IBM Rational Software Architect Refresh Pack 6.0.1 - Release notes
For Rational Software Architect, Version 6.0 or
To view the latest version of this file, see the release notes at
This file is available in the following national languages:
1.0 About this release
1.1 New in this release
1.2 Product fix history
2.0 Installation information
2.1 Hardware requirements
2.2 Software requirements
2.3 Software corequisites
3.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds
4.0 Customer support
5.0 Notices and trademarks
1.0 About this release
IBM® Rational® Software Architect Refresh Pack 6.0.1 contains enhancements and fixes to the version 6.0 release.
1.1 New in this release
IBM Rational Software Architect Refresh Pack 6.0.1 provides new function for the following components:
Architectural discovery
- You can create a working set and select it as an item of the Discover Architecture menu option.
- Additional enhancements related to architectural discovery
Component test
- Usability enhancements.
- Ability to add or remove breakpoints to or from an equivalence class or test data table row.
- Ability to copy and paste equivalence classes or test data table rows.
- Support of Java™ hashmap classes in data tables.
- Existing stubs are automatically updated when stubbed class or method is renamed or modified.
- Support stubbing of session bean on WebSphere® Application Server 6.0.
- Support stubbing of entity beans on WebSphere Application Server 5.x and 6.0.
- Existing EJB and Web services are automatically updated when the original objects are modified.
- Ability to run tests in headless mode from the command line.
Crystal Reports
- Usability enhancements
- Develop applications to work with BusinessObjects Enterprise XI
- Ability to upgrade existing applications to use the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI libraries
Code review
- Ability to run static analysis from the command line
- New security rules
- XML/HTML reporting
Data tools
- Support of Derby v10.0
- SQLJ enhancements
- Logical structures are now provided for Document Object Model (DOM), Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), and Service Data Objects (SDO). You
can view the logical structures by enabling the Show Logical Structure button in the Variables or Expressions views. Logical
structures conveniently hide the underlying implementation while displaying the elements of your DOM, EMF, or SDO.
- When you are debugging a JSP file, JSP 2.0 implicit object variables are conveniently located in a new JSP Implicit Variables
group in the Variables view. User-defined variables within the current scope are visible, but not grouped, in the view. By default,
original unformatted Java variables are hidden, but can be made visible with a menu action.
- New topics included in the information center
Enterprise Generation Language (EGL)
- Support for EJB Web transactions
- EGL Service part type that allows EGL users to create and access different kinds of Web services
- EGL Parts reference view enhancements
- Performance enhancements for EGL SQL retrieve, which pulls relational table definitions from a database and creates EGL record
parts to represent them
- A new dialog box which allows you to create a DataItem part, instead of using the source editor
- EGL language enhancements for the following:
- IMS™ & DL/I support
- Boolean datatype
- Populate combo box from database table
- Additional string functions
- Allow all EGL types to be valid as return types on assignment statements
- Support for SQL Server
Portal tools
- Options in portlet wizards (both for JSR 168 API and IBM portlet API) and Page Data view (for Faces portlet only) to generate
common code for business process portlets
- Updated default wps.ear file to WebSphere Portal v5.1.0.1
- WebSphere Portal v5.1 stub code updated for supporting new portlet APIs available from WebSphere Portal
- Changes in a portal project can be applied to the portal server by using the admin console to restart applications, without having
to restart the portal server
Rational Product Updater
- Rational Product Updater can now remove from your system any outdated files after you install a new update. You can use the Clean up function to significantly reduce the disk space that the installed product uses, and to purge any outdated files. For additional information, see the “Removing outdated files” topic in the Rational Product Updater help.
Note: This functionality is only supported after you install the 6.0.1 refresh pack and subsequent updates.
Rational Rose Model Import
- Enhancements for importing Rational Rose Activity Diagrams into UML2 Activity Diagrams. For more information, see the "Activity diagram model element UML notation differences" topic in the product help. These enhancements support nested Activity diagrams.
RequisitePro® integration
- You can now link requirements to domains in addition to UML:
- Java elements such as classes, operations, and fields
- Resource elements such as projects, folders, and files
- J2EE elements such as Web services, EJB, and JServices
- You can edit the information for requirements in the Properties view.
