
Rules for selecting versions of elements to appear in a view



Command Type


data structure

ClearCase LT

data structure





scope pattern version-selector [ optional-clause ]
include config-spec-pname
load pname ...


A view's config spec (configuration specification) contains an ordered set of rules for selecting versions of elements. The view's associated view_server process populates a view with versions by evaluating the config spec rules. For more information about view_server, see the Administrator's Guide.

In a dynamic view, version selection is dynamic. Each time a reference is made to a file or directory element-either by ClearCase software or by standard programs-the view_server uses the config spec to select a particular version of the element. (In practice, a variety of caching techniques and optimizations reduce the computational requirements.)

In a snapshot view, users invoke an update operation to select versions from the VOB.

UCM config specs are different from those for base ClearCase and base ClearCase LT in that their rules are generated, not user-specified-read UCM CONFIG SPECS before reading any other section of this reference page.

Config Spec Storage / Default Config Spec

Each view is created with a copy of the default config spec, default_config_spec:

element * CHECKEDOUT

(For any element, select the checked out version, if any)

element * /main/LATEST

(otherwise, select most recent version on the main branch)

Modifying this file changes the config spec that newly created views receive, but does not affect any existing view.

An individual view's config spec is stored in its view storage directory, in two forms:

Do not modify either of these files directly; instead, use the commands listed below. Different views' config specs are independent: they may contain the same set of rules, but changing one view's config spec never affects any other view.

Commands for Maintaining Config Specs

Commands for manipulating config specs:


Lists a view's config spec.


Makes a specified file a view's config spec.


Revises the current config spec of a view.

update -add_loadrules

Adds load rules to the config spec of a snapshot view while updating the view.


The set of elements considered for version selection is different for the two kinds of views:

For each element, the following procedure determines which version, if any, is in the view.

  1. The view's associated view_server process tries to find a version of the element that matches the first rule in the config spec:

  2. If no matching version was found for the first rule, the view_server tries to find a version that matches the second rule.

  3. The view_server continues in this way until it finds a match or until it reaches the last rule.

Order Is Important

Because the rules in a config spec are processed in order, varying the order may affect version selection. For example, suppose this rule appears near the beginning of a config spec:

element * /main/LATEST

Any subsequent rules in the config spec will never be used, because the rule will always provide a match; every element has a most-recent version on its main branch.

NOTE: The order in which the load rules for a snapshot view are specified is not important.

CHECKEDOUT Rule for Snapshot Views

The config spec for a snapshot view must contain element * CHECKEDOUT as the first element rule.

Failure to Select Any Version

If no version of an element matches any rule in the config spec:

View-Private Files

A view's config spec has no effect on the private objects in a view, such as view-private files, links, directories; or, in the case of a dynamic view, derived objects. View-private objects are always accessible.

Exception: (Dynamic views only) If a config spec lacks a CHECKEDOUT rule, the view-private file that is a file element's checked-out version is not visible. See Special Version Selectors below.


Each config spec rule must be contained within a single physical text line; you cannot use a backslash (UNIX), caret (Windows), or other line continuation character to continue a rule onto the next line. Multiple rules can be placed on a single line, separated by semicolon (;) characters.

Lines that begin with a number sign (#) are comments.

Extra white space (SPACE, TAB, vertical-tab, and form-feed) characters are ignored, except within the version selector. If a version selector includes white space, enclose it in single quotes.

If a load rule specifies a file or directory name that includes one or more SPACE characters, you must enclose the entire pathname in either single-quotes (`) or double quotes (").

In general, VOBs, views, and the ClearCase and ClearCase LT tools that access them are case-sensitive. Therefore, config spec rules must use case-correct pathnames.

You can use slashes ( / ) or backslashes ( \ ) as pathname separators in pathname patterns and version selectors unless you are sharing the config spec between UNIX and Windows hosts. In that case, you must use slashes. (See SHARING CONFIG SPECS BETWEEN UNIX AND WINDOWS HOSTS.)


Windows and UNIX clients can share config specs, which are portable between the two operating systems. That is, clients on both systems, using views whose storage directories reside on either kind of host, can set and edit the same set of config specs. However, Windows and UNIX network regions often use different VOB-tags to register the same VOBs. Only single-component VOB-tag names, like \src2vob, are permitted on Windows clients; multiple-component VOB-tags, like /vobs/src/proj1, are common on UNIX. When the VOB-tags diverge between regions, config spec element rules that use full pathnames (which include VOB-tags) are resolvable (at config spec compile time) only by hosts in the applicable network region. This implies a general restriction regarding shared config specs: a given config spec must be compiled only by hosts on one operating system or the other-the operating system for which full pathnames in element rules make sense. That is, a config spec with full pathnames can be shared across network regions, even when VOB-tags disagree, but it must be compiled in the right place.

