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  XML on TPF: A Short Tutorial IBM

XML on TPF: A Short Tutorial — Page 10 of 14
FTP the Sample Applications to OS/390 UNIX

Before compiling the applications, you must FTP both of the sample applications to OS/390 UNIX System Services (OS/390 UNIX).

Before continuing, do the following:
  1. Open a DOS window (or a compatible workstation command prompt) and, at a C:\ prompt, enter:
    cd xmltut
  2. In the DOS window, start FTP. Enter:
    ftp ipaddress
    where ipaddress is the IP address of your OS/390 UNIX system.
  3. If necessary, log in.
  4. Change the FTP mode to ASCII by entering:
  5. FTP the DOM application from the workstation to OS/390 UNIX. Enter:
    put domxml.cpp
  6. FTP the SAX application from the workstation to TPF. Enter:
    put saxxml.cpp
  7. Close the FTP connection. Enter:
Once you have put both applications on your OS/390 UNIX system, you are ready to

For More Information
See the following for more information:

  • TPF Application Programming
  • TPF Concepts and Structures
  • TPF Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
  • TPF XML User's Guide.


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