IBM Books

Application Building Guide


Special Characters
Special Characters
  • AS/400 servers, Creating on (686)
  • Host or AS/400 servers, Creating on (685)
  • A
  • about the DB2 SDK (610)
  • about this book (591)
  • ActiveX Data Objects
  • support in the DB2 SDK (627)
  • using Visual Basic on Windows (994)
  • using Visual C++ on Windows (999)
  • Administering Satellites Guide and Reference (1102)
  • Administration Guide (1082)
  • Administrative API Reference (1083)
  • AIX/6000, supported versions (636)
  • API build files, DB2
  • api.icc configuration file on AIX (811)
  • api.icc configuration file on OS/2 (901)
  • api.icc configuration file on Windows (1029)
  • bldapi command file for Fortran 77 on OS/2 (931)
  • bldapicb for VisualAge COBOL on OS/2 (913)
  • bldapicb on Windows (1051)
  • bldCCapi for HP-UX C++ (854)
  • bldccapi for Linux C (870)
  • bldCCapi for Linux C++ (881)
  • bldCCapi for MIPSpro C++ on Silicon Graphics IRIX (952)
  • bldccapi for SPARCompiler C on Solaris (960)
  • bldCCapi for SPARCompiler C++ on Solaris (972)
  • bldccapi script file for MIPSpro C on Silicon Graphics IRIX (941)
  • bldccapi script file on HP-UX (842)
  • bldcsetapi for IBM C Set++ on AIX (802)
  • bldf77api for SPARCompiler Fortran on Solaris (982)
  • bldf77api script file for HP Fortran/9000 (866)
  • bldf77api script file for MIPSpro Fortran-77 on Silicon Graphics IRIX (957)
  • bldmfapi on AIX (829)
  • bldmfapi on HP-UX (862)
  • bldmfapi on OS/2 (922)
  • bldmfapi on Solaris (980)
  • bldmsapi for Visual C++ on Windows (1003)
  • bldvaapi for VisualAge C++ on OS/2 (887)
  • bldvaapi for VisualAge C++ on Windows (1015)
  • bldvcapi for VisualAge COBOL on Windows (1041)
  • bldxlcapi for C on AIX (790)
  • bldxlfapi for XL Fortran on AIX (837)
  • APIs to enable precompiler support in the DB2 SDK (620)
  • APIs, DB2
  • about (697)
  • APPC, CPI-C and SNA Sense Codes (1085)
  • applets
  • general points for (779)
  • Java (719)
  • Java JDBC (734)
  • Java SQLJ (756)
  • Application Building Guide (1084)
  • Application Development Guide (1086)
  • applications
  • DB2 CLI (700)
  • embedded SQL (708)
  • Java (720)
  • Java JDBC (739)
  • Java SQLJ (761)
  • B
  • background knowledge you need (603)
  • batch files on Windows
  • bldapicb for Micro Focus COBOL stored procedures (1052)
  • bldcli for Visual C++ (1005)
  • bldclis for Visual C++ (1007)
  • bldmfcbs for Micro Focus COBOL stored procedures (1055)
  • bldmfcob for Micro Focus COBOL (1053)
  • bldmsapi for Visual C++ (1004)
  • bldmsemb for Visual C++ (1010)
  • bldmsstp for Visual C++ stored procedures (1011)
  • bldmsudf for Visual C++ UDFs (1014)
  • bldsqlj for Java SQLJ (754)
  • bldsqljs for Java SQLJ (771)
  • bldvaapi for VisualAge C++ (1016)
  • bldvacbs for VisualAge COBOL stored procedures (1045)
  • bldvacob for IBM VisualAge COBOL (1043)
  • bldvaemb for VisualAge C++ (1022)
  • bldvastp for VisualAge C++ stored procedures (1024)
  • bldvaudf for VisualAge C++ 3.5 UDFs (1026)
  • bldvcapi for VisualAge COBOL on Windows (1042)
  • bldvcli for VisualAge C++ (1017)
  • bldvclis for VisualAge C++ (1019)
  • binding the sample database (681)
  • bldcc script file for C embedded SQL
  • using HP-UX C (848)
  • using Linux C (876)
  • using MIPSpro C on Silicon Graphics IRIX (948)
  • using SPARCompiler C on Solaris (966)
  • bldCC script file for HP-UX C++ (855)
  • bldCC script file for Linux C++ (882)
  • bldCC script file for MIPSpro C++ on Silicon Graphics IRIX (953)
  • bldCC script file for SPARCompiler C++ on Solaris (973)
  • bldccsrv script file for C stored procedures
  • using HP-UX C (849)
  • using Linux C (878)
  • using SPARCompiler C on Solaris (967)
