Application Building Guide
Special Characters
Special Characters
background knowledge you need
batch files on Windows
bldapicb for Micro Focus COBOL stored procedures
bldcli for Visual C++
bldclis for Visual C++
bldmfcbs for Micro Focus COBOL stored procedures
bldmfcob for Micro Focus COBOL
bldmsapi for Visual C++
bldmsemb for Visual C++
bldmsstp for Visual C++ stored procedures
bldmsudf for Visual C++ UDFs
bldsqlj for Java SQLJ
bldsqljs for Java SQLJ
bldvaapi for VisualAge C++
bldvacbs for VisualAge COBOL stored procedures
bldvacob for IBM VisualAge COBOL
bldvaemb for VisualAge C++
bldvastp for VisualAge C++ stored procedures
bldvaudf for VisualAge C++ 3.5 UDFs
bldvcapi for VisualAge COBOL on Windows
bldvcli for VisualAge C++
bldvclis for VisualAge C++
binding the sample database
bldcc script file for C embedded SQL
using HP-UX C
using Linux C
using MIPSpro C on Silicon Graphics IRIX
using SPARCompiler C on Solaris
bldCC script file for HP-UX C++
bldCC script file for Linux C++
bldCC script file for MIPSpro C++ on Silicon Graphics IRIX
bldCC script file for SPARCompiler C++ on Solaris
bldccsrv script file for C stored procedures
using HP-UX C
using Linux C
using SPARCompiler C on Solaris
bldCCsrv script file for HP-UX C++ stored procedures
bldCCsrv script file for Linux C++ stored procedures
bldCCsrv script file for SPARCompiler C++ for Solaris stored procedures
bldccudf script file for C UDFs
using HP-UX C
using Linux C
using SPARCompiler C on Solaris
bldCCudf script file for HP-UX C++ UDFs
bldCCudf script file for Linux C++ UDFs
bldCCudf script file for SPARCompiler C++ for Solaris UDFs
bldcli script file on AIX
bldcli script file on HP-UX
bldcli script file on Linux
bldcli script file on Silicon Graphics IRIX
bldcli script file on Solaris
bldclisp script file on AIX
bldclisp script file on HP-UX
bldclisp script file on Linux
bldclisp script file on Solaris
bldcob script file for IBM COBOL Set for AIX
bldcobapi script file for IBM COBOL Set for AIX
bldcobsrv script file for IBM COBOL Set for AIX stored procedures
bldcset script file for IBM C Set++ for AIX
bldcsetsrv script file for IBM C Set++ for AIX stored procedures
bldf77 script file for Fortran 77 embedded SQL
on Silicon Graphics IRIX
using HP Fortran/9000 on HP-UX
using SPARCompiler Fortran on Solaris
bldf77sp script file for Fortran stored procedures
using HP Fortran/9000 on HP-UX
using SPARCompiler Fortran on Solaris
bldfor command file for FORTRAN 77 on OS/2
bldforsr command file for FORTRAN 77 stored procedures on OS/2
bldmfcc script file for M. F. COBOL embedded SQL
on Solaris
bldmfcc script file for Micro Focus COBOL on HP-UX
bldmfcob script file for Micro Focus COBOL on AIX
bldmfcobs script file for Micro Focus COBOL stored procedures on AIX
bldmfsp script file for Micro Focus COBOL stored procedures on HP-UX
bldsqlj build file for Java SQLJ
bldsqljs build file for Java SQLJ
bldvacbs batch file for IBM VisualAge COBOL stored procedures on Windows NT
bldxlc script file for C on AIX
bldxlcsrv script file for C stored procedures on AIX
bldxlcudf script file for C UDFs on AIX
bldxlCudf script file for IBM C Set++ for AIX UDFs
bldxlf script file for XL Fortran on AIX
bldxlfsrv script file for XL Fortran stored procedures on AIX
book, about this
build files, about
building information
building information
UDFs and stored procedures
C/C++ compilers, supported versions
CALL statement and stored procedures on AIX
calludf sample program
cataloging the sample database
checkerr.cbl for error checking
CLI Guide and Reference
AIX applications
AIX stored procedures
applications with VisualAge C++ 4.0 on OS/2
applications with VisualAge C++ 4.0 on Windows