This restriction does not apply if any of the following are true:

Config Spec Compilation

An in-use config spec exists in both text file and compiled formats (both of which are visible in the view's storage directory). A config spec in its compiled form is portable. The restriction is that full VOB pathnames in element rules must be resolvable at compile time. A config spec is compiled if a client executes either of these cleartool commands: edcs or setcs -current. Therefore, if a client on the "wrong" operating system recompiles a config spec with one of these commands, the config spec becomes unusable by any client using that view. If this happens, simply recompile the config spec on the "right" operating system.

A sample element rule that could be problematic:

element /vob_p2/src/*    /main/rel2/LATEST

If the VOB is registered with VOB-tag \vob_p2 on a Windows network region, but with VOB-tag /vobs/vob_p2 on a UNIX network region, only Windows clients can compile the config spec.

Pathname Separators

When writing config specs to be shared by Windows and UNIX clients, use the slash (/), not the backslash (\), as the pathname separator in pathname patterns and version selectors. ClearCase and ClearCase LT on Windows can parse either separator in pathnames; ClearCase and ClearCase LT on UNIX recognizes / only.


A standard version-selection rule takes this form:

scope pattern version-selector [ optional-clause ]

The following subsections describe these components.


The scope specifies that the rule applies to all elements, or restricts the rule to a particular type of element.


The rule applies to all elements.
element -file

The rule applies to file elements only. This includes any element created with a mkelem command that omits -eltype directory (or a user-defined element type derived from directory).
element -directory

The rule applies to directory elements only. This includes any element created with mkdir or mkelem -eltype directory (or a user-defined element type derived from directory).
element -eltype element-type

The rule applies only to elements of the specified element type (predefined or user-defined). This mechanism is not hierarchical: if element type aaa is a supertype of element type bbb, the scope element -eltype aaa does not include elements whose type is bbb. To specify multiple element types, you must use multiple rules:
element -eltype aaa * RLS_1.2
element -eltype bbb * RLS_1.2

Selecting Versions of VOB Symbolic Links. There is no VOB symbolic link scope. A VOB symbolic link is cataloged (listed) in one or more versions of a directory element. The link appears in a view if both of these conditions are true:


A pathname pattern, which can include any ClearCase/ClearCase LT wildcard (see the wildcards_ccase reference page for a complete list). For example:


Matches all element pathnames; does not match recursively.

Matches all element pathnames with a .c extension.

Matches any element named util.c that resides in any directory named src.

Matches one particular element.

Matches any element named util.c that resides anywhere within the subtree of a directory named src (including in src itself).

Matches all elements with .c and .h extensions located in or below any directory named src.

Matches the entire directory tree (file elements and directory elements) starting at any directory named src.
NOTE: In non-config-spec contexts, the ... pattern matches directory names only.


Version Selector

You can use a version label, version-ID, or any other standard version selector. See the version_selector reference page for a complete list. Some examples follow:


Version 4 on an element's main branch.

The version to which version label REL2 has been attached. An error occurs if more than one version of an element has this label.

The most recent version on a branch named mybranch; this branch can occur anywhere in the element's version tree.

The version on the main branch to which version label REL2 has been attached.

The version that has been created since yesterday. An error occurs if more than one version satisfies this query. Because all queries are evaluated at run time, the value yesterday is always interpreted relative to the day that the query is executed.

The version to which attribute QA_Level has been attached with a value greater than 3. An error occurs if more than one version satisfies this query.

The most recent version on a branch named mybranch satisfying the attribute query.

Standard version selectors cannot select checked-out versions in a config spec rule. (They can in other contexts, such as the find command.) Instead, you must use the special version selector, CHECKEDOUT, described below.

Special Version Selectors. The following special version selectors are valid only in a config spec rule, not in any other version-selection context:


Matches the checked-out version of an element, if this view has a pending checkout. It doesn't matter where (on which branch of the element) the checkout occurred; there is no possibility of ambiguity, because only one version of an element can be checked out to a particular view.
This special version selector actually matches the checked-out version object in the VOB database, which is created by the checkout command.
For file elements, standard commands access the view-private file created by checkout at the same pathname as the element.
-config do-pname [ -select do-leaf-pattern ] [ -ci ]

This special version selector replicates the configuration of versions used in a particular clearmake build. It selects versions listed in one or more configuration records associated with a particular derived object: the same set of versions that would be listed by a catcr -flat command. See the catcr reference page for explanations of the specifications that follow the -config keyword.
When you set or edit a config spec, the view_server resolves the do-pname with respect to the view's preexisting config spec, not on the basis of any preceding rules in the config spec being evaluated.
If the configuration records list several versions of the same element, the most recent version is selected to appear in the view. In such cases, a warning message is displayed when the config spec is set.

