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  XML on TPF: A Short Tutorial IBM

XML on TPF: A Short Tutorial — Page 12 of 14
Compile, Link, and Load the Applications: TPF 4.1 Test System

Before you can run the sample applications, complete the compile, link, and load process on your TPF 4.1 test system.

Before continuing, do the following:
  1. To load each loadset on your TPF 4.1 test system, enter:
    ZOLDR LOAD xxxx
    where xxxx is the 1- to 16-character alphanumeric data definition name of the input device (tape, general data set, virtual reader, or user-defined device) that contains the loadsets you want to load.
  2. To activate each loadset, enter:
    ZOLDR ACT loadset
    where loadset is the 5- to 8-character alphanumeric name of the loadset that you want to activate.
  3. Ensure you do not have the hash (#) and double quotation (") key strokes mapped to have special meanings.
    For example, if you use eNetwork Personal Communications as your emulator, you can do the following:
    1. Enter q term at the CP prompt to determine if these two symbols are mapped to special meanings or not.
    2. If the terminal has the double quotation (") mapped to escape, enter term es off to remove the mapping.
    3. If the terminal has the hash (#) mapped to the line end character, enter term linend off to remove the mapping.
  4. If a /bin directory does not already exist on your TPF 4.1 test system, create one. Enter:
    ZFILE mkdir /bin
  5. To associate the names of the DOM sample applications with a program name, enter the following (These commands are case-sensitive.):
    ZFILE echo "#!CXM1" > /bin/domxml
    ZFILE chmod 777 /bin/domxml

    where CXM1 is the 4-character program name you used when linking this application.
  6. To associate the names of the SAX sample applications with a program name, use the ZFILE echo and ZFILE chmod commands. These commands are case-sensitive. Enter:
    ZFILE echo "#!CXM2" > /bin/saxxml
    ZFILE chmod 777 /bin/saxxml

    where CXM2 is the 4-character program name you used when linking this application.

When you are done compiling, linking, and loading both sample applications, you are ready to continue.

For More Information
See TPF Operations for more information about the following commands:

  • ZFILE chmod
  • ZFILE echo
  • ZFILE mkdir


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