- You can now create, delete, and modify database requirements
- Improved integration with WebSphere Business Integration
- Usability improvements for linking between requirements and domain elements
Runtime analysis
- Performance and scalability enhancements to runtime analysis:
- Scalability and redesign of the object reference graph
- New scalable profiling modes to collect performance callgraph and statistics data
- Pre-aggregated data collection for performance profiling
- Localization and accessibility improvements
Team development
- You can now save the delta and conflict lists in two-way and three-way compare and merge session
- Enhancements to Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) compare support
- Model query now displays stereotype information
- Model query now displays the model in which elements are found
- Model query now displays the type of the elements, such as class or interface
- Model Query Results view now displays properties in the Properties view
UML diagrams
- You can now display generic images such as corporate logos in your diagrams, without creating profiles and stereotypes
- You can now show the full method signature for methods either by default or on a message by message basis
- Tool tips are more comprehensive on messages, and display the full method signature of the operation on the associated message
- Improvements to the global settings for diagram page printing
- The default page preferences are now initialized based on your system locale
- Additional enhancements related to UML diagrams
UML transformations
- A new UML-to-XSD transformation accepts a UML model of an XML schema as a source, and generates the schema in a file
- A new UML-to-CORBA transformation transforms UML version 2.0 model elements into Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) Interface Definition Language (IDL).
- The UML-to-EJB transformation now generates EJB references
- The UML-to-EJB transformation now processes realizations from classes to interfaces the same way that it processes implementations
- The UML-to-EJB transformation now supports WBI workflow for the WBI transformation
- The UML-to-Java transformation now processes enumerations the same way that it processes interfaces
- The UML-to-Java transformation now includes better support for subsequent transformations of the same elements
- Transformation configuration enhancements
- Transformation user-interface enhancements
- Additional enhancements related to UML transformations
UML visual editing for Java
- The Show as association command for collection types now prompts for type and multiplicity
- The field creation wizard now gives you the option to generate the field with or without a fully qualified name
Web tools
- Support for additional mediators for client data for Faces client components of the JSF Widget Library: PeopleSoft, SAP, Siebel,
EJB, Domino®.
- A Faces Managed Beans folder has been added to the Page Data view. This folder displays the managed beans that have been defined
in the project.
- New sample page templates.
- Support for JSTL 1.1.
Web services
- Support for Web services object runtime framework 8.2
1.2 Product fix history
This refresh pack includes Rational Software Architect Fix Pack
This refresh pack contains fixes for problems in the following components. APAR numbers, if applicable, are in parentheses:
Agent Controller
(JR21559) This fix resolves problems with a RemoteTestRunner class not found when profiling a JUnit class.
Component test
(PK05453) This fix resolves problems where running a component test would stop before completion and display an error message saying
"Test Execution Harness error: null."
Crystal Reports
This fix resolves the following problems:
- (PK04031) An error is encountered when creating a Crystal Report and connecting to a database using the Database Expert wizard.
- (PK04886) At runtime, the toolbar of the report is not shown while all the database fields are displayed.
Data tools
This fix resolves the following problems:
- (JR20955) Database column definition is missing a "BIGINT" type in connection to DB2® on iSeries™.
- (PQ99856) Refreshing a connection to an MS SQL server causes the tables to disappear.
- (PK01166) Organizing imports on an SQLJ file fails because the Java parser does not understand the #SQL clauses.
- (JR21146) Modified database preferences set in the Preferences window revert to the default preferences after restarting the
- (PK01434) Setting the maximum rows returned from a SQL query on the Data > SQL query preference page does not work.
- (JR21566) Data access beans do not recognize Sybase SQL using atSign (@) prefix for a host variable in generating Java beans
for use by a Web application using a DriverManager connection.
- (PK10409) When a database connection is made to DB2 v8 on z/OS in compatibility mode, table information is visible but views are not visible.
This fix resolves the following problems:
- (PK00809) The online help might not open properly.
- (PK05226) If you have Mozilla set as your default Internet browser, and you attempt to open a movie file from the product, the movie file might fail to open.
- (PK00162) This fix resolves problems with the deprecation of the XML perspective not being documented.
- (PK05450) The "Adding row edit to a data table" topic is incomplete.
- (PQ98935) Struts migration information is incomplete.
