General - release notes

1.0 Known problems
   1.1 An error about a missing profile is displayed when you close the product
   1.2 You must restart the product before you can test for characters in the GB18030 range
   1.3 The Java transformation and UML-to-CORBA watch and learn tutorials might not launch properly in the Tutorials Gallery
   1.4 Content pages in the Welcome experience do not display properly with some versions of the Mozilla Internet browser
   1.5 You must restart the product after you install or update a feature using the Update Manager
   1.6 UML diagrams might be unusable when you use ruler guidelines

1.0 Known problems

1.1 An error about a missing profile is displayed when you close the product

Occasionally, when you close the product, an error occurs that states "Unavailable profile is applied to model X. You can safely ignore this error.

This error occurs when you have two models open and you close the product for the first time. The second open model must have an external profile applied to it. If you restart the product, only work with the first model, and then close the product, the error occurs.

1.2 You must restart the product before you can test for characters in the GB18030 range

To display characters in the GB18030 range, you must adjust the banner font settings on the product preferences page. This setting is independent of the system font setting.

To adjust the banner font settings in the product:

  1. Click Window > Preferences.
  2. Expand Workbench and click Colors and Fonts.
  3. On the Colors and Fonts page, expand Basic and click Banner Font.
  4. Adjust the settings and click OK.

After you change the banner font settings to display characters in the GB18030 range, you must restart the product for the changes to take effect.

1.3 The Java transformation and UML-to-CORBA watch and learn tutorials might not launch properly in the Tutorials Gallery

The tutorials titled "Using the Java transformation to generate Java Classes from a UML model" and "Transform a UML model into CORBA IDL" might not launch properly in the Tutorials Gallery. To work around this problem, install Macromedia Flash player version 7.0 or higher.

1.4 Content pages in the Welcome experience do not display properly with some versions of the Mozilla Internet browser

Content pages in the Welcome experience do not display properly with some versions of the Mozilla Internet browser, as tested with versions 1.7.7 and later. You might encounter the following known issues:

1.5 You must restart the product after you install or update a feature using the Update Manager

When you install or update a feature using the Update Manager by clicking Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration or clicking Help > Software Updates > Find and Install, you have some or all of the following options:

If you select Apply Changes, the product might stop responding and error messages are written to the workspace log file.

To work around this issue, click Yes to restart the product after you install or update a feature using the Update Manager.

1.6 UML diagrams might be unusable when you use ruler guidelines

When you work with UML diagrams, you can enable rulers and set ruler guidelines. However, if you place a shape on a diagram, and that shape intersects with a ruler guideline, and then you save and close the diagram, you cannot open the diagram again. If you try to open the diagram, an “Unable to create part” error message is displayed and an AssertionFailedException error is written to the workspace log file.

To work around this issue, avoid using ruler guidelines when you work with UML diagrams.

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