Nesting XDIME 2 documents

It is possible to nest an XDIME 2 document (i.e. an html element and its descendants) inside the body of another XDIME 2 document. The nested html element is treated as if it was a block element; it can appear anywhere a block element can appear and behaves similarly, e.g. can be targeted at layouts, styled, etc. XDIME 2 documents can be nested to any depth, i.e. a sub-document can itself contain a sub-sub-document, and so on.

It is possible to nest an XDIME 2 document (i.e. an html element and its descendants) inside the body of another XDIME 2 document. The nested html element is treated as if it was a block element; it can appear anywhere a block element can appear and behaves similarly, e.g. can be targeted at layouts, styled, etc. XDIME 2 documents can be nested to any depth, i.e. a sub-document can itself contain a sub-sub-document, and so on.


If the existing MCS documentation refers to an html element it refers to the closest enclosing html element unless otherwise stated. For example, if a meta element applies to a document, e.g. because it has no about attribute or it is set to '#', then it applies to the closest enclosing html element.

The following restrictions apply to a nested XDIME 2 document:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns:mcs=""
    <title>Nested XDIME 2 Example</title>
    <p id="id1">Some text before the nested page.</p>
        <title>Required but ignored</title>
        <p id="id2">Some text inside the nested page.</p>
    <p id="id3">Some text after the nested page.</p>

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