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  XML on TPF: A Short Tutorial IBM

XML on TPF: A Short Tutorial — Page 9 of 14
FTP the DTD, XML Schema, and XML Documents to the TPF File System

Transfer the sample DTD, XML Schema, and XML documents to the file system of your TPF 4.1 test system. On TPF, the DTD and XML Schema document can only be located in the file system or inside the XML document itself. On TPF, an XML document can be stored in the file system or in memory, or can come in through standard input (stdin). For more information, see the TPF XML User's Guide.

Before continuing, do the following:
  1. Open a DOS window (or a compatible workstation command prompt) and, at a C:\ prompt, enter:
    cd xmltut
  2. In the DOS window, start FTP. Enter:
    ftp ipaddress
    where ipaddress is the IP address of your TPF 4.1 test system.
  3. If necessary, log in.
  4. Change the FTP mode to binary (also called image) by entering:
  5. FTP the DTD from the workstation to TPF. Enter:
    put pnrdtd
  6. FTP the XML Schema from the workstation to TPF. Enter:
    put pnrs.xsd
  7. FTP both XML documents from the workstation to TPF. Enter:
    put pnrd.xml
    put pnrs.xml
  8. Close the FTP connection. Enter:
  9. You can confirm that the transfers were successful by listing the files in the file system. On TPF, enter:
    ZFILE ls
    This command lists the files that are currently in the file system, so if pnrdtd, pnrs.xsd, pnrd.xml, and pnrs.xml are listed, the transfers were successful.
Once you have put both applications on your TPF 4.1 test system, you are ready to

For More Information
See the following for more information:

  • TPF Application Programming
  • TPF Concepts and Structures
  • TPF Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
  • TPF XML User's Guide.


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