
Lists objects in a dynamic view's private storage area



Command Type


cleartool subcommand







lsp·rivate [ -tag view-tag ] [ -inv·ob vob-selector ] [ -l·ong | -s·hort ]

[ -siz·e ] [ -age ] [ -co ] [ -do ] [ -oth·er ]


The lsprivate command lists the file-system objects that belong to a dynamic view:

Except for the shared derived objects, all of these objects are stored in the dynamic view's private storage area.

This command does not list checked-out directory elements, because such a checkout does not produce a view-private object. To list directory checkouts, use the lscheckout command.

The objects are listed with full pathnames (thus including the VOB-tag), one per line.

NOTE: lsprivate does not work in a snapshot view. In a snapshot view, (cleartool) ls -recurse -view_only provides output equivalent to that of lsprivate.


lsprivate sometimes lists a view-private file in a special way, because the file has become stranded: it has no name in the VOB namespace, as currently constructed by your dynamic view. There are several possible causes and, hence, several actions you can take.

File Still Accessible Through Some Directory Version

The lsprivate listing for a file can include a version-extended pathname to some directory element:


In this example, file canUCme is stranded because its parent directory, subdir1, does not appear in the dynamic view as it is currently configured; but the file can be accessed through version /main/3of directory element src, which contains an entry for subdir1. (Note that you cannot use this pathname to access the view-private object. A version-extended pathname can refer only to an element, branch, or version-not to a view-private file.)

To make a stranded file visible again, you must make its parent directory visible, by reconfiguring the dynamic view (in this case, to select version /main/3 of directory element src).

VOB Is Inactive

If a VOB is not currently active on your host, all view-private files corresponding to that VOB are temporarily stranded. lsprivate displays a warning message and prefixes a number sign (#) to pathnames within that VOB:

cleartool: Warning: VOB not mounted: "M:\jc_vw\jc_hw"
  VOB UUID is 1127d379.428211cd.b3fa.08:00:69:06:af:65




Reactivating the VOB on your host restores lsprivate command output to normal for pathnames within that VOB.

VOB Is Inaccessible

If a VOB has been unregistered, all view-private files corresponding to that VOB are temporarily stranded; if the VOB has been deleted, the view-private files are stranded permanently. lsprivate cannot distinguish these cases; it may infer the VOB's likely VOB-tag, but it lists the view-private files with an Unavailable-VOB prefix:

cleartool: Error: Unable to get VOB object registry information for
  replica uuid "1127d379.428211cd.b3fa.08:00:69:06:af:65".
cleartool: Warning: VOB is unavailable -- using name: "<Unavailable-VOB-1>".
  If it has been deleted use 'recoverview -vob <uuid>'
  VOB UUID is 1127d379.428211cd.b3fa.08:00:69:06:af:65
  Last known location of storage is phobos:/usr/people/avid/tut/tut.vbs
#<Unavailable-VOB-1>/<DIR-3587d464.428211cd.b40c.08:00:69:06:af:65>/.cmake.sta te
#<Unavailable-VOB-1>/<DIR-3587d464.428211cd.b40c.08:00:69:06:af:65>/findmerge. log.18-Mar-99.13:43:27

The procedure for cleaning up stranded view-private files is described in the Administrator's Guide.

Directory Element Has Been Deleted

If a directory element (or its entire VOB) has been deleted, all the corresponding view-private files are permanently stranded. They are listed with the VOB's UUID, as above, with no remedy possible, except to use recoverview to move the files to the dynamic view's lost+found directory (as described in the Administrator's Guide).




SPECIFYING THE VIEW.  Default: The current dynamic view is listed; a working directory view takes precedence over a set view.

-tag view-tag

The view-tag of any registered dynamic view to which you have read access.

LISTING STYLE.  Default: Checked-out versions are annotated with [checkedout].


Lists objects in the style of ls -long.

Lists pathnames only, without annotations.

Lists each file's size in bytes. At the end of the listing, lists the total size of view private files and of shared DOs in the view.

Lists the last access time of each file.

SELECTING OBJECTS TO LIST.  Default: All of the dynamic view's objects are listed. You can use -co, -do, and -other in any combination to specify a partial listing.

-inv·ob vob-selector

Restricts the listing to objects for the specified VOB. Specify vob-selector in the form [vob:]pname-in-vob


Pathname of the VOB-tag (whether or not the VOB is mounted) or of any file-system object within the VOB (if the VOB is mounted)

NOTE: Specifying a pathname within the VOB does not limit the listing to objects in and below that directory.

Lists checked-out versions of file elements. (Checked-out directory elements are never listed by lsprivate.)

Lists derived objects.

Lists view-private files and directories that are neither checked-out versions of file elements nor derived objects.


The UNIX examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you may need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you may need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX shell or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt. In Attache, cmd-context represents the workspace prompt.


checkout, ls, lscheckout