  • bldCCsrv script file for HP-UX C++ stored procedures (857)
  • bldCCsrv script file for Linux C++ stored procedures (884)
  • bldCCsrv script file for SPARCompiler C++ for Solaris stored procedures (975)
  • bldccudf script file for C UDFs
  • using HP-UX C (851)
  • using Linux C (880)
  • using SPARCompiler C on Solaris (970)
  • bldCCudf script file for HP-UX C++ UDFs (859)
  • bldCCudf script file for Linux C++ UDFs (886)
  • bldCCudf script file for SPARCompiler C++ for Solaris UDFs (977)
  • bldcli script file on AIX (792)
  • bldcli script file on HP-UX (844)
  • bldcli script file on Linux (872)
  • bldcli script file on Silicon Graphics IRIX (943)
  • bldcli script file on Solaris (962)
  • bldclisp script file on AIX (794)
  • bldclisp script file on HP-UX (846)
  • bldclisp script file on Linux (874)
  • bldclisp script file on Solaris (964)
  • bldcob script file for IBM COBOL Set for AIX (824)
  • bldcobapi script file for IBM COBOL Set for AIX (823)
  • bldcobsrv script file for IBM COBOL Set for AIX stored procedures (826)
  • bldcset script file for IBM C Set++ for AIX (803)
  • bldcsetsrv script file for IBM C Set++ for AIX stored procedures (805)
  • bldf77 script file for Fortran 77 embedded SQL
  • on Silicon Graphics IRIX (958)
  • using HP Fortran/9000 on HP-UX (867)
  • using SPARCompiler Fortran on Solaris (983)
  • bldf77sp script file for Fortran stored procedures
  • using HP Fortran/9000 on HP-UX (868)
  • using SPARCompiler Fortran on Solaris (985)
  • bldfor command file for FORTRAN 77 on OS/2 (934)
  • bldforsr command file for FORTRAN 77 stored procedures on OS/2 (937)
  • bldmfcc script file for M. F. COBOL embedded SQL
  • on Solaris (981)
  • bldmfcc script file for Micro Focus COBOL on HP-UX (863)
  • bldmfcob script file for Micro Focus COBOL on AIX (830)
  • bldmfcobs script file for Micro Focus COBOL stored procedures on AIX (831)
  • bldmfsp script file for Micro Focus COBOL stored procedures on HP-UX (864)
  • bldsqlj build file for Java SQLJ (753)
  • bldsqljs build file for Java SQLJ (770)
  • bldvacbs batch file for IBM VisualAge COBOL stored procedures on Windows NT (1046)
  • bldxlc script file for C on AIX (796)
  • bldxlcsrv script file for C stored procedures on AIX (798)
  • bldxlcudf script file for C UDFs on AIX (800)
  • bldxlCudf script file for IBM C Set++ for AIX UDFs (807)
  • bldxlf script file for XL Fortran on AIX (838)
  • bldxlfsrv script file for XL Fortran stored procedures on AIX (840)
  • book, about this (592)
  • build files, about (690)
  • C
  • C
  • building information (711)
  • C++
  • building information (712)
  • UDFs and stored procedures (713)
  • C/C++ compilers, supported versions (638)
  • CALL statement and stored procedures on AIX (785)
  • calludf sample program (707)
  • cataloging the sample database (682)
  • checkerr.cbl for error checking (695)
  • CLI Guide and Reference (1087)
  • CLI, DB2
  • about (698)
  • AIX applications (791)
  • AIX stored procedures (793)
  • applications with VisualAge C++ 4.0 on OS/2 (903)
  • applications with VisualAge C++ 4.0 on Windows (1031)
  • applications with VisualAge C++ on AIX (813)
  • HP-UX applications (843)
  • HP-UX stored procedures (845)
  • Linux applications (871)
  • Linux stored procedures (873)
  • OS/2 VisualAge 3 applications (890)
  • OS/2 VisualAge 3 stored procedures (892)
  • problem determination (1070)
  • sample programs (660)
  • Silicon Graphics IRIX applications (942)
  • Silicon Graphics IRIX client application for stored procedures (944)
  • Silicon Graphics IRIX client application for UDFs (946)
  • Solaris applications (961)
  • Solaris stored procedures (963)
  • stored procedures with VisualAge C++ 4.0 on OS/2 (905)
