Configure the Multiple Pop-up Page

This can be configured through the MULTIPLE_POPUP_DOMAINS element in curam-config.xml. The following is an example:

Figure 1. Multiple Pop-up Domains

The nested elements are:

CLEAR_TEXT_IMAGE : The location of the image to use as a "clear this text" button. This is an application wide setting.

MULTIPLE_POPUP_DOMAIN : For each domain which you wish to associate multiple pop-up windows create an instance of this element.

DOMAIN : The name of the domain which is associated with multiple pop-up windows

IMAGE : Location of image to be used for pop-up icon.

LABEL : Alternate text to be used for pop-up icon.

As shown above, when using multiple pop-up pages a drop-down list is required to select the pop-up type. This drop-down list is populated as normal from a code-table. The code-table codes are the link between the drop-down list and pop-up that is opened. This requires the CT_CODE child element of the POPUP_PAGE element to be set to the code-table code value.