User's Guide and Reference


Available geocoders are registered in a catalog table. Selected columns from this table comprise the DB2GSE.SPATIAL_GEOCODER catalog view, which is described in Table 36.

Table 36. Columns in the DB2GSE.SPATIAL_GEOCODER catalog view
Name Data Type Nullable? Content
GCID INTEGER No Numeric identifier of this geocoder.
GC_NAME VARCHAR(64) No Short description of this geocoder.
VENDOR_NAME VARCHAR(128) No Name of the vendor that provided this geocoder.
PRIMARY_UDF VARCHAR(256) No Fully qualified name of this geocoder.
PRECISION_LEVEL INTEGER No The degree to which source data must match corresponding reference data in order to be processed successfully by the geocoder.
VENDOR_SPECIFIC VARCHAR(256) Yes Path to, and name of, a file that a vendor can use to set any special parameters that this geocoder supports.
GEO_AREA VARCHAR(256) Yes Geographical area that contains the locations to be geocoded.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(256) Yes Remarks provided by the vendor.

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