, use SQL commands to create objects (dbspaces, tables, views, and indexes) that support your design, and query the catalog tables.
Chapter 3, Maintaining Your Database.
After a database is implemented, it must be maintained. This chapter describes how to load data into tables, alter tables, and alter the design of dbspaces.
Chapter 4, Supporting Your Users.
This chapter describes activities that database administrators must consider to support users. The tasks described include adding, deleting, authorizing, and training users.
Chapter 5, Providing Security.
This chapter describes several security mechanisms that can help you protect your data from unauthorized access.
Chapter 6, Recovering from Failures.
This chapter describes facilities you can use to recover from failures and maintain the integrity of your data.
Chapter 7, Customizing the HELP Text and Messages Text.
This chapter discusses national languages used with the database manager.
Chapter 8, Application Design Considerations.
This chapter provides an overview of the ways that your data can be accessed, and discusses topics that you should consider when developing your applications.
Chapter 9, DB2 Server for VM Database Configurations.
Information can be stored in one or more DB2 Server for VM application server, and these application servers may be on one CPU or distributed among many. Furthermore, users can access an application server on the VM/ESA system from a VSE guest (this is called VSE Guest Sharing). This chapter describes these various types of configurations.
Chapter 10, Usage Environments in VSE.
This chapter provides an overview of five possible usage environments for which you can set up your DB2 Server for VSE system.
Chapter 11, Stored Procedures.
This chapter provides an overview of what stored procedures are, and how to use them.
Appendix A, Estimating Your Dbspace Requirements.
Dbspaces, which hold tables, must have sufficient storage capacities to meet the storage requirements of their tables. This appendix describes how to estimate the amount of storage the tables require, so that you acquire dbspaces with sufficient capacity.
This appendix describes the EXECs provided for use in user VM/ESA virtual machines.
Appendix C, Querying the Status of an Application (VM Only).
This appendix describes the CMS SQLQRY command available in your VM/ESA system.
This appendix describes the logical data and ISQL maximums.
Appendix E, SQLGLOB Parameters (VSE Only).
This appendix describes the SQLGLOB VSAM file available in your VSE/ESA system.
All readers of this book should be familiar with the content of the following manuals:
This manual uses the following text highlighting conventions: