Pop-up Pages

This section describes how to set up a pop-up page. The Cúram application has a number of built-in pop-up pages such as the Date Selector pop-up described earlier which are "helpers" used to enter data. Developers are also allowed to specify their own pop-up pages. For example, when scheduling a meeting for a person you don't want the user to have to know or fill in that persons unique ID. Instead the user should be provided with a search facility or a pre-populated list of valid options they can select from. This is achieved in Cúram with pop-up pages.

The out-of-the-box pop-up widget has a input field (grey in color) with a search - in the form of a magnifying glass - and a clear icon beside it. When the user clicks on the search icon this will activate a pop-up page. The user can select an item from the pop-page which will populate the text input field on the pop-up widget.

The following sections describe the steps involved in creating a pop-up.