The tutorial in A Basic Hyperion EssbaseTutorial describes how to perform basic data retrieval and navigation tasks in Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in. This section walks you through performing the following advanced retrieval tasks:
Remember that you can perform common data retrieval tasks in any of the following ways:
Despite the ease and speed with which you can navigate through large Hyperion Essbase databases, it is not practical to use the capabilities of Lotus1-2-3 to filter and sort very large databases; however, Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server includes powerful data filtering and sorting capabilities. In A Basic Hyperion EssbaseTutorial, you learned to use Hyperion Essbase Query Designer to define a dimensional layout and to select members to view. Hyperion Essbase Query Designer also provides a powerful, yet easy-to-use tool to define conditional retrievals.
To become familiar with the capabilities of Hyperion Essbase Query Designer, work with the query, Basic1, that you saved in A Basic Hyperion EssbaseTutorial, and perform the following steps:
Note: | If you skipped the tutorial in A Basic Hyperion EssbaseTutorial, follow the steps in Creating Queries Using Hyperion Essbase Query Designer to create and save the Basic1 query. |
Hyperion Essbase displays the query information panel of Hyperion Essbase Query Designer.
Hyperion Essbase displays the Open Query dialog box.
The member selection, displayed in the properties panel, remains unaltered from the last Hyperion Essbase Query Designer session.
Hyperion Essbase displays the data filter settings in the data filter panel. The filter controls the number of data rows that are retrieved. The number is based on the column criteria that you define. You can define data filtering criteria on data values that reside in one or more columns of the view.
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When you apply the query, Hyperion Essbase retrieves the top thirty rows of the dimension.
Your query results should look as shown below.
Figure 90. Data Filtering Query Results
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You can further filter your data output by specifying data comparison operations in the Data Restrictions box.
The data filters that you specified are displayed in the properties panel.
The data restriction settings are displayed in the properties panel.
Observe that the is option in the Data list box changed to =.
Notice that the query results now reflect only Actual and Budget data that are less than or equal to 500.
This option instructs Hyperion Essbase to discard data that have #Missing values.
The data restrictions should appear as follows:
![]() |
Hyperion Essbase retrieves data for all the quarters. Notice that the retrieved data for Qtr1, Actual is less than or equal to 500 or is less than Qtr2, Actual. The results should appear as follows:
Figure 92. Data Filtering Results
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Note: | To delete all data restrictions, select the Data Filtering icon in the navigation panel, right-click, and select Delete All Data Restrictions. Alternatively, select any data restriction in the Data Restriction box, right-click, and select Delete All Data Restrictions. |
To delete a particular data restriction, select the data restriction in the query outline, right-click, and select Delete Data Restriction. Alternatively, select the data restriction in the Data Restriction box, right-click, and select Delete Data Restriction.
Using the data sort panel, you can sort the output from the Basic1 query in ascending or descending order.
The data sorting settings are displayed in the properties panel. You can specify data sorting criteria that affect the order in which the selected rows are retrieved in the data sorting panel.
The data sorting panel contains the following items:
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The selection defaults to Qtr1, Actual. The sort order defaults to Ascending in the Ordering list box.
Figure 94. Specifying Data Sorting Order
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The selection defaults to Qtr1, Actual.
Observe that the order in the Ordering list box has defaulted to Ascending.
The Ascending, Qtr1, Budget sorting rule is deleted from the query.
Hyperion Essbase returns the results sorted in descending order for each quarter, as shown below:
Figure 95. Result of Filtering and Sorting Data
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Note: | The values that you are ranking and sorting must be the same. For example, you cannot specify Product in the Dimension being ranked box and Market in the Dimension being sorted box. If you specify different values, Hyperion Essbase Query Designer automatically changes both values to the last specified value. |
When you retrieve data into a worksheet, the resulting report can be either symmetric or asymmetric. Symmetric reports are characterized by repeating identical groups of members. For example, Figure 95 shows a symmetric report that contains Actual and Budget members nested below Year members (Qtr1, Qtr2, Qtr3, and Qtr4).