applications with VisualAge C++ on AIX
HP-UX applications
HP-UX stored procedures
Linux applications
Linux stored procedures
OS/2 VisualAge 3 applications
OS/2 VisualAge 3 stored procedures
problem determination
sample programs
Silicon Graphics IRIX applications
Silicon Graphics IRIX client application for stored procedures
Silicon Graphics IRIX client application for UDFs
Solaris applications
Solaris stored procedures
stored procedures with VisualAge C++ 4.0 on OS/2
stored procedures with VisualAge C++ 4.0 on Windows
stored procedures with VisualAge C++ on AIX
VisualAge 3.5 for Windows applications
VisualAge 3.5 for Windows stored procedures
Windows applications
Windows stored procedures
client problems
CLP sample files
COBOL compilers
building information
installing and running
supported versions
using the IBM COBOL Set for AIX compiler
using VisualAge COBOL for OS/2
using VisualAge COBOL on Windows
code samples, included in the DB2 SDK
command files on OS/2
bldapi for Fortran 77 on OS/2
bldapicb for VisualAge COBOL on OS/2
bldcli for VisualAge C++
bldclisp for VisualAge C++
bldfor for FORTRAN 77 on OS/2
bldforsr for FORTRAN 77 stored procedures on OS/2
bldibmcb for VisualAge COBOL
bldicobs for VisualAge COBOL stored procedures
bldmfapi for Micro Focus COBOL stored procedures
bldmfcbs for Micro Focus COBOL stored procedures
bldmfcob for Micro Focus COBOL
bldsqlj for Java SQLJ
bldsqljs for Java SQLJ
bldvaapi for VisualAge C++
bldvaemb for VisualAge C++
bldvastp for VisualAge C++ stored procedures
bldvaudf for VisualAge C++ UDFs
Command Line Processor (CLP) files
Command Line Processor (CLP) in the DB2 SDK
Command Reference
comments in REXX programs
(939), (1056)
communications, enabling on the server
supported versions
configuration files
api.icc on AIX
api.icc on OS/2
api.icc on Windows
cli.icc on AIX
cli.icc on OS/2
cli.icc on Windows
clis.icc on AIX
clis.icc on OS/2
clis.icc on Windows
emb.icc on AIX
emb.icc on OS/2
emb.icc on Windows
stp.icc on AIX
stp.icc on OS/2
stp.icc on Windows
udf.icc on AIX
udf.icc on OS/2
udf.icc on Windows
using VisualAge C++ for AIX
using VisualAge C++ for OS/2
using VisualAge C++ for Windows
configuring communications protocol
Connectivity Supplement
contents of this book
CONVERT option on Windows NT
CREATE FUNCTION statement and UDFs
Creating the sample database
Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
database manager instances
DB2 CLI, about
DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition for OS/2 and Windows NT Quick Beginnings
DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition for UNIX Quick Beginnings
DB2 Connect Personal Edition Quick Beginnings
DB2 Connect User's Guide
DB2 Data Links Manager for AIX Quick Beginnings
DB2 Data Links Manager for Windows NT Quick Beginnings
DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition for UNIX Quick Beginnings
DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT Quick Beginnings
DB2 library
Information Center
language identifier for books
late-breaking information
online help
ordering printed books
printing PostScript books
searching online information
setting up document server
structure of
viewing online information
DB2 Personal Edition Quick Beginnings
DB2 Query Patroller Administration Guide
DB2 Query Patroller Installation Guide
DB2 Query Patroller User's Guide
db2sampl, using to create the sample database
development environment provided by the DB2 SDK
DFTDBPATH, using to specify the default path
diagnostic tools
directories that contain sample programs
documentation, related
Domino Go
embedded SQL
building applications
sample programs
enabling communications on the server