  • stored procedures with VisualAge C++ 4.0 on Windows (1033)
  • stored procedures with VisualAge C++ on AIX (815)
  • VisualAge 3.5 for Windows applications (1018)
  • VisualAge 3.5 for Windows stored procedures (1020)
  • Windows applications (1006)
  • Windows stored procedures (1008)
  • client problems (1064)
  • CLP sample files (664)
  • COBOL compilers
  • building information (716)
  • installing and running (781)
  • supported versions (640)
  • using the IBM COBOL Set for AIX compiler (822)
  • using VisualAge COBOL for OS/2 (912)
  • using VisualAge COBOL on Windows (1040)
  • code samples, included in the DB2 SDK (615)
  • command files on OS/2
  • bldapi for Fortran 77 on OS/2 (932)
  • bldapicb for VisualAge COBOL on OS/2 (914)
  • bldcli for VisualAge C++ (889)
  • bldclisp for VisualAge C++ (891)
  • bldfor for FORTRAN 77 on OS/2 (935)
  • bldforsr for FORTRAN 77 stored procedures on OS/2 (938)
  • bldibmcb for VisualAge COBOL (915)
  • bldicobs for VisualAge COBOL stored procedures (917)
  • bldmfapi for Micro Focus COBOL stored procedures (923)
  • bldmfcbs for Micro Focus COBOL stored procedures (926)
  • bldmfcob for Micro Focus COBOL (924)
  • bldsqlj for Java SQLJ (755)
  • bldsqljs for Java SQLJ (772)
  • bldvaapi for VisualAge C++ (888)
  • bldvaemb for VisualAge C++ (894)
  • bldvastp for VisualAge C++ stored procedures (896)
  • bldvaudf for VisualAge C++ UDFs (898)
  • Command Line Processor (CLP) files (665)
  • Command Line Processor (CLP) in the DB2 SDK (618)
  • Command Reference (1088)
  • comments in REXX programs (939), (1056)
  • communications, enabling on the server (675)
  • compilers
  • problems (1067)
  • supported versions (637)
  • configuration files
  • api.icc on AIX (810)
  • api.icc on OS/2 (900)
  • api.icc on Windows (1028)
  • cli.icc on AIX (812)
  • cli.icc on OS/2 (902)
  • cli.icc on Windows (1030)
  • clis.icc on AIX (814)
  • clis.icc on OS/2 (904)
  • clis.icc on Windows (1032)
  • emb.icc on AIX (817)
  • emb.icc on OS/2 (907)
  • emb.icc on Windows (1035)
  • stp.icc on AIX (818)
  • stp.icc on OS/2 (908)
  • stp.icc on Windows (1036)
  • udf.icc on AIX (820)
  • udf.icc on OS/2 (910)
  • udf.icc on Windows (1038)
  • using VisualAge C++ for AIX (809)
  • using VisualAge C++ for OS/2 (899)
  • using VisualAge C++ for Windows (1027)
  • configuring communications protocol (676)
  • Connectivity Supplement (1092)
  • contents of this book (606)
  • CONVERT option on Windows NT (989)
  • CREATE FUNCTION statement and UDFs (788)
  • Creating the sample database (684)
  • D
  • Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference (1089)
  • database manager instances
  • about (1059)
  • Creating (668)
  • DB2 CLI, about (699)
  • DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition for OS/2 and Windows NT Quick Beginnings (1109)
  • DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition for UNIX Quick Beginnings (1110)
  • DB2 Connect Personal Edition Quick Beginnings (1090)
  • DB2 Connect User's Guide (1091)
  • DB2 Data Links Manager for AIX Quick Beginnings (1111)
  • DB2 Data Links Manager for Windows NT Quick Beginnings (1112)
  • DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition for UNIX Quick Beginnings (1107)
  • DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT Quick Beginnings (1108)
  • DB2 library
  • books (1081)
  • Information Center (1119)
  • language identifier for books (1116)
  • late-breaking information (1117)
  • online help (1080)
  • ordering printed books (1124)
  • printing PostScript books (1123)
  • searching online information (1122)
  • setting up document server (1120)
  • SmartGuides (1079)
  • structure of (1078)
