Double-byte character sets (DBCS) are not supported for Component Test project names.
Performance while browsing for an expected exception in the Test Data Table can be slow.
In the New Abstract Component Test wizard, the steps during which an analysis of some application classes takes place can be somewhat slow.
When refactoring a method signature in the component under test, the following warning may appear in the Problems view, even if the Test Script contains no errors: "Syntax Verification aborted due to TestScript compilation errors".
To fix the problem, you can either: - make a modification to the Test Script and save - make a modification to the Test Data Table - go to Project > Clean > Clean selected projects > Browse > select the project that contains the Test Script > OK > OK.
If the interface of the Web service under test is modified, the existing component tests for this Web service will not be automatically updated, leading to compilation errors in the test that have to be fixed manually.
In the Component Test Preferences page, an error dialog box might appear on Linux SuSE when applying modification of colors.
After changing the class type of a parameter in the Test Data Table, using the Undo action will not restore the data for this parameter. It only restores the previously selected class type.
On the New EJB Component Test wizard page that shows metrics for the beans in the scoped test project, the coverage information always shows line % as 0.
EJB Test execution might not end when the application server runs in Profiling mode and is currently monitored. Stop the monitoring of the application server before starting the test.
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