An asymmetric report is characterized by groups of nested members that differ by at least one member. There can be a difference in the number of members or in the names of members.
You can create asymmetric reports in one of the following ways:
If you retrieve data into an asymmetric report, Hyperion Essbase must perform additional internal processing to maintain the asymmetric layout. This processing may increase the retrieval time on large reports. For more information regarding optimizing reports, see the Hyperion Essbase Database Administrator's Guide, Volume II.
As part of the default Hyperion Essbase installation, Hyperion Essbase provides a sample file, Asymm.123, that illustrates how to create asymmetric reports.
To view the sample file, Asymm.123:
Depending on how software is installed on your PC, the file may not be available or may be located in a different directory. Contact the Hyperion Essbase system administrator for more information.
![]() |
In Asymm.123, row and column dimension groups are asymmetric. Thus, the nested member groups from the Product dimension differ in member content within respective markets. For example, Colas and Fruit Soda are included in East but not in West. In addition, Actual data is displayed for Qtr1, whereas Budget data is displayed for Qtr2, Qtr3, and Qtr4. Also notice that the sample file displays styles for members of the Scenario and Year dimensions.
When you pivot a group of members in an asymmetric report, Hyperion Essbase keeps only unique members from dimensions that are not involved in the pivot.
To use the open Asymm.123 file to illustrate this point:
Figure 97. Result of Pivoting in an Asymmetric Report
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Hyperion Essbase combines the Product members into all unique members. For example, Root Beer, which is displayed twice in Figure 96, is displayed only once in the current view. Colas, which is displayed in only one market in Figure 96, now appears in East and West.
Hyperion Essbase also removes the blank line between Product row groups. A pivot action always eliminates any rows or columns in which all cells are empty.
In addition to providing flexible, ad hoc retrievals, Hyperion Essbase supports retrieving data into formatted worksheets. A worksheet can contain the following formats:
After you format and save a worksheet, you may want to retrieve and navigate through new data in the existing worksheet format. This section provides the following information on working with formatted worksheets:
Observe the following rules when retrieving data into a formatted worksheet:
Rule 1
In the worksheet, no numeric cells can be located before the first Hyperion Essbase data cell. For example, in Figure 98, the first Hyperion Essbase data cell is B6. Neither any cell in rows 1 through 5 nor cell A6 can contain numeric values. Also, these cells cannot contain formulas that resolve to numeric values.
Rule 2
A cell that lies within a row or column of Hyperion Essbase data cannot contain text or numeric values. For example, in Figure 98, the cells in columns B, C, D, and F and rows 6 through 9 and 11 through 14 cannot contain any nondata text or numbers, for such values may be overwritten (or emptied) by the retrieved data. These cells can contain formulas, however, if Formula Preservation options are used. For more information on Formula Preservation options, see Preserving Formulas When Retrieving Data.
Tip: | If you need to preserve text in a cell, define that text or value as an Lotus 1-2-3 formula, and use the Formula Preservation options. |
Rule 3
The Pivot command is not available when the Retain on Retrieval check box is selected in the Essbase Options dialog box (Mode tab).
Rule 4
The Pivot command removes all cells that contain text other than database member names.
As part of the default Hyperion Essbase installation, Hyperion Essbase provides a sample file, P&l.123, that illustrates how to retrieve data into a formatted worksheet. The P&l.123 sample file illustrates how to retrieve data into a worksheet that contains formatted text, formulas, and protected cells.
To view the P&l.123 worksheet:
Depending on how software is installed on your machine, the file may not be available or may be located in a different directory. Contact the Hyperion Essbase system administrator for more information.
Figure 98. A Sample Formatted Worksheet
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Note: | When Retain on Retrieval is enabled, there may be a slight delay in retrieval time. |
By default, a Hyperion Essbase retrieval overwrites Lotus 1-2-3 formula with data values in the retrieval area of a worksheet. The retrieval process also eliminates formulas in cells outside the retrieval area. However, the Retain on Retrieval option enables you to define retrievals that do not overwrite formulas in any area of the worksheet.
