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DOM_Range Class Reference

#include <DOM_Range.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  CompareHow { START_TO_START = 0, START_TO_END = 1, END_TO_END = 2, END_TO_START = 3 }

Public Methods

 DOM_Range ()
 ~DOM_Range ()
DOM_Range& operator= (const DOM_Range &other)
DOM_Range& operator= (const DOM_NullPtr *other)
bool operator!= (const DOM_Range &other)const
bool operator== (const DOM_Range &other)const
bool operator!= (const DOM_NullPtr *other)const
bool operator== (const DOM_NullPtr *other)const
DOM_Node getStartContainer ()const
unsigned int getStartOffset ()const
DOM_Node getEndContainer ()const
unsigned int getEndOffset ()const
bool getCollapsed ()const
const DOM_Node getCommonAncestorContainer ()const
void setStart (const DOM_Node &parent,unsigned int offset)
void setEnd (const DOM_Node &parent,unsigned int offset)
void setStartBefore (const DOM_Node &refNode)
void setStartAfter (const DOM_Node &refNode)
void setEndBefore (const DOM_Node &refNode)
void setEndAfter (const DOM_Node &refNode)
void collapse (bool toStart)
void selectNode (const DOM_Node &node)
void selectNodeContents (const DOM_Node &node)
short compareBoundaryPoints (CompareHow how,const DOM_Range &range)const
void deleteContents ()
DOM_DocumentFragment extractContents ()
DOM_DocumentFragment cloneContents ()const
void insertNode (DOM_Node &node)
void surroundContents (DOM_Node &node)
DOM_Range cloneRange ()const
DOMString toString ()const
void detach ()

Protected Methods

 DOM_Range (RangeImpl *)

Protected Attributes

RangeImpl* fImpl


class  DOM_Document

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum DOM_Range::CompareHow

Enumeration values:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DOM_Range::DOM_Range ( )

DOM_Range::~DOM_Range ( )

DOM_Range::DOM_Range ( RangeImpl * ) [protected]

Member Function Documentation

DOM_DocumentFragment DOM_Range::cloneContents ( ) const

DOM_Range DOM_Range::cloneRange ( ) const

void DOM_Range::collapse ( bool toStart )

short DOM_Range::compareBoundaryPoints ( CompareHow how,
const DOM_Range & range ) const

void DOM_Range::deleteContents ( )

void DOM_Range::detach ( )

DOM_DocumentFragment DOM_Range::extractContents ( )

bool DOM_Range::getCollapsed ( ) const

const DOM_Node DOM_Range::getCommonAncestorContainer ( ) const

DOM_Node DOM_Range::getEndContainer ( ) const

unsigned int DOM_Range::getEndOffset ( ) const

DOM_Node DOM_Range::getStartContainer ( ) const

unsigned int DOM_Range::getStartOffset ( ) const

void DOM_Range::insertNode ( DOM_Node & node )

bool DOM_Range::operator!= ( const DOM_NullPtr * other ) const

bool DOM_Range::operator!= ( const DOM_Range & other ) const

DOM_Range& DOM_Range::operator= ( const DOM_NullPtr * other )

DOM_Range& DOM_Range::operator= ( const DOM_Range & other )

bool DOM_Range::operator== ( const DOM_NullPtr * other ) const

bool DOM_Range::operator== ( const DOM_Range & other ) const

void DOM_Range::selectNode ( const DOM_Node & node )

void DOM_Range::selectNodeContents ( const DOM_Node & node )

void DOM_Range::setEnd ( const DOM_Node & parent,
unsigned int offset )

void DOM_Range::setEndAfter ( const DOM_Node & refNode )

void DOM_Range::setEndBefore ( const DOM_Node & refNode )

void DOM_Range::setStart ( const DOM_Node & parent,
unsigned int offset )

void DOM_Range::setStartAfter ( const DOM_Node & refNode )

void DOM_Range::setStartBefore ( const DOM_Node & refNode )

void DOM_Range::surroundContents ( DOM_Node & node )

DOMString DOM_Range::toString ( ) const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

class DOM_Document [friend]

Member Data Documentation

RangeImpl * DOM_Range::fImpl [protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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