Configure the Pop-up Page

The first step is to configure the pop-up page. This is performed by the POPUP_PAGES element in curam-config.xml.

Figure 1. Pop-up Configuration Example
  <POPUP_PAGE PAGE_ID="PersonSearch"

On the root element the DISPLAY_IMAGES attribute can be used to configure whether images or text is used for the actions which open a pop-up or clear the currently selected value.

The nested elements are:

CLEAR_TEXT_IMAGE : The location of the image to use as a "clear this text" button. Note that this is an application wide setting.

POPUP_PAGE : For each domain definition which requires a pop-up there must be instance of this element. Up to two pop-ups can be associated with a single domain; one to search for an existing item, another to create a new item. The following attributes and child elements control various aspects of how the pop-up is presented to the user.

Table 1. Attributes of the POPUP_PAGE element.
Name Description
PAGE_ID Specifies the UIM page id of the pop-up page to open to search for an existing item.
CREATE_PAGE_ID Specifies the UIM page id of the the pop-up page to open to create a new item.
CONTROL_TYPE Specifies the type of control where the value returned from the pop-up will be written to. The default value is textunderline which displays static text with an underline. To display a text input field set the value to textinput. When a a text input control is configured, on the UIM FIELD which uses a pop-up, the HEIGHT attribute can be used to change from a single line text input to a multi-line text area.
CONTROL_EDITABLE This attribute is only valid when CONTROL_TYPE is set to textinput. It controls whether the text input field is editable or not. Set to true to create a editable field and false to create a non-editable field. Note that Internet Explorer does not give any visual indication that the text input field is not editable.
CONTROL_INSERT_MODE This attribute is only valid when CONTROL_TYPE is set to textinput. It allows you to configure how a value selected from a pop-up is inserted into the associated input control. The default is overwrite which means the selected value will overwrite the previous contents. Setting the attribute to insert means the selected value will be inserted at the current cursor position. Setting the attribute to append means the selected value will be appended to the previous contents of the input control.
Table 2. Child elements of the POPUP_PAGE element.
Name Description
DOMAIN Domain used to identify this pop-up page. If a FIELD element with a TARGET connection is based on this domain, a pop-up will be used instead of a standard text entry box.
CT_CODE This is a second way to identify a pop-up page. The attribute contains a code table code value and is used when associating multiple pop-up pages with a single field and is described in further detail below.
WIDTH Width in pixels of pop-up dialog. This element is optional. If not included, the default width of 600 pixels will be used.
HEIGHT Height in pixels of pop-up dialog. This element is optional. If not included, the height will be automatically calculated based on the page contents.
IMAGE Location of image which when clicked launches the pop-up defined by the POPUP_PAGE element's PAGE_ID attribute.
IMAGE_PROPERTY Optional key in the file under which the locale-specific location of the pop-up launcher image otherwise specified by IMAGE attribute is stored. If the IMAGE is also specified for the same configuration, it will take precedence over the IMAGE_PROPERTY and this attribute will be ignored.
HIGH_CONTRAST_IMAGE Location of the high contrast image which when clicked launches the pop-up defined by the POPUP_PAGE element's PAGE_ID attribute.
HIGH_CONTRAST_IMAGE_PROPERTY Optional key in the file under which the locale-specific location of the pop-up launcher image otherwise specified by HIGH_CONTRAST_IMAGE attribute is stored. If the HIGH_CONTRAST_IMAGE is also specified for the same configuration, it will take precedence over the HIGH_CONTRAST_IMAGE_PROPERTY and this attribute will be ignored.
LABEL Alternate text for the image defined by the IMAGE element. If the POPUP_PAGE element's DISPLAY_IMAGES attribute is set to false, this text will be displayed instead of the image.
LABEL_PROPERTY Optional key in the file under which the locale-specific value of the label attribute otherwise specified by the LABEL attribute is stored. If LABEL is also specified for the same configuration, it will take precedence over the LABEL_PROPERTY and this attribute will be ignored.
CREATE_IMAGE Location of image which when clicked launches the pop-up defined by the POPUP_PAGE element's CREATE_PAGE_ID attribute.
CREATE_IMAGE_PROPERTY Optional key in the file under which the locale-specific location of the pop-up launcher image otherwise specified by CREATE_IMAGE attribute is stored. If the CREATE_IMAGE is also specified for the same configuration, it will take precedence over the CREATE_IMAGE_PROPERTY and this attribute will be ignored.
CREATE_LABEL Alternate text for the image defined by the CREATE_IMAGE element. If the POPUP_PAGE element's DISPLAY_IMAGES attribute is set to false, this text will be displayed instead of the image.
CREATE_LABEL_PROPERTY Optional key in the file under which the locale-specific value otherwise specified by the CREATE_LABEL attribute is stored. If the CREATE_LABEL is also specified for the configuration, it will take precedence over the CREATE_LABEL_PROPERTY and this attribute will be ignored.