Hyperion Essbase determines that some text cells in the worksheet do not correspond to database member names. When Hyperion Essbase is unable to resolve text in the worksheet, the following message is displayed:
Figure 99. Hyperion Essbase Unknown Member Message
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In this example, the first unknown member detected is Market: (in cell A1). Hyperion Essbase does not recognize the colon (:) that follows Market in the cell. If you click Yes, Hyperion Essbase displays the next unknown member; if you click No, Hyperion Essbase continues with the retrieval.
Note: | If you work with formatted worksheets often, you may want to tell Hyperion Essbase not to display this message. For more information, see Pivoting Data on Formatted Worksheets. |
Hyperion Essbase retrieves new data but retains the formatting and formulas in the worksheet.
Figure 100. Result of Retrieving on a Formatted Worksheet
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Note: | This chapter's section on Preserving Formulas When Retrieving Data provides additional tutorial tasks that show you how to take advantage of all the Formula Preservation options. |
With the Pivot command, you can produce ad hoc reports in both formatted and unformatted worksheets. However, a formatted worksheet may contain labels and formulas that make the result of a pivot operation ambiguous. The pivot is designed to compress and retain only the database elements represented in the worksheet. The worksheet also retains labels in areas that are not overwritten by pivoted data.
Note: | Hyperion Essbase prevents pivot operations on worksheets that contain formulas when Formula Preservation mode is active. |
Inv.123, a sample file installed as part of the Hyperion Essbase installation process, illustrates how to pivot data in a worksheet. It was saved with the Retain on Retrieval option disabled so that you can pivot on its worksheets.
To view the Inv.123 worksheet:
Depending on how software is installed on your PC, the file may not be available or may be located in a different directory. Contact the Hyperion Essbase system administrator for more information.
Figure 101. Formatted Worksheet Before Pivoting
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Hyperion Essbase pivots the Sales member group so that it is nested below the monthly members. However, during the pivot, Hyperion Essbase retains only database elements. For example, all data for Stock to Sales and Adjusted for Audit is deleted during the pivot.
Figure 102. Result of Pivoting on a Formatted Worksheet
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In Retrieving Data into Asymmetric Reports, you used the Retain on Retrieval option to preserve formatting and formulas in an existing worksheet. Collectively, the Formula Preservation options enables you to retain formulas during data retrievals, keep and remove only operations, and drill operations. In addition, Hyperion Essbase can replicate formulas for additional members retrieved into the worksheet as part of a drilling operation. This section steps you through using all of the Formula Preservation options in a report that you create.
You must enable some options before you can enable other options. Keep in mind the following guidelines and restrictions when using the Formula Preservation options:
To preserve formulas when retrieving or retaining data:
Figure 103. Entering an Lotus 1-2-3 Formula into a Cell
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Lotus 1-2-3 calculates the formula that you entered in cell G3 and now reflects Qtr1 as a percentage of Year.
Figure 104. Result of Lotus 1-2-3 Formula with Hyperion Essbase Data
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Hyperion Essbase removes the selected columns but retains the Lotus 1-2-3 formula that you entered, keeping it with the retained dataset.
Figure 105. Result of Removing Columns with Retain on Keep or Remove Only Enabled
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Hyperion Essbase drills down on Qtr1 and moves the formula down with the Qtr1 member.
Figure 106. Result of Drilling Down with Retain on Zooms Enabled
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Hyperion Essbase drills down on Qtr1 and replicates the formula for each member of Qtr1 (Jan, Feb, and Mar). To view the replicated formulas, click in cells D3, D4, D5, and D6 and look at the new syntax in the Lotus 1-2-3 formula bar.
