Copying Evidence to an Ongoing Case

As part of the authorization process, the system identifies the evidence that must be copied to the ongoing cases. The evidence types that have been captured on the application case, and that are also required on the ongoing cases are automatically activated on the application case, and then copied, validated and activated automatically on the ongoing cases.

Evidence may be activated multiple times on an application case. For example, if an application case contains multiple programs, and each program is authorized separately, the evidence may be updated on the application case between each program authorization. If authorization for multiple programs results in the same integrated case being used, the system only copies evidence that hasn't been previously copied, or that has been updated since it was last copied to the integrated case.

Cúram Intake provides a further level of evidence configuration, by allowing an organization to configure evidence types at the program level. This can be used by an organization to provide support for applications for multiple programs where a particular program needs to be authorized much more quickly than other programs for which the client may have applied, for example, expedited food assistance. Using this type of configuration, only the evidence required for the program to be authorized will be used and copied to the ongoing cases. This allows benefits for the authorized program to be delivered to the client, while the worker continues to gather the evidence required for the other programs applied for.