- (PK00601) Lack of support for Web services annotations is not clearly documented.
- (PK07304) APIs for advanced J2EE tool development are not available.
Enterprise Generation Language (EGL)
This fix resolves the following problems:
- (PK08014) Programs that
use the EZE string functions EZESCOPY, EZESCNT, and EZESCMPR do not always specify a CHA field for the source parameter.
When these programs are migrated to EGL, the EGL editor flags the migrated functions in error, indicating that the source
parameter must be a string.
- (JR21472) Library field in linkage should be set to libctest, not
- (JR21484) When specifying a height value for a list box, data is not shown.
- (PK08163) Printing an EGL file causes the text to run together.
- (PK09567) An EGL project throws a null pointer exception when generating Java code with the generation wizard.
This fix resolves the following problems:
- (PK03944) When you use a French system locale, the localized content does not appear in the central buffer keyword field.
- (PQ99825) You cannot globally change the default paper size that appears in the Page Setup window when a diagram is selected.
- (PK03784) When you print a diagram, the print job might fail with the following error message: "SWTError: No more handles."
- (PK06269) When you shut down WebSphere Application Server from the J2EE perspective, the Java executable file might not shut down.
J2EE tools
This fix resolves the following problems:
- (JR21364) When creating an EJB client JAR project for an existing EJB project that has already been deployed, you must first
manually delete all deployment code from the EJB project.
- (JR21371) Generated EJB project Java source files are not exported as Project Interchange format.
- (PK03466) The Deploy option on the context menu of an EJB is disabled with no indication that a server target is required on
the EJB project.
- (PK04454) Importing a workspace from a previous version of the product and opening the deployment descriptor editor causes an
- (PK05376) Cannot edit Deployment page of deployment descriptor editor when the EAR file references binary EJB projects. After
importing binary EJB projects, cannot export EAR file.
- When saving a web.xml file, an error message does not tell you which files are read-only.
JavaServer Faces
This fix resolves the following problems:
- (JR21916) When adding converters, the JavaScript™ to add the validator is not emitted.
- (JR21280) Cannot use Select All on a number field when input assist is enabled.
- (JR21390) When filling an inputfield with imemode=active, autotab=true and maxlength is set, and you press TAB, the cursor
does not go to the next field.
- (JR21461) When running JSF portlets, if you manually set a locale in the portal environment, it does not update the JSF
- (JR21467) Cannot use a minus character as the first character in an input field.
- (PK04917) JSF calendar is displayed in English instead of Japanese.
- (PK05685) Error when opening Faces JSP page for editing.
- (PK06353) For an image button, JavaScript calls should not be emitted to construct a JSFImage if only a normal image is used.
- (PK06354) JavaScript performance improvements.
- (JR21795) Poor performance due to Introspection during VariableResolution.
- (PK06630) Defining a subview in a Faces JSP file within a portlet project causes the Faces JSP to be corrupted.
- (PK06790) Cannot specify a mailto link in a data table.
- (JR21858) The calendar button's z-index is incorrectly managed by Firefox.
- (JR21887) When editing a Faces JSP file, the Edit Faces Command Event option is not available from the pop-up menu of a Faces
- (PK07608) A field with a MaskConverter causes a conversion error if the field is left empty.
- (PK09666) Java source files for JSF projects sporadically erase themselves when saving the pages or Java files.
- (PK01397) InitialPanelId variable does not work with a Java bean value binding.
- (PK04661) Deluxe pager displays incorrectly.
- (JR21428) Using the Goto Pager in a Faces data table displays it as an input text field instead of a drop down box.
- (PK03696) When inserting a calendar picker inside a table column, the calendar picker extends outside of the column when the
page is run on server.
- (JR21523) Siteminder software filters out any URI requests that contain the /. characters, which prevents JSF applications
from running.
- (JR21846) JSF pager causes unexpected output.
- (PK07849) The DatePicker displays the current date with the wrong day of the week.
Model publishing and reporting
This fix resolves the following problems:
- (PK05416) When you click Input Pins or Output Pins in a Web-published HTML page that displays an activity diagram, the browser returns the following error message: "The page cannot be displayed."
- (PK02095, PK02096) When you publish a model, you might receive an error message.
- (PK05715) When you publish a model, the class attributes and operations might not be displayed in the generated output.