Figure 107. Result of Drilling Down with Formula Fill Enabled
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In a typical Lotus 1-2-3 worksheet, you can select a range of cells by dragging the mouse across the worksheet. You can also select a range of cells and tell Hyperion Essbase to restrict the data retrieval to the selected range in the worksheet. Retrieving a range of data is particularly useful in the following situations:
As part of the default Hyperion Essbase installation, Hyperion Essbase provides a sample file, Profit.123, that illustrates how to retrieve a range of data.
To view the Profit.123 file:
Depending on how software is installed on your PC, the file may not be available or may be located in a different directory. Contact the Hyperion Essbase system administrator for more information.
Profit.123 has already selected a range of cells (B2 through F9) for you.
Figure 108. Selected Range of Cells for Retrieval
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Figure 109. Figure 112. Result of Retrieving First Range of Data
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Hyperion Essbase updates only the data in the selected range of cells.
Figure 110. Figure 113. Selecting Cells for Retrieval
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Hyperion Essbase updates the data in the selected range.
Figure 111. Result of Retrieving Second Range of Data
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The Hyperion Essbase cell retrieve function, EssCell, retrieves a single database value into a worksheet cell. Enter an EssCell function directly into a worksheet or select an EssCell function from the Lotus 1-2-3 menu bar.
Note: | You must be connected to a database to use EssCell. |
EssCell retrieves data when you perform a Hyperion Essbase retrieval or when you recalculate a worksheet throughLotus 1-2-3. As part of the default Hyperion Essbase installation, Hyperion Essbase provides a sample file, Summary.123. This file has EssCell functions already set in cells B16 and B17.
To view the Summary.123 file:
Depending on how software is installed on your PC, the file may not be available or may be located in a different directory. Contact the Hyperion Essbase system administrator for more information.
Figure 112. Worksheet Containing EssCell Functions
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Cells B16 and B17 in Summary.123 contain the EssCell function. If you select either of these cells, you can view the syntax for the EssCell function in the Lotus 1-2-3 formula bar at the top of the worksheet.
The EssCell function is defined in a cell as follows:
@EssCell(mbrList) |
mbrList is one of the following:
For example, the syntax for the EssCell function in cell B16 in the
Summary.123 file is the following:
@EssCell("Sales", A1, A2, B4, F5) |
When you open the worksheet, the values in these cells are #N/A. To update the values with the data in your database, you must perform a retrieval from Hyperion Essbase.
Hyperion Essbase calculates the EssCell functions in cells B16 and B17.
Figure 113. Retrieval on a Worksheet Containing the EssCell Function
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Now update the EssCell functions to retrieve data for a different state.
The values in cells B16 and B17 are updated as soon as you update the cell. The update occurs because Lotus 1-2-3 has recalculated the worksheet (if you have configured Lotus 1-2-3 to calculate changes automatically). The remaining data cells do not change. To completely update the worksheet, you must retrieve data from the server.
Figure 114. Updating the EssCell Function
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Note: | If the worksheet contains many EssCell functions, change Lotus 1-2-3 to manual calculation mode. This change prevents the cell retrieve from calculating until you retrieve data or calculate the worksheet manually. For more information, see the Lotus 1-2-3 documentation. |
Hyperion Essbase returns an error message if EssCell is
unsuccessful. The following table lists messages that Hyperion Essbase
displays in the EssCell cell and explains the conditions that cause the
Message | Reason |
#N/A | The worksheet is not connected to a database. |
#VALUE! | A member name in the list or reference is invalid. |
#NAME? | A text name in the function does not contain double quotation marks. |
The sample file that you used for this tutorial task already had EssCell
functions defined. To enter your own EssCell function into a worksheet,
you do the following:
Enter the EssCell syntax in the 1-2-3 formula bar at the top of the sheet. |
Note: | For more information on EssCell functions, see the Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in online help. |
Dynamic calculation members are database members that are excluded from the batch calculation process, thus shortening the regular database calculation time. The Hyperion Essbase Application Designer tags dynamic calculation members in the database outline so that Hyperion Essbase knows not to calculate those members until a data retrieval requests them. This process is referred to as dynamic calculation. Dynamically calculating database members benefits the Hyperion Essbase server in the following ways:
Database values that Hyperion Essbase calculates dynamically take slightly longer to retrieve in Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in because Hyperion Essbase must perform calculations before retrieving data into the worksheet. For more information on dynamic calculation, see the Hyperion Essbase Database Administrator's Guide.
