IBM Books

Application Building Guide

MIPSpro Fortran-77

This section includes the following topics:

DB2 API Applications

The script file, bldf77api, in sqllib/samples/fortran, contains the commands to build a DB2 API program. The parameter, $1, specifies the name of your source file.

#! /bin/ksh
# bldf77api script file
# Builds a DB2 API program
# Usage: bldf77api <prog_name>
# Set DB2PATH to where DB2 will be accessed. 
# The default is the standard instance path. 
# Compile the util.f error-checking utility.
f77 -I$DB2PATH/include -w -c util.f
# Compile util.f for n32 object type support.
# f77 -n32 -I$DB2PATH/include -w -c util.f
# Compile the program.
f77 -I$DB2PATH/include -w -c $1.f
# Compile the program for n32 object type support.
# f77 -n32 -I$DB2PATH/include -w -c $1.f
# Link the program.
f77 -o $1 $1.o util.o -L$DB2PATH/lib -rpath $DB2PATH/lib -ldb2
# Link the program for n32 object type support.
# f77 -n32 -o $1 $1.o util.o -L$DB2PATH/lib32 -rpath $DB2PATH/lib32 -ldb2

Compile and Link Options for bldf77api

The script file contains the following compile options:

The Fortran compiler.

Specify the location of the DB2 include files. For example: $HOME/sqllib/include.

Suppress warning messages.

Perform compile only; no link. This book assumes that compile and link are separate steps.

The script file contains the following link options:

Use the compiler as a front end for the linker.

-o $1
Specify the executable.

Include the program object file.

Include the utility object file for error-checking.

Specify the location of the DB2 static and shared libraries at link-time. For example: $HOME/sqllib/lib.

-rpath $DB2PATH/lib
Specify the location of the DB2 shared libraries at run-time. For example: $HOME/sqllib/lib.

Link with the DB2 library.

Refer to your compiler documentation for additional compiler options.

To build the sample program client from the source file client.f, enter:

   bldf77api client

The result is an executable file, client. To run the executable file against the sample database, enter the executable name:


Embedded SQL Applications

The script file, bldf77, in sqllib/samples/fortran, contains the commands to build an embedded SQL program.

The first parameter, $1, specifies the name of your source file. The second parameter, $2, specifies the name of the database to which you want to connect. The third parameter, $3, specifies the user ID for the database, and $4, specifies the password. Only the first parameter, the source file name, is required. Database name, user ID, and password are optional. If no database name is supplied, the program uses the default sample database.

#! /bin/ksh
# bldf77 script file
# Builds a Fortran program that contains embedded SQL
# Usage: bldf77 <prog_name> [ <db_name> [ <userid> <password> ]]
# Set DB2PATH to where DB2 will be accessed. 
# The default is the standard instance path. 
# Connect to a database.
if (($# < 2))
   db2 connect to sample
elif (($# < 3))
   db2 connect to $2
   db2 connect to $2 user $3 using $4
# Precompile the program.                           
db2 prep $1.sqf bindfile
# Bind the program to the database.                 
db2 bind $1.bnd                                     
# Disconnect from the database.                     
db2 connect reset
# Compile the util.f error-checking utility.
f77 -I$DB2PATH/include -w -c util.f
# Compile util.f for n32 object type support.
# f77 -n32 -I$DB2PATH/include -w -c util.f
# Compile the program.
f77 -I$DB2PATH/include -w -c $1.f
# Compile the program for n32 object type support.
# f77 -n32 -I$DB2PATH/include -w -c $1.f
# Link the program.
f77 -o $1 $1.o util.o -L$DB2PATH/lib -rpath $DB2PATH/lib -ldb2
# Link the program for n32 object type support.
# f77 -n32 -o $1 $1.o util.o -L$DB2PATH/lib32 -rpath $DB2PATH/lib32 -ldb2

Compile and Link Options for bldf77

The script file contains the following compile options:

The Fortran compiler.

Specify the location of the DB2 include files. For example: $HOME/sqllib/include.

Suppress warning messages.

Perform compile only; no link. This book assumes that compile and link are separate steps.

The script file contains the following link options:

Use the compiler as a front end for the linker.

-o $1
Specify the executable.

Include the program object file.

Include the utility object file for error checking.

Specify the location of the DB2 static and shared libraries at link-time. For example: $HOME/sqllib/lib.

-rpath $DB2PATH/lib
Specify the location of the DB2 shared libraries at run-time. For example: $HOME/sqllib/lib.

Link with the DB2 library.

Refer to your compiler documentation for additional compiler options.

To build the sample program updat from the source file updat.sqf, enter:

   bldf77 updat remote_database userid password


Is the name of the database to which you want to connect. The name could be sample, or its remote alias, or some other name.

Is a valid user ID.

Is a valid password.

The result is an executable file, updat. To run the executable file against the sample database, enter:

   updat userid password


Is a valid user ID.

Is a valid password.

Embedded SQL Client Applications for Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are programs that access the database and return information to the client application. You compile and store stored procedures on the server. The server runs on another platform.

To build the Fortran embedded SQL stored procedure outsrv on a DB2-supported platform server, refer to the "Building Applications" chapter for that platform in this book. For other servers accessible by DB2 clients, see "Supported Servers".

Once you build the stored procedure outsrv, you can build outcli that calls the stored procedure. You can build outcli using the script file bldf77. Refer to "Embedded SQL Applications" for details.

To call the stored procedure, run the client application by entering:


The client application passes a variable to the server program, outsrv, which gives it a value and then returns the variable to the client application.

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