For SQLJ applets: some browsers do not yet have support for loading a serialized object from a resource file associated with the applet. For example, you will get the following error message when trying to load the applet Applt in those browsers:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Applt_SJProfile0
As a work-around, there is a utility which converts a serialized profile into a profile stored in Java class format. The utility is a Java class called sqlj.runtime.profile.util.SerProfileToClass. It takes a serialized profile resource file as input and produces a Java class containing the profile as output. Your profile can be converted using one of the following commands:
profconv Applt_SJProfile0.ser
java sqlj.runtime.profile.util.SerProfileToClass Applt_SJProfile0.ser
The class Applt_SJProfile0.class is created as a result. Replace all profiles in .ser format used by the applet with profiles in .class format, and the problem should go away.