Tip: | Enable the Navigate Without Data feature while you arrange the spreadsheet report so that Hyperion Essbase does not dynamically calculate the database when you are creating the report. For more information on the Navigate Without Data feature, see Navigating Through the Worksheet Without Retrieving Data. |
Because there may be a performance impact on retrieving data for dynamic calculation members, define visual cues, or styles, for these members so that you can identify them in Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in.
To illustrate how to use Dynamic Calculation members, use the Asymm.123 file.
To view the Asymn.123 file:
Hyperion Essbase displays only the Scenario members for Qtr1.
Figure 115. Displaying Scenario Members
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Note: | You must be connected to the Sample Basic database to display the Style tab. For more information on connecting to a database, see Connecting to a Database. |
Hyperion Essbase displays the data and applies all the visual cues, or styles, that you set, including the newly set styles for dynamic calculation members and the styles you set in A Basic Hyperion EssbaseTutorial. You can tell that the columns for Variance and Variance% are dynamically calculated because Hyperion Essbase displays these members in gray, bold, italicized font. (Variance and Variance% also have a red background because that style was previously set for all members of the Scenario dimension.)
Figure 116. Result of Retrieving Dynamic Calculation Members
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Note: | Occasionally, other styles you have set may override a style for dynamic calculation members. For example, if a parent member is also a dynamic calculation member, and if you have styles set for both parent and dynamic calculations, the style for the parent member overrides the style for the dynamic calculation member. In this case, you need to remove the style for parent members in order to see the style for dynamic calculation members. For more information on the precedence of styles, see Determining the Precedence of Overlapping Styles"Determining the Precedence of Overlapping Styles" on page 88. |
Dynamic Time Series members are predefined database members that are used in dynamic, to-date reporting, such as year-to-date or month-to-date values. Dynamic Time Series members do not appear as individual members in the database outline; instead, they correspond to a generation name that uses a key term for time, such as year, month, or day.
For example, in the Sample Basic database, a generation name called Quarter was created for generation 2 in the Year dimension. Generation 2 includes the members for Qtr1, Qtr2, Qtr3, and Qtr4. When the generation name Quarter was created, Hyperion Essbase created a Dynamic Time Series member called Q-T-D, or quarter-to-date.
To take advantage of Dynamic Time Series in Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, choose the latest time period for which you want data in a to-date calculation. The calculated value of the Dynamic Time Series member is derived when you define the latest time period to be reported. In the Sample Basic database, for example, the level 0 members of the Year dimension are the months of the year: Jan, Feb, Mar, and so on. If the current month is August, and you want to know the sales data for the quarter up to the current month, a quarter-to-date calculation gives you the sales data for the months of July and August.
To illustrate the concept of Dynamic Time Series:
Figure 117. Entering a Dynamic Time Series Member into a Worksheet
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Note: | For a list of other possible Dynamic Time Series members, see the Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in online help. |
Figure 118. Specifying Latest Time Period in a Dynamic Time Series
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Note: | If you do not specify a latest time period, Hyperion Essbase uses the first level 0 member (Jan) as the default. |
Note: | The Retrieve & Lock, Zoom In, and Zoom Out commands are not supported with Dynamic Time Series members. |
Hyperion Essbase displays data for the Q-T-D member. The data values in the worksheet are the aggregated values for April and May, because May is the month you specified as the latest month in the quarter-to-date Dynamic Time Series.
