Using the Pop-up Page

Pop-up pages are opened using standard UIM FIELD elements. If the field has a target connection which is based on a domain as configured in curam-config.xml a link to open the pop-up will be generated rather than a standard text entry field. This is illustrated in the screen shot above with the "Preferred Office" input field.

The following is the most basic example of a FIELD opening a pop-up. It is from an insert page so only a target connection is specified. Using the current example, the person's unique ID will be assigned to the field specified in the target connection and the person's name will only be used for visual purpose to display to the user.

Figure 1. Opening a Pop-up from an Insert Page
<FIELD LABEL="Field.Label.person">

The following example is from a modify page which means the field will have a source value which must be displayed to the user. It is slightly more complex that standard fields on a modify page because there are actually two source values to handled. The person's unique ID and the person's name. In this case the INITIAL connection is used to specify the person's name. This will only be used to display to the user and note that is not submitted to the server. Following that the field is just like any other on a modify page. The source connection specifies the existing value of the field, the target connection specifies where the value should be submitted to.

Figure 2. Opening a Pop-up from a Modify Page
<FIELD LABEL="Field.Label.person">

When invoking a pop-up it is also possible to supply page parameters to the pop-up. This is a slight variation on the two examples above and involves the use of the LINK element. The following is an example of two parameters passed to a pop-up page, one sourced from an existing page parameter, the other from a server interface property. When a LINK element is used in this context no attributes such as PAGE_ID should be specified. Also a TEXT source connection cannot be used to supply a parameter to a pop-up page.

Figure 3. Supplying Parameters to a Pop-up Page
<FIELD LABEL="Field.Label.person">
      <TARGET NAME="PAGE" PROPERTY="param1"/>
      <SOURCE NAME="DISPLAY" PROPERTY="personName"/>
      <TARGET NAME="PAGE" PROPERTY="param2"/>