  • viewing online information (1118)
  • DB2 Personal Edition Quick Beginnings (1103)
  • DB2 Query Patroller Administration Guide (1113)
  • DB2 Query Patroller Installation Guide (1114)
  • DB2 Query Patroller User's Guide (1115)
  • db2sampl, using to create the sample database (683)
  • development environment provided by the DB2 SDK (617)
  • DFTDBPATH, using to specify the default path (679)
  • diagnostic tools (1074)
  • directories that contain sample programs (666)
  • documentation, related (596)
  • Domino Go (777)
  • E
  • embedded SQL
  • building applications (701)
  • sample programs (661)
  • enabling communications on the server (674)
  • environment
  • setting the OS/2 (671)
  • setting the UNIX (672)
  • setting the Windows (673)
  • error checking utilities (692)
  • error messages and error log (1071)
  • example text, use of (609)
  • expsamp program, using to export tables (687)
  • EXTERNAL NAME clause and UDFs (789)
  • F
  • Flagger, about the SQL 92 and MVS Conformance (612)
  • Fortran compilers, supported versions (639)
  • FORTRAN on OS/2
  • building information (717)
  • DB2 API programs on OS/2 (930)
  • embedded SQL programs on OS/2 (933)
  • using the WATCOM FORTRAN 77 compiler on OS/2 (929)
  • G
  • Glossary (1093)
  • H
  • Hollerith constants and FORTRAN 77 on OS/2 (928)
  • home directory, instance (1061)
  • how to use this book (607)
  • HP-UX, supported versions (647)
  • I
  • include files in the SDK (614)
  • Installation and Configuration Supplement (1094)
  • instance name and home directory (1060)
  • italics, use of (608)
  • J
  • Java
  • about (696)
  • build files (751)
  • building a JDBC applet (736)
  • building a JDBC application (737)
  • building a JDBC stored procedure (748)
  • building an SQLJ application (760)
  • building SQLJ applets (757)
  • building SQLJ programs (750)
  • building SQLJ stored procedures (767)
  • building UDFs (774)
  • client application for JDBC stored procedure (742)
  • general points for DB2 applets (778)
  • HPFS drive for OS/2 (732)
  • JDBC client application for UDF (744)
  • sample programs (662), (730)
  • setting the AIX environment (723)
  • setting the HP-UX environment (724)
  • setting the Linux environment (725)
  • setting the OS/2 environment (726)
  • setting the Silicon Graphics IRIX environment (727)
  • setting the Solaris environment (728)
  • setting the Windows environment (729)
  • support in the DB2 SDK (624)
  • supporting platforms (646)
  • JDBC
  • building a stored procedure (747)
  • building an applet (735)
  • building an application (738)
  • client application for stored procedure (741)
  • client application for UDF (745)
  • DB2 JDBC support (722)
  • programs (733)
  • support in the DB2 SDK (622)
  • L
  • languages, supported (645)
  • Linux, supported versions (649)
  • log, error (1076)
  • Lotus Domino Go (776)
  • M
  • makefile
  • about (691)
  • for Java (731)
  • mbstowcs() function on Windows NT (991)
  • Message Reference (1095)
  • messages, online error (1073)
  • Micro Focus COBOL
  • DB2 API linkage call convention 74 on Windows (1049)
  • DB2 API linkage call convention 8 on OS/2 (920)
  • DB2API.lib on OS/2 (921)
  • DB2API.lib on Windows (1050)
  • installing and running (780)
  • supporting platforms (644)
  • using the compiler on AIX (827), (828)
  • using the compiler on HP-UX (861)
  • using the compiler on OS/2 (919)
  • using the compiler on Solaris (979)
  • using the compiler on Windows (1048)
  • wrapper program for stored procedures on AIX (835)
  • Microsoft ODBC supported in the DB2 SDK (619)
  • Microsoft Windows 32-bit, supported versions (657)
  • migrating applications (1062)
  • Multi-threaded Applications