Figure 119. Result of Specifying Latest Time Period in a Dynamic Time Series
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Note: | You can also create a report like the one shown above by simply typing the name of the Dynamic Time Series member followed by the name of latest time period in parentheses: for example, Q-T-D (May). If you are using free-form retrieval mode, you must enter the Dynamic Time Series member and the latest time period in separate, adjacent cells. You can also select a Dynamic Time Series member and a latest time period through Hyperion Essbase Query Designer or through Member Selection. |
Note: | For more information on Dynamic Time Series, see the Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in online help. |
The Hyperion Essbase application designer uses substitution variables to define global variables to represent values that are specific to Hyperion Essbase. For example, Latest can be a substitution variable representing the latest time period in a Dynamic Time Series. Using Hyperion Essbase Application Manager, Application Designer sets substitution variables and their corresponding values for a specific application. Hyperion Essbase stores these variables and their values on the Hyperion Essbase server. You can take advantage of the predefined substitution variables in Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in during Dynamic Time Series reporting.
For example, say the application designer sets a substitution variable on the server for the current month. The variable is called CurMnth and has a value of August. If you use the substitution variable in the worksheet, a retrieval returns values for August, because August is set as the current month on the server. If, at a later date, the application designer changes the value of the CurMnth substitution variable to October, a retrieval returns data for October.
The Sample Basic database you are using for this tutorial does not contain predefined substitution variables. If the application designer had set a substitution variable in the database you are using, you could enter a substitution variable directly into a worksheet. For example, you could open a blank worksheet and type member names as follows:
Figure 120. Entering a Substitution Variable in a Worksheet
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Note: | Notice the substitution variable (CurMnth) in cell A2. When you enter a substitution variable directly into a cell, you must precede it with an ampersand (&). |
In this example, a retrieval produces the following results:
Figure 121. Result of Retrieval on a Substitution Variable
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Hyperion Essbase queries the server for the value of the substitution variable CurMnth, which is August. Data is returned only for August.
Note: | If you save a worksheet containing a substitution variable as a template, make sure that you save the worksheet before you retrieve data. For example, if you save the worksheet shown in Figure 121 as a template, each time you retrieve the template, August rather than the substitution variable CurMnth is displayed. |
So far, you have learned how to retrieve Hyperion Essbase data into a worksheet through ad hoc retrieval, Hyperion Essbase Query Designer queries, and Member Selection operations. In addition to these retrieval methods, Hyperion Essbase supports free-form reporting. Free-form reporting enables you to tell Hyperion Essbase specifically what you want to retrieve by simply typing data into the worksheet. Free-form reporting is especially useful when you are familiar with the dimensions and members in the database outline.
Hyperion Essbase provides two different retrieval modes for free-form reporting:
In both retrieval modes, enter member names directly into the worksheet. The following sections describe the similarities and differences between the two modes.
The Hyperion Essbase server contains an advanced spreadsheet interpretation engine that scans a worksheet and interprets its content when fulfilling retrieval requests. When you construct a report by entering names directly into a worksheet in Advanced Interpretation retrieval mode, Hyperion Essbase interprets the member names and creates a default view that is based on the location of the labels.
Keep in mind the following guidelines when you are working in Advanced Interpretation mode:
To construct a free-form report in Advanced Interpretation retrieval mode:
Note: | If a member name consists of a number, such as 100, you must precede the member name with a single quotation mark (for example, '100). This rule also applies to member names with spaces between words. |
Figure 122. Creating a New Free-Form Report
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Hyperion Essbase retrieves data for the members you entered into the free-form report and implements the Use Aliasesoption that you set in the Essbase Options dialog box in the beginning of this chapter.
Figure 123. Retrieving Data into a Free-Form Report
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Now define a free-form report that does not contain all of the dimensions from the database. In Advanced Interpretation mode, you may need to enter a dummy data value, such as 0, into the first Hyperion Essbase data cell to tell Hyperion Essbase where the data starts in the worksheet. Be sure to use a numeric value as the dummy value.
For example:
Figure 124. Defining a Free-Form Report Without All Dimensions
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Hyperion Essbase adds the dimensions that were omitted from the free-form report to the worksheet and retrieves data.