Generates an ENOENT (No such file or directory) error when a standard UNIX operating system program references the element. For dynamic views:

  • No error occurs when an operating system listing command lists the element's entire parent directory; the element is included in such a listing. This also applies to other readdir situations, such as expansion of wildcard characters and emacs file name completion.
  • An error occurs when an operating system listing command names the element explicitly (perhaps after wildcard expansion), or whenever the name is processed with (UNIX) stat(2): in an ls -F command, when the entire directory is listed with ls -l, and so on.
  • The cleartool ls command always lists the element, annotating it with no version selected.
  • In ClearCase and ClearCase LT commands, the element's standard pathname refers to the element itself. (-none suppresses the transparency mechanism-translation of an element's standard pathname into a reference to a particular version.)

Like -none, except that the annotation generated by the cleartool ls command is error on reference.
Optional Clause

Some config spec rules can include an additional clause, which modifies the rule's meaning.

-time date-time

Modifies the meaning of the special version label LATEST: the rule selects from a branch the last version that was created before a particular time. The date-time argument is specified in one of the standard formats:
date.time | date | time | now



day-of-week | long-date



h[h]:m[m][:s[s]] [UTC [ [ + | - ]h[h][:m[m] ] ] ]



today |yesterday |Sunday | ... |Saturday |Sun | ... |Sat






January |... |December |Jan |... |Dec

Specify time in 24-hour format, relative to the local time zone. If you omit the time, the default value is 00:00:00. If you omit date, the default is today. If you omit the century, year, or a specific date, the most recent one is used. Specify UTC if you want to resolve the time to the same moment in time regardless of time zone. Use the plus (+) or minus (-) operator to specify a positive or negative offset to the UTC time. If you specify UTC without hour or minute offsets, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is used. (Dates before January 1, 1970 Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) are invalid.)
The creation times of the versions on the branch are looked up in their create version event records. (No error occurs if you use a -time clause in a rule that does not involve the version label LATEST; the clause has no effect.)
The -time clause in a particular rule overrides any general time rule currently in effect. (See TIME RULES.)
NOTE: A -time clause must precede any other optional clauses and may not include any query language constructs.

/main/LATEST -time 10-Jul.19:00

Most recent version on main branch, as of 7 P.M. on July 10.

.../bugfix/LATEST -time yesterday

Most recent version on a branch named bugfix (which can be at any branching level), as of the beginning of yesterday (12 A.M.).

/main/bugfix/LATEST -time Wed.12:00

Most recent version on subbranch bugfix of the main branch, as of noon on the most recent Wednesday.

-time 5-Dec.13:00

December 5, at 1 P.M.

-time 11:23:00

Today, at 11:23 A.M.

-time 12-jun-99

June 12, 1999, at 00:00 A.M.

-time now

Today, at this moment.

-time 9-Aug.10:00UTC

August 9, at 10 A.M. GMT.

The date/time specification is evaluated when you set or edit the config spec, and whenever the view_server process is started (for example, with startview or setview (dynamic views only)). Thus, the meaning of a relative specification, such as today, may change over time. However, the date/time is not evaluated at run time. Therefore if you last performed one of the commands listed above four days ago, the meaning of a relative specification, such as today, has the value of the date four days ago, not the value of the date today.

Disables checkouts of elements selected by the rule.
-mkbranch branch-type-name

Implements the auto-make-branch facility. When a version selected by this rule is checked out:

  • A branch of type branch-type-name is created at that version.
  • Version 0 on the new branch is checked out, instead of the version that was originally selected.
(This is a slight oversimplification. See Multiple-Level Auto-Make-Branch.) A mkelem command invokes the auto-make-branch facility if the config spec includes a /main/LATEST rule with a -mkbranch clause.
Restrictions: You cannot use -mkbranch in combination with -none or -error.
Multiple-Level Auto-Make-Branch

A config spec can include a cascade of auto-make-branch rules, causing checkout to create multiple branching levels at once. checkout keeps performing auto-make-branch until version 0 on the newly created branch is not selected by a rule with a -mkbranch clause; then, it checks out that version. For example:


element * CHECKEDOUT


element * .../br2/LATEST


element * .../br1/LATEST -mkbranch br2


element * MYLABEL -mkbranch br1


element * /main/LATEST


element * CHECKEDOUT


element * ...\br2\LATEST


element * ...\br1\LATEST -mkbranch br2


element * MYLABEL -mkbranch br1


element * \main\LATEST

If you check out an element in a view that currently selects the version labeled MYLABEL:

  1. A branch of type br1 is created at the MYLABEL version (Rule (4)).

  2. Rule (3) now selects the newly created version .../br1/0, so a branch of type br2 is created at that version.

  3. Version .../br1/br2/0 is checked out. The checked-out version has the same contents as the MYLABEL version, and is selected by Rule (1). When you edit and check in a new version, .../br1/br2/1, the view will select it with Rule (2).