setting the OS/2
setting the UNIX
setting the Windows
error checking utilities
error messages and error log
example text, use of
expsamp program, using to export tables
Flagger, about the SQL 92 and MVS Conformance
Fortran compilers, supported versions
building information
DB2 API programs on OS/2
embedded SQL programs on OS/2
using the WATCOM FORTRAN 77 compiler on OS/2
Hollerith constants and FORTRAN 77 on OS/2
home directory, instance
how to use this book
HP-UX, supported versions
include files in the SDK
Installation and Configuration Supplement
instance name and home directory
italics, use of
build files
building a JDBC applet
building a JDBC application
building a JDBC stored procedure
building an SQLJ application
building SQLJ applets
building SQLJ programs
building SQLJ stored procedures
building UDFs
client application for JDBC stored procedure
general points for DB2 applets
HPFS drive for OS/2
JDBC client application for UDF
sample programs
(662), (730)
setting the AIX environment
setting the HP-UX environment
setting the Linux environment
setting the OS/2 environment
setting the Silicon Graphics IRIX environment
setting the Solaris environment
setting the Windows environment
support in the DB2 SDK
supporting platforms
building a stored procedure
building an applet
building an application
client application for stored procedure
client application for UDF
DB2 JDBC support
support in the DB2 SDK
languages, supported
Linux, supported versions
log, error
Lotus Domino Go
for Java
mbstowcs() function on Windows NT
Message Reference
messages, online error
Micro Focus COBOL
DB2 API linkage call convention 74 on Windows
DB2 API linkage call convention 8 on OS/2
DB2API.lib on OS/2
DB2API.lib on Windows
installing and running
supporting platforms
using the compiler on AIX
(827), (828)
using the compiler on HP-UX
using the compiler on OS/2
using the compiler on Solaris
using the compiler on Windows
wrapper program for stored procedures on AIX
Microsoft ODBC supported in the DB2 SDK
Microsoft Windows 32-bit, supported versions
migrating applications
Multi-threaded Applications
using HP-UX C
using HP-UX C++
using IBM C on AIX
using IBM C Set++ on AIX
using MIPSpro C on Silicon Graphics IRIX
using MIPSpro C++ on Silicon Graphics IRIX
using SPARCompiler C on Solaris
using SPARCompiler C++ on Solaris
NOCONVERT option on Windows NT
Object REXX
running programs on Windows NT
and supported servers
supported in the DB2 SDK
OLE Automation
support in the DB2 SDK
using Visual Basic on Windows
using Visual C++ on Windows
OLE DB table functions
support in the DB2 SDK
using on Windows
OLE sample programs
online error messages
operating system problems
operating systems
Silicon Graphics IRIX
Windows 32-bit
ORG table, creating and exporting
outcli sample program
outsrv sample program
included in the DB2 SDK
prefixes, error message
environment setup
operating system
programming knowledge you need
problem determination
programming interfaces
embeddded SQL for Java (SQLJ)
embedded SQL
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
publications, related
Quick Beginnings for OS/2
Quick Beginnings for UNIX
Quick Beginnings for Windows NT
related publications
Remote Data Objects (RDO)
support in the DB2 SDK
using Visual Basic on Windows
remote server connections
Replication Guide and Reference
building information
running programs on OS/2
running programs on Windows NT
setting up and running programs on AIX
support in the DB2 SDK
supported version on AIX
sample database, Creating
sample programs
with embedded SQL
configuring communications protocol
starting communications
setlocale() function on Windows NT