Figure 125. Retrieval in a Free-Form Report Without all Dimensions
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Similar to Advanced Interpretation mode, Free-Form mode enables you to enter member names into any location in a worksheet and then interprets the contents of the worksheet when fulfilling the retrieval request. In addition, with Free-Form mode, you can use Hyperion Essbase report script commands to retrieve data into a worksheet.
Report script commands are most useful for defining member references that can bring back the most current member information dynamically. For example, if you need to create a report that shows every product, including the products added since the last retrieval, standard retrieval mode reflects changes only when you zoom in on the product. If you use the report script command <IDESCENDANTS, Hyperion Essbase retrieves all descendants of a specified member, including the specified member. For more information on the syntax of report script commands and on guidelines for developing reports, see the online Technical Reference and the Hyperion Essbase Database Administrator's Guide.
Keep in mind the following guidelines when working in Free-Form retrieval mode:
To construct a free-form report in Free-Form retrieval mode:
Figure 126. Typing Member Names In a Free-Form Report
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Hyperion Essbase retrieves data for the members and creates a default view according to the location of the labels. Note that three members were pivoted from row groups to column groups.
Figure 127. Result of Retrieving in Free-Form Retrieval Mode
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Now create a report by entering member names and a report script command:
Figure 128. Typing Member Names in a Free-Form Report
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Figure 129. Typing a Report Script Command in a Free-Form Report
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Hyperion Essbase retrieves data into the worksheet for all descendants of Product and for the members you entered in the worksheet.
Figure 130. Result of a Retrieve with a Report Script Command
![]() |
Note: | When Hyperion Essbase completes the retrieval, the report script command is overwritten by the data it returns. You can use FlashBack to restore the previous view in Free-Form mode. |
Hyperion Essbase enables you to retrieve data selectively by specifying attributes that are associated with a base dimension. For example, in the Sample Basic database, the Product base dimension is associated with attributes such as packaging and size. You can enter an attribute name into the worksheet to retrieve data that is associated with that attribute.
To use attributes in a free-form report:
Caffeinated is an attribute dimension associated with the Product base dimension. Bottle is a level 0 member of the Pkg_Type attribute dimension. The Pkg_Type dimension is associated with the Product base dimension. A level 0 member is the lowest level member in a dimension.
Figure 131. Using Attributes in Free-Form Reports
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Hyperion Essbase retrieves information on profits for the first quarter of the year for all members of the Product base dimension that are associated with both the level 0 attribute members of the Caffeinated attribute dimension (Caffeinated_True and Caffeinated_False) and the level 0 member Bottle of the Pkg_Type attribute dimension. The results should appear as shown below:
Figure 132. Result of Using Attributes in Free-Form Reports
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Figure 133. Drilling Down on Attributes in Free-Form Reports
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Figure 134. Result of Drilling Down on East
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In addition to entering database member names into a free-form report, you can enter generation or level names directly into a worksheet to retrieve specific members. The Hyperion Essbase application designer defines generation and level names for database dimensions in the database outline. You have two options for discovering what generation and level names are defined in the database:
To enter generation and level names directly into a free-form report:
Figure 135. Entering Member Names in a Free-Form Report
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Family is a generation name in the Product dimension. The name is already defined in the Sample Basic database.
Figure 136. Entering a Generation Name in a Free-Form Report
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Hyperion Essbase retrieves data for the member and generation names that you entered. The Family generation name expands to its individual members.
Figure 137. Result of Free-Form Retrieval with Generation Name
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Figure 138. Entering a Level Name in a Free-Form Report
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Note: | Be sure not to insert a space between the comma after 0 and the word Year. Generation and level names that are entered directly into a worksheet must be precise. |
Hyperion Essbase retrieves data for the level 0 members of the Year dimension, which are the individual months (Jan, Feb, Mar, and so forth).
Figure 139. Result of Free-Form Retrieval with Level Name
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