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DOM_Comment Class Reference

Class to refer to XML comment nodes in the DOM. More...

#include <DOM_Comment.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for DOM_Comment

Inheritance graph
class_DOM_CharacterData class_DOM_Node
Collaboration diagram for DOM_Comment:

Collaboration graph
class_DOM_CharacterData class_DOM_Node
List of all members.

Public Methods

Constructors and assignment operators
 DOM_Comment ()
 Default constructor for DOM_Comment. More...

 DOM_Comment (const DOM_Comment &other)
 Copy constructor. More...

DOM_Comment& operator= (const DOM_Comment &other)
 Assignment operator. More...

DOM_Comment& operator= (const DOM_NullPtr *val)
 Assignment operator. More...

 ~DOM_Comment ()
 Destructor for DOM_Comment. More...

Protected Methods

 DOM_Comment (CommentImpl *comment)


class  DOM_Document

Detailed Description

Class to refer to XML comment nodes in the DOM.

The string value contains all of the characters between the starting '&lt;!--' and ending '--&gt;'.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DOM_Comment::DOM_Comment ( )

Default constructor for DOM_Comment.

The resulting object does not refer to an actual Comment node; it will compare == to 0, and is similar to a null object reference variable in Java. It may subsequently be assigned to refer to an actual comment node.

New comment nodes are created by DOM_Document::createComment().

DOM_Comment::DOM_Comment ( const DOM_Comment & other )

Copy constructor.

Creates a new DOM_Comment that refers to the same underlying node as the original. See also DOM_Node::clone(), which will copy the actual Comment node, rather than just creating a new reference to the original node.

other   The object to be copied.

DOM_Comment::~DOM_Comment ( )

Destructor for DOM_Comment.

The object being destroyed is the reference object, not the underlying Comment node itself.

DOM_Comment::DOM_Comment ( CommentImpl * comment ) [protected]

Member Function Documentation

DOM_Comment & DOM_Comment::operator= ( const DOM_NullPtr * val )

Assignment operator.

This overloaded variant is provided for the sole purpose of setting a DOM_Node reference variable to zero. Nulling out a reference variable in this way will decrement the reference count on the underlying Node object that the variable formerly referenced. This effect is normally obtained when reference variable goes out of scope, but zeroing them can be useful for global instances, or for local instances that will remain in scope for an extended time, when the storage belonging to the underlying node needs to be reclaimed.

val.   Only a value of 0, or null, is allowed.

Reimplemented from DOM_CharacterData.

DOM_Comment & DOM_Comment::operator= ( const DOM_Comment & other )

Assignment operator.

other   The object to be copied.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

class DOM_Document [friend]

Reimplemented from DOM_Node.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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