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How to report bugs

Please report bugs to Bugzilla, the Apache bug database. Pick the product "Xerces-C++: Apache XML parsers in C++" using the following components:

Component  Description 
DOM  Items specific to DOM 
SAX/SAX2  Items specific to SAX or SAX2 
Non-Validating Parser  General Parsing Problem 
Validating Parser (DTD)  DTD related parser issue 
Validating Parser (Schema)  Schema related parser issue 
Utilities  Items related to utilities like MessageLoader, Transcoder, NetAccessors, Platform specific utilities 
Build  Problem with build, makefile, project files 
Documentation  Documentation bugs such as FAQ, Programming Guide 
Samples/Tests  Samples or test cases related issues 
Miscellaneous  Items not covered in other categories 

A copy of your bug report is sent automatically to the discussion list Xerces-C mailing list.

Search frist

Check the Bugzilla database before submitting your bug report to avoid creating a duplicate report. Even the bug has been reported already, you may add a comment to the existing report since your contribution may lead to a quicker identification/resolution to the bug reported.

Write good bug report

Writing a useful bug report, which makes the bug reproducible, is the first step towards the resolution of the bug. Specifics about the bug, like

  • XML4C version number
  • Platform
  • Operating system and version number
  • Compiler and version number
  • The XML document (or excerpt) that failed
  • The C++ application code that failed
  • Whether you built the XML4C library yourself or used the binary distribution
  • What happened

are all necessary information to allow developer to reproduce, identify, evaluate and eventually, fix the bug, which is the very purpose of your reporting of the bug.
