User's Guide and Reference


When you create a spatial reference system, DB2 Spatial Extender registers it by recording its identifier and information related to it in a catalog table. Selected columns from this table comprise the DB2GSE.SPATIAL_REF_SYS catalog view, which is described in Table 37.

Table 37. Columns in the DB2GSE.SPATIAL_REF_SYS catalog view
Name Data Type Nullable? Content
SRID INTEGER No User-defined identifier for this spatial reference system.
SR_NAME VARCHAR(64) No Name of this spatial reference system.
SCID INTEGER No Numeric identifier for the coordinate system that underlies this spatial reference system.
SC_NAME VARCHAR(64) No Name of the coordinate system that underlies this spatial reference system.
AUTH_NAME VARCHAR(256) Yes Name of the organization that sets the standards for this spatial reference system.
AUTH_SRID INTEGER Yes The identifier that the organization specified in the AUTH_NAME column assigns to this spatial reference system.
SRTEXT VARCHAR(2048) No Annotation text for this spatial reference system.

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