IBM Books

Application Building Guide

Chapter 2. Setup

  • Setting the OS/2 Environment
  • Setting the UNIX Environment
  • Setting the Windows 32-bit Operating Systems Environment
  • Enabling Communications on the Server
  • Windows NT
  • Creating, Cataloging, and Binding the Sample Database
  • Creating
  • Cataloging
  • Binding
  • Where to Go Next
  • Creating a proper environment for building and running DB2 applications requires properly setting up the following:

    1. Compiler or interpreter

    2. DB2 (database manager, DB2 SDK, and client connection)

    3. Operating system environment

    4. DB2 Sample database (optional)

    Checking your Compiler or Interpreter Environment

    To develop DB2 programs, you must use a compiler or interpreter for one of the supported programming languages for your operating system, listed in "Supported Software by Platform". It is recommended that you ensure your existing compiler or interpreter environment is correctly set up by first building a non-DB2 application. Then, if you encounter any problems, please see the documentation that comes with your compiler or interpreter.

    Setting Up the DB2 Environment

    To set up your DB2 environment, the following must be installed and working:

    For more detailed information on installation and setup, refer to the Quick Beginnings book for your operating system.

    When the above are installed and working, you can set up your operating system environment by following the steps in one of the following sections:

    After you set up your operating system environment, you may want to create the sample database, which is used by the examples in this book. To create the database, see "Creating, Cataloging, and Binding the Sample Database"

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