  • about (710)
  • using HP-UX C (853)
  • using HP-UX C++ (860)
  • using IBM C on AIX (801)
  • using IBM C Set++ on AIX (808)
  • using MIPSpro C on Silicon Graphics IRIX (951)
  • using MIPSpro C++ on Silicon Graphics IRIX (956)
  • using SPARCompiler C on Solaris (971)
  • using SPARCompiler C++ on Solaris (978)
  • N
  • NOCONVERT option on Windows NT (988)
  • O
  • Object REXX
  • running programs on Windows NT (1058)
  • ODBC
  • and supported servers (632)
  • supported in the DB2 SDK (616)
  • OLE Automation
  • support in the DB2 SDK (626)
  • using Visual Basic on Windows (996)
  • using Visual C++ on Windows (1000)
  • OLE DB table functions
  • support in the DB2 SDK (629)
  • using on Windows (993)
  • OLE sample programs (663)
  • online error messages (1072)
  • operating system problems (1066)
  • operating systems
  • AIX (634)
  • HP-UX (648)
  • Linux (650)
  • OS/2 (651)
  • Silicon Graphics IRIX (653)
  • Solaris (655)
  • Windows 32-bit (656)
  • ORG table, creating and exporting (688)
  • outcli sample program (705)
  • outsrv sample program (704)
  • P
  • precompilers
  • included in the DB2 SDK (613)
  • prefixes, error message (1075)
  • prerequisites
  • compilers (642)
  • environment setup (670)
  • operating system (643)
  • programming knowledge you need (604)
  • problem determination (1063)
  • programming interfaces
  • DB2 APIs (597)
  • DB2 CLI (598)
  • embeddded SQL for Java (SQLJ) (600)
  • embedded SQL (599)
  • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) (601)
  • publications, related (595)
  • Q
  • Quick Beginnings for OS/2 (1104)
  • Quick Beginnings for UNIX (1105)
  • Quick Beginnings for Windows NT (1106)
  • R
  • related publications (594)
  • Remote Data Objects (RDO)
  • support in the DB2 SDK (628)
  • using Visual Basic on Windows (995)
  • remote server connections (669)
  • Replication Guide and Reference (1096)
  • REXX
  • building information (718)
  • running programs on OS/2 (940)
  • running programs on Windows NT (1057)
  • setting up and running programs on AIX (841)
  • support in the DB2 SDK (625)
  • supported version on AIX (641)
  • S
  • sample database, Creating (680)
  • sample programs
  • listing (659)
  • with embedded SQL (702)
  • servers
  • configuring communications protocol (678)
  • problems (1065)
  • starting communications (677)
  • supported (631)
  • setlocale() function on Windows NT (992)
  • setting up document server (1121)
  • setting up your environment (667)
  • Silicon Graphics IRIX, supported versions (652)
  • Software Developer's Kit (DB2 SDK), about the DB2 (611)
  • software, supported (635)
  • Solaris, supported versions (654)
  • SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph (918), (1047)
  • SQL Getting Started (1097)
  • SQL Reference (1098)
  • SQLCA data structure (1069)
  • SQLJ
  • applets (758)
  • bldsqlj build file (752)
  • bldsqljs build file (769)
  • building an application (759)
  • building programs (749)
  • client application for stored procedures (763)
  • client application for UDFs (765)
  • DB2 SQLJ support (721)
  • stored procedures (768)
  • support in the DB2 SDK (623)
  • STAFF table, creating and exporting (689)
  • Stored Procedure Builder (SPB) support in the DB2 SDK (630)
  • stored procedures
  • AIX entry points (782)
  • and OLE Automation Controller with Visual Basic on Windows (998)
  • and OLE Automation Controller with Visual C++ on Windows (1002)
  • and the CALL statement on AIX (784)
  • C++ considerations (714)
  • for DB2 CLI VisualAge C++ 4.0 on OS/2 (906)
  • for DB2 CLI VisualAge C++ 4.0 on Windows (1034)
  • for embedded SQL Micro Focus COBOL on Windows (1054)
  • for embedded SQL using Visual C++ on Windows (1012)