A create branch rule takes the following form:

mkbranch branch-type-name [ -override ]
<config spec lines>
[ end mkbranch [ branch-type-name ] ]

This rule is similar to the -mkbranch clause; use it when you want to add a -mkbranch clause to many lines in a complex config spec.

mkbranch branch-type-name [ -override ]

Attaches an implicit -mkbranch branch-type-name clause to all element rules between mkbranch and end mkbranch (or the end of the file) that do not have a -mkbranch clause or include the CHECKEDOUT version selector.
Specifying -override will override any explicit -mkbranch clauses or mkbranch rules within the scope and replace them with -mkbranch branch-type-name. Use -override if you do not want multilevel branch creation.
end mkbranch [ branch-type-name ]

Ends the mkbranch branch-type-name rule. If end mkbranch is omitted, the rule is ended at the end of the config spec. The branch-type-name argument is optional, but if you include it, it must match the branch type specified with the mkbranch rule.

mkbranch and end mkbranch rules may be nested. For example:

element * .../branch2/LATEST
mkbranch branch2

element * .../branch1/LATEST
mkbranch branch1

element * /main/LATEST

end mkbranch branch1
end mkbranch branch2

Checking out foo.c creates foo.c@@/main/branch1/branch2/CHECKEDOUT. This is a multiple-level mkbranch.


A time rule takes this form:

time date-time
[ end time [ date-time ] ]

It is analogous to the -time clause. A time rule modifies the meaning of the special version label LATEST in subsequent rules, with the following exceptions:

Use end time to limit the effect of a time rule to a certain range. The date-time argument is optional with end time, but if you include it, it must match the date-time argument specified with the time rule.

The date-time specification is evaluated when you set or edit the config spec, and whenever the view_server process is started (for example, with startview or setview (dynamic views only)). Thus, the meaning of a relative specification, such as today, may change over time. However, the date-time is not evaluated at run time. So if you last performed one of the commands listed above four days ago, the meaning of a relative specification, such as today, has the value of the date four days ago, not the value of the date today.

Time rules may be nested. They may not include any query language constructs.


A file-inclusion rule takes this form:

include config-spec-pname

The argument specifies a text file containing one or more config spec rules (possibly other include rules). Include files are reread on each execution of setcs and edcs. A file-inclusion rule must be the last rule in a line. For example,

include config-spec-pname


time date-time; include config-spec-pname

are both valid.


Load rules define which elements are loaded (copied) into a snapshot view (by contrast, element rules define which version of an element is selected). A load rule takes this form:

load pname ...

The argument specifies one or more file or directory elements. Naming a directory element implies the directory and all elements below the directory. Naming a file element specifies that element only. Wildcarding is not supported: you must explicitly specify all elements to be loaded.

More than one load rule can appear in a config spec; you must have at least one to see any files in a snapshot view. (Load rules in the config spec of a dynamic view are ignored.)

Load rules can be positioned anywhere in a config spec, and their order is irrelevant.

An element can be selected by more than one load rule without causing an error.

Links are treated as follows:

In all cases, the link target is copied into the snapshot view at the location in which the link appeared.


UCM config specs are unlike config specs for base ClearCase and base ClearCase LT in that they are generated by mkstream and regenerated from time to time by chstream and rebase. You may edit UCM config specs only as follows:

Only custom rules that are correctly delimited are preserved when a UCM config spec is regenerated.

NOTE: Never use UCM-generated rules in config specs for base ClearCase or base ClearCase LT.

Custom Element-Selection Rules

Add custom element-selection rules only between the custom element delimiters, as follows:


The typical use for custom element selection is to add an include rule that enables the UCM view to see the contents of base ClearCase or base ClearCase LT VOBs. See FILE-INCLUSION RULES.

Custom Load Rules

Add custom load rules after the custom load delimiter, as follows:


See LOAD RULES for more information.


NOTE: In the UNIX examples that follow, arguments and output that show multicomponent VOB tags are not applicable to ClearCase LT, which recognizes only single-component VOB tags. In this manual, a multicomponent VOB tag is by convention a two-component VOB tag of the form /vobs/vob-tag-leaf-for example, /vobs/src. A single-component VOB tag consists of a leaf only-for example, /src. In all other respects, the examples are valid for ClearCase LT.






catcs, checkout, checkin, edcs, ls, mkbranch, setcs, setview, version_selector, csh(1), Administrator's Guide