- (PK05799) If you publish a model that contains nested activities, when you click the link to the nested activity in the generated output, the browser returns the following error message: "The page cannot be displayed."
This fix resolves the following problems:
- (PK07722) The connection for an activity element that is nested in two structures disappears when the structure that holds it is dragged out and back into the larger structure.
- (PQ99569) When you right-click a subsystem in the Model Explorer view, you do not get the option to create or add another subsystem.
- (PQ99589) You might not be able to resize an activity diagram if you collapse and expand a partition.
- (PQ99821) If you add a stop node to a lifeline, you can no longer connect a message to that lifeline.
- (PK01450) You cannot change the multiplicity of parts added to a composite structure diagram using the General Property window.
- (PK02216) If you change a message name, you create a duplicate message number in the interaction diagram.
- (PK03015) If you move a Rational Rose® sequence diagram object down in the diagram, the Rational Rose model importer creates messages with extra zeros in the sequence numbering.
- (PK03313) The central buffer and data store object nodes do not reflect the types associated with them in an activity diagram.
- (PK03316) If you modify the guard body on the General page of the control flow property, the changes are not immediately visible in the activity diagram.
- (PK03402) While you can attach URLs to model elements in the Model Explorer view, if you specify a relative path to a document on your computer, you cannot use the pop-up menu to open the file from the Model Explorer view.
- (PK03634) From a combined fragment, you can create a message on an uncovered lifeline. You should not be able to create a message on an uncovered lifeline.
- (PK06024) You are not prevented from moving or deleting elements in an interaction. Doing so might result in a corrupt interaction.
Patterns and reusable assets
This fix resolves the following problems:
- (PK00759, PK00986) If you apply the factory method or abstract factory pattern and bind the product parameter or the abstract factory or product parameter to a UML interface, a warning message is displayed upon validation.
- (PK01031) If you apply the factory method pattern, the Parameter Relationships window allows you to create factory mappings that already exist.
- (PK01034) The UML-to-Java transformation for the factory method and the abstract factory pattern does not generate all the required import statements.
- (PK01194) If you apply the factory method pattern and bind all the parameters, and run a UML-to-Java transformation, the code that is generated for the class ConcreteCreator references the abstract factory pattern instead of the factory method pattern.
Portal tools
This fix resolves the following problems:
- Problems view shows warning message for a wps project.
- (PK05532) The target server preferences for the PeopleSoft mediator tools are not documented for the component interface.
- (PK09544) A ClassCastException is thrown from the getPortletUtility method of the PortletUtilityFactory.
Rose model import
(PK04703) This fix resolves the problem that occurs when you import a Rational Rose model, and nested activity diagrams are "promoted" up to the top-level activity.
Runtime analysis
This fix resolves the following problems:
- Leak analysis populates statistical TPTP views.
- Leakbot supports AS/400®.
This fix resolves the following problems:
- (JR20375) Struts links in JSP files are not resolved unless standard Struts taglib prefixes are used.
- (JR21130) Unnecessary warning when using JSP expression in html:form tag action property.
- (JR21212) This fix resolves a problem where an action forward results in a broken link when the context root is "/".
Team development
This fix resolves the following problems:
- (PK08150) If you rename an association that has properties in different models and save the model, you can no longer compare it with its previous version.
- (PK03751) If you use the Palette to add an element to a diagram that is source-controlled in IBM Rational ClearCase®, you are prompted three times to check out the model.
(PK02656) This fix resolves the problem that occurs when you run a model analysis, the analysis fails, and a dialog box is displayed with a null message and an exception is generated in the log file.
UML diagrams
This fix resolves the following problems:
- (PK08295) If an activity diagram contains several partitions, the content of the last partition might be displayed incorrectly after you open and close the diagram.
- (PK00504) You cannot select operations from implemented interfaces for messages in sequence diagrams.
- (PK02750, PK05550, PK07043, PK04863, PK07040, PK02301) When you open a diagram, you might receive the following error message: “Unable to create Part.” The editor then displays another error message: "An error has occurred when creating this editor."
- (PQ99510) When printing, activity diagram headers are included in the print out.
- (PK03783) When you save a diagram as an image file, such as a GIF, BMP, JPEG, JPG, or SVG image, the save fails and does not provide an error message.