setting up document server
setting up your environment
Silicon Graphics IRIX, supported versions
Software Developer's Kit (DB2 SDK), about the DB2
software, supported
Solaris, supported versions
(918), (1047)
SQL Getting Started
SQL Reference
SQLCA data structure
bldsqlj build file
bldsqljs build file
building an application
building programs
client application for stored procedures
client application for UDFs
DB2 SQLJ support
stored procedures
support in the DB2 SDK
STAFF table, creating and exporting
Stored Procedure Builder (SPB) support in the DB2 SDK
stored procedures
AIX entry points
and OLE Automation Controller with Visual Basic on Windows
and OLE Automation Controller with Visual C++ on Windows
and the CALL statement on AIX
C++ considerations
for DB2 CLI VisualAge C++ 4.0 on OS/2
for DB2 CLI VisualAge C++ 4.0 on Windows
for embedded SQL Micro Focus COBOL on Windows
for embedded SQL using Visual C++ on Windows
for embedded SQL using VisualAge C++ 3 on OS/2
for embedded SQL VisualAge C++ 4.0 on OS/2
for embedded SQL VisualAge C++ 4.0 on Windows
FORTRAN 77 on OS/2
Java JDBC client application
Java SQLJ client application for
Micro Focus COBOL on AIX
Micro Focus COBOL on OS/2
Silicon Graphics IRIX DB2 CLI client application for
Silicon Graphics IRIX Fortran client application for
Silicon Graphics IRIX MIPSpro C embedded SQL client application for
Silicon Graphics IRIX MIPSpro C++ embedded SQL client application for
using HP Fortran/9000
using HP-UX C
(847), (850)
using HP-UX C++
using IBM C for CLI on AIX
using IBM C on AIX
using IBM C Set++ for AIX
using IBM COBOL Set for AIX
using IBM XL Fortran on AIX
using Linux C
using Linux C for CLI
using Linux C++
using Micro Focus COBOL on HP-UX
using SPARCompiler C for CLI on Solaris
using SPARCompiler C on Solaris
using SPARCompiler C++ for Solaris
using SPARCompiler Fortran on Solaris
using Visual C++ for CLI on Windows
using VisualAge 3.5 C++ for CLI on Windows
using VisualAge C++ 3 for CLI on OS/2
using VisualAge C++ 3.5 on Windows
using VisualAge C++ on AIX
using VisualAge COBOL on Windows
VisualAge C++ on AIX
VisualAge COBOL for OS/2
wrapper program for Micro Focus COBOL on AIX
structure of this book
syntax problems
System Monitor Guide and Reference
in the DB2 SDK
Troubleshooting Guide
udf sample program
updat sample program
user-defined functions (UDFs)
AIX entry points
and EXTERNAL NAME clause on AIX
and OLE Automation with Visual Basic on Windows
and OLE Automation with Visual C++ on Windows
and the CREATE FUNCTION statement on AIX
C++ considerations
Java JDBC client application
Java SQLJ client application
Silicon Graphics IRIX DB2 CLI client application for
Silicon Graphics IRIX MIPSpro C embedded SQL client application for
Silicon Graphics IRIX MIPSpro C++ embedded SQL client application for
using HP-UX C
using HP-UX C++
using IBM C on AIX
using IBM C Set++ for AIX
using Linux C
using Linux C++
using SPARCompiler C on Solaris
using SPARCompiler C++ for Solaris
using Visual C++ on Windows
using VisualAge C++ 3.5 on Windows
using VisualAge C++ 4.0 on OS/2
using VisualAge C++ 4.0 on Windows
using VisualAge C++ on AIX
VisualAge C++ 3 on OS/2
using this book
util.c and util.f for error checking
utilities for error checking
versions of compilers supported
WATCOM FORTRAN 77, coding and compiling using
WCHARTYPE CONVERT precompile option on Windows NT
wcstombs() function on Windows NT
web server
What's New
who should use this book
wide-character format on Windows NT
Windows 32-bit, supported versions
wrpmfcobs script file for Micro Focus COBOL stored procedures on AIX
XL Fortran compiler on AIX
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