  • for embedded SQL using VisualAge C++ 3 on OS/2 (895)
  • for embedded SQL VisualAge C++ 4.0 on OS/2 (909)
  • for embedded SQL VisualAge C++ 4.0 on Windows (1037)
  • FORTRAN 77 on OS/2 (936)
  • Java JDBC (746)
  • Java JDBC client application (740)
  • Java SQLJ (766)
  • Java SQLJ client application for (762)
  • Micro Focus COBOL on AIX (832)
  • Micro Focus COBOL on OS/2 (925)
  • Silicon Graphics IRIX DB2 CLI client application for (945)
  • Silicon Graphics IRIX Fortran client application for (959)
  • Silicon Graphics IRIX MIPSpro C embedded SQL client application for (949)
  • Silicon Graphics IRIX MIPSpro C++ embedded SQL client application for (954)
  • using HP Fortran/9000 (869)
  • using HP-UX C (847), (850)
  • using HP-UX C++ (856)
  • using IBM C for CLI on AIX (795)
  • using IBM C on AIX (797)
  • using IBM C Set++ for AIX (804)
  • using IBM COBOL Set for AIX (825)
  • using IBM XL Fortran on AIX (839)
  • using Linux C (877)
  • using Linux C for CLI (875)
  • using Linux C++ (883)
  • using Micro Focus COBOL on HP-UX (865)
  • using SPARCompiler C for CLI on Solaris (965)
  • using SPARCompiler C on Solaris (968)
  • using SPARCompiler C++ for Solaris (974)
  • using SPARCompiler Fortran on Solaris (984)
  • using Visual C++ for CLI on Windows (1009)
  • using VisualAge 3.5 C++ for CLI on Windows (1021)
  • using VisualAge C++ 3 for CLI on OS/2 (893)
  • using VisualAge C++ 3.5 on Windows (1023)
  • using VisualAge C++ on AIX (819)
  • using VisualAge COBOL on Windows (1044)
  • VisualAge C++ on AIX (816)
  • VisualAge COBOL for OS/2 (916)
  • wrapper program for Micro Focus COBOL on AIX (834)
  • structure of this book (605)
  • syntax problems (1068)
  • System Monitor Guide and Reference (1099)
  • T
  • tools
  • diagnostic (1077)
  • in the DB2 SDK (621)
  • Troubleshooting Guide (1100)
  • U
  • udf sample program (706)
  • updat sample program (703)
  • user-defined functions (UDFs)
  • about (709)
  • AIX entry points (783)
  • and EXTERNAL NAME clause on AIX (787)
  • and OLE Automation with Visual Basic on Windows (997)
  • and OLE Automation with Visual C++ on Windows (1001)
  • and the CREATE FUNCTION statement on AIX (786)
  • C++ considerations (715)
  • Java (773)
  • Java JDBC client application (743)
  • Java SQLJ client application (764)
  • Silicon Graphics IRIX DB2 CLI client application for (947)
  • Silicon Graphics IRIX MIPSpro C embedded SQL client application for (950)
  • Silicon Graphics IRIX MIPSpro C++ embedded SQL client application for (955)
  • using HP-UX C (852)
  • using HP-UX C++ (858)
  • using IBM C on AIX (799)
  • using IBM C Set++ for AIX (806)
  • using Linux C (879)
  • using Linux C++ (885)
  • using SPARCompiler C on Solaris (969)
  • using SPARCompiler C++ for Solaris (976)
  • using Visual C++ on Windows (1013)
  • using VisualAge C++ 3.5 on Windows (1025)
  • using VisualAge C++ 4.0 on OS/2 (911)
  • using VisualAge C++ 4.0 on Windows (1039)
  • using VisualAge C++ on AIX (821)
  • VisualAge C++ 3 on OS/2 (897)
  • using this book (593)
  • util.c and util.f for error checking (694)
  • utilities for error checking (693)
  • V
  • versions of compilers supported (633)
  • W
  • WATCOM FORTRAN 77, coding and compiling using (927)
  • WCHARTYPE CONVERT precompile option on Windows NT (987)
  • wcstombs() function on Windows NT (990)
  • web server (775)
  • What's New (1101)
  • who should use this book (602)
  • wide-character format on Windows NT (986)
  • Windows 32-bit, supported versions (658)
  • wrpmfcobs script file for Micro Focus COBOL stored procedures on AIX (833)
  • X
  • XL Fortran compiler on AIX (836)

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