- (PK02577) You cannot select the connector between an association class and the association, you cannot copy or paste it into another application, and it is not visible when you save a diagram as an image file.
- (PK02588) Association class anchors might not be visible.
- (PK07934) Focus-of-control do not attach to lifelines as expected.
- (PK03005) If you display the business use case icon, while using a “Shape Image” such as a class, the business use case icon is displayed incorrectly.
- (PK03584) In an activity diagram, when you add a guard to a control or object flow, it is not displayed unless you close and then reopen the diagram.
- (PK04600) If you resize a message in a sequence diagram that is in a combined fragment, the execution occurrence might be displayed in the middle of two lifelines.
- (PK05071) You cannot set relationship filters to show all the relationships to association classes or all the relationships from association classes.
- (PK06221) If you copy and paste a sequence diagram, some of the elements might not be copied.
UML transformations
(PK06465) This fix resolves the problem that occurs when an abstract class implements an interface, and when you perform a UML-to-Java transformation, two methods for the class are created in the transformation target. One method is abstract, the other is not.
UML visual editing for Java
This fix resolves the following problems:
- (PK07632) When you visualize a method in a static method sequence diagram, only one method can be visualized if you rename the initial diagram. If you try to visualize another method, you receive an error.
- (PK07637) When you visualize a method in a static method sequence diagram, if the class that contains the method that is being visualized is in a nested package, a diagram is created in the current package, and the same diagram is created one package level higher. If you delete one of the diagrams, both diagrams are deleted.
- (PK04644) When you visualize a method body into a static method sequence diagram, some of the method might not be included in the sequence diagram.
- (PK06663) You cannot select the constructor of a receiver object.
WBI integration
(PK07078) This fix resolves the problem that occurs when you import a WebSphere Business Integration model, and too many relationships appear in the activity diagram.
Web tools
This fix resolves the following problems:
- (PK04049) A JSP tag attribute is not recognized as valid in a JSP expression contained in the tag
- (PK03176) Content assist does not work when adding the XDIME schema to the schema catalog.
- (PK04263) Slow performance when editing scriptlets inside JSP files.
- (PK04708) Dynamic JSP includes should not be parsed.
- (PK07042) When a dynamic Web project uses page templates, the Clean/Build sequence triggers the checkout of the page templates
and of all other pages that depend on them. After the checkout has occurred, no changes are made to the pages.
- (PK04440) Slow performance of the Preview page of Page Designer.
XDE model import
This fix resolves the following problems:
- (PK05815) When you import an XDE™ model into the product, you might receive the following error message: "Open Model Error."
- (PK03399) The position of text notes in sequence diagrams that are imported from IBM Rational XDE is not preserved.
XML tools
This fix resolves the following problems:
- (JR20662) There is a problem with translating XML and XSD with name spaces.
- (JR21336) Generating an XSD from a DTD does not provide the correct output.
- (PK06505) Clicking the Open button in the XML file selection dialog box causes the development environment to stop responding.
2.0 Installation information
For information about installing IBM Rational Software Architect Refresh Pack 6.0.1, installation prerequisites,
installing from a command line, and setting up a local mirror of the update server, see the installation instructions at
2.1 Hardware requirements
Refer to the installation instructions (install_dir\rsa_prod\install.html) for the hardware requirements for installing Rational
Software Architect.
Note: The recommended hardware requirements for installing either of the WebSphere Portal v5.x test environments, which
previously were the same as for installing Rational Software Architect, have changed. The revised hardware requirements for the
WebSphere Portal v5.x test environments are:
- Intel(R) Pentium(R) IV 1.4 GHz processor minimum is required instead of Intel Pentium III 800 MHz processor minimum (Higher is
- 1.0 GB RAM minimum is required instead of 768 MB RAM minimum (1.5 GB RAM is recommended).
2.2 Software requirements
You can install this refresh pack for use with IBM Rational Software Architect 6.0 or Before you install the refresh pack, you must install IBM Rational Product Updater 6.0.1.
2.3 Software corequisites
3.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds
These release notes include release-specific information, such as problems and limitations that were not available until after the product documentation was finalized.
4.0 Customer support
The product home page for Rational Software Architect is
For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the product support page at
5.0 Notices and trademarks
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