DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Database Administration

Appendix D. Maximums

The following tables describe logical data maximums and ISQL maximums. Information about database maximums and system maximums can be found in the DB2 Server for VM System Administration or DB2 Server for VSE System Administration manual.

Table 35. Logical Data Maximums
Restricted Parameter Maximum

Number of Tables per Database
Number of Indexes per Database
Number of Views per Database1
Number of Programs per Database1
Number of Tables per DBSPACE4
Number of Indexes per Table
Number of Columns per Table
Number of unique CCSID combinations per Table
Number of Columns per View3
Number of Columns in a SELECT-list
Length of a Row in a Table (Bytes)2
Number of Columns in an Index
Length of an Index Key (Bytes)
Number of Foreign Keys per Table

&approx. 140

  1. The number of views plus the number of programs cannot exceed 2,549,490. This limit assumes that you create the maximum number of dbspaces possible (9998) for packages. Each dbspace can contain 255 packages. If you only create 10 dbspaces for packages, you only have room for 2,550 packages.
  2. Not including long field columns.
  3. There is no specific limit on the number of columns in a view, because it depends on many factors which affect this limit. A view of up to 140 columns should work in most situations.
  4. This maximum includes tables implicitly created as well as user-defined tables. Each table with one or more long fields requires a table created implicitly to hold the long fields. Long fields are LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, VARCHAR(n) where n > 254, and VARGRAPHIC(n) where n > 127.

ISQL Maximums

Table 36. ISQL Maximums
Restricted Parameter Maximum

Maximum number of columns in a query
Maximum length of a command (bytes)


The maximum number of columns in a query may be further reduced by the width of the columns selected.

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