The following tables list all the features exported by MCS. A feature is a unique identifier for some functionality. It can refer to a single piece of functionality on a device, or to a functionality provided by a part of the application. Feature support depends on the version of MCS being used, and the capabilities of the device. The mcs:feature function can be used to verify if the selected feature is supported on the current device. Refer to the topic entitled mcs:feature for more information.
The following tables list all the features exported by MCS. A feature is a unique identifier for some functionality. It can refer to a single piece of functionality on a device, or to a functionality provided by a part of the application. Feature support depends on the version of MCS being used, and the capabilities of the device. The mcs:feature function can be used to verify if the selected feature is supported on the current device. Refer to the topic entitled mcs:feature for more information.
The following tables list all the features that represent support for the Client Framework 2 components.
UI components
Name | Purpose |
cf2:ui.Box | Represents support for the Box component. |
cf2:ui.Button | Represents support for the Button component that provides a button-like control. |
cf2:ui.Checkbox | Represents support for the Checkbox component that allows users to choose between two possible states. |
cf2:ui.FlexibleBox | Represents support for the Flexible Box component that allows UI elements such as text input fields to expand or contract depending upon the width of the device. |
cf2:ui.Inline | Represents support for the Inline component. |
cf2:ui.Label | Represents support for the Label component. |
cf2:ui.ListView | Represents support for the List View component. The component presents the data as a list of items. |
cf2:ui.ListModel | Represents support for the List Model component that allows the list view contents to be specified using the XML representation of a data structure equivalent to JSON. |
cf2:ui.ListItemRenderer | Represents support for the List Item Renderer component that uses a combination of the Prototype and Client-side templates functionality to represent the rendering of a list item. |
cf2:ui.ListCellLayout | Represents support for the List Cell Layout component that allows page authors to create and manage the list cell layout for a given list view. |
cf2:ui.Overlay | Represents support for the Overlay component that allows client-side manipulation of elements with different stack levels. |
cf2:ui.Password | Represents support for the Password component that allows users to enter confidential or sensitive information such as passwords. |
cf2:ui.Prototype | Represents support for the Prototype component that provides a client-side factory for constructing multiple instances of the nested content. |
cf2:ui.Radio | Represents support for the Radio component that provides for selection of a single choice from a list of options. |
cf2:ui.SearchBar, cf2:ui.SearchBar#Flexible, cf2:ui.SearchBar#FixedNoWrap, cf2:ui.SearchBar#FixedWrap | Represent support for search bar constructs. |
cf2:ui.Select | Represents support for the Select component that allows users to select one or more items from a list of options. |
cf2:ui.SlideView | Represents support for the Slide View component that displays slides from a specified set. |
cf2:ui.TextArea | Represents support for the Text Area component that provides a multi-line input control for large amounts of text. |
cf2:ui.TextField | Represents support for the Text Field component that allows users to enter a a short text. |
Template components
Name | Purpose |
cf2:cst.AnchorSlot | Represents support for anchor slots. |
cf2:cst.ImageSlot | Represents support for image slots. |
cf2:cst.Switch | Represents support for switches. |
cf2:cst.Template | Represents support for templates. |
cf2:cst.ValueSlot | Represents support for value slots. |
Custom components
Name | Purpose |
cf2:CustomComponents | Represents support for the custom component markup. |
Common component
Name | Purpose |
cf2:BindObservableProperties | Represents support for the cf2:bind element that binds two observable properties together. |
cf2:Class | Represents support for the Class component that simplifies the task of creating classes. |
cf2:CometD | Represents support for CometD. |
cf2:ConstructionComponent | Represents support for the Construction component that constructs the Client Framework 2 XDIME pages. |
cf2:Copy | Represents support for the Copy component that provides methods for copying properties from one object to another. |
cf2:DataSource | Represents support for the Data Source component that provides access to information from external data sources such as web services, or databases, leveraging the existing Dynamic Content Integration infrastructure. |
cf2:EventTarget | Represents support for the Event Target component that allows different elements of the Client Framework 2 to communicate with each other. |
cf2:Geolocation | Represents support for the Gelocation component that provides a JavaScript API that abstracts away device specific APIs, allowing page authors to easily utilize the device's GPS capabilities. |
cf2:Geolocator | Represents support for the Geolocator component that uses the API defined by the cf2:Geolocation component and provides a simple mechanism for obtaining the location information within a Client Framework 2 application. |
cf2:ForEach | Represents support for the For Each component that provides support for iterating over the properties of objects and the indexes of arrays. |
cf2:Mixins | Represents support for adding the methods defined in the sourceClass's prototype object to the targetClass's prototype object. |
cf2:ObservableProperty | Represents support for the Observable Property component that handles observable properties. |
cf2:ObservablePropertyPrototype | Represents support for the Observable Property Prototype component that allows authors to easily define and use observable properties on a class. |
cf2:ObservablePropertySet | Represents support for an object that can contain a number of observable properties. |
cf2:OnEventHandler | Represents support for the cf2:on element that allows authors to specifies an event handler on a component. |
cf2:Property | Represents support for the cf2:property element that allows page authors to add custom properties to existing components and XDIME 2 elements. |
cf2:TimerQueue | Represents support for the Timer Queue component that allows applications to perform tasks after a specified period of time. |
cf2:TimerTask | Represents support for the Timer Task component that manages tasks in the timer queue. |
cf2:viewport | Represents support for the Viewport component that provides information about the usable width and height, mode and orientation of the device viewport. |
cf2:WebSocket | Represents support for the WebSocket protocol. |
cf2:WebDB | Represents support for the Web SQL Database API. |
cf2:js.Function#Prefix | Represents support for the js.Function#Prefix component that provides a limited form of currying. |
