Authorizing at the Application Level

An organization may choose to use the Application Level Authorization strategy if the application case contains multiple programs, and these programs should be authorized at the same time. Additionally, any product deliveries required are managed using one integrated case. The organization can configure whether a new integrated case is created for each application case that is authorized, or that an existing integrated case is used, or that the worker selects one or the other. The organization must also configure the type of integrated case that is created as a result of authorizing the application case. The configuration settings dictate the modal(s) that are presented to the worker upon selection of the Authorize action on the application case.

If required, the type of product delivery to be added to the integrated case as a result of authorization is configured for each program associated with the application case.A ruleset must also be defined to determine the set of programs to be authorized on the application case.

The following process is invoked when the worker selects to Authorize on the application case:

  1. The system checks the configuration settings to determine if a new integrated case should be created or an existing integrated case selected. It also determines whether a product delivery should be created.
  2. The worker must confirm the authorization. The worker may also be presented with the option to select an existing integrated case or select to create a new integrated case, based on the configuration settings.
  3. The evidence associated with the application case validated. If the validation is not successful, the program authorization process is ended at this point.
  4. The authorization ruleset determines the set of programs authorized and the clients eligible to receive each of the programs. At this point the system knows the type of integrated case required, based on configuration settings. The system also knows the type of product deliveries required and the clients who should be added to each product delivery, including the primary client, based on the ruleset determination.
  5. The set of application case evidence required to authorize the identified programs is determined. This is the evidence that will be copied to the ongoing cases used and/or created as a result of the authorization process. See Copying Evidence to an Ongoing Case for more information.
  6. The identified set of validated application case evidence is activated. Evidence that was activated on a previous authorization process is excluded.
  7. As determined by the previous steps, either a new integrated case is created, or an existing integrated case is identified to host the required product deliveries. If a new integrated case is created, all application case clients are added to the integrated case. The primary client is selected automatically by the system. If an existing case is used, only application case clients not already present in the integrated case are added.
  8. The application case evidence required by the integrated case is copied to the integrated case. The evidence is automatically applied (validated, and if successful, activated) to the integrated case. The program authorization process continues regardless of the success of this step. However, if unsuccessful, a notification is sent to the integrated case owner.
  9. For each product delivery required based on the ruleset determination in Step 4, the following processing occurs. The product delivery is created. The primary client identified by the ruleset is added to the product delivery. Any additional clients must be added as members of a product group. The application case evidence required by the product delivery is copied to the product delivery. The evidence is automatically applied (validated, and if successful, activated) to the product delivery. The program authorization process continues regardless of the success of this step. However, if unsuccessful a notification is sent to the product delivery owner. If evidence activation is successful, the product delivery can be submitted automatically for approval based on configuration settings. Otherwise it remains in the 'open' state.
  10. The status of the approved program applications is updated to 'Approved'.
  11. Information pertaining to the authorization event is saved including the date, the programs authorized and the evidence used in the authorization event. See Reviewing the Authorization Results for more information.