To build Java applets and applications, you follow the same steps on all platforms, so there is one chapter for this information, Chapter 4, "Building Java Applets and Applications". There is specific set up information needed for each platform and this is given in separate sections in this chapter. This setup information is in addition to the DB2 setup information given in Chapter 2, "Setup".
The Java chapter explains how to build JDBC programs that use the JDBC driver, and SQLJ programs that use embedded SQL for Java support in addition to using the JDBC driver. The chapter explains how to build JDBC and SQLJ applets, applications and stored procedures. It also explains how to build Java user-defined functions, which cannot contain JDBC or SQLJ statements.
The samples directory contains a Java makefile and build files for the SQLJ programs. JDBC programs are easy to build on the command line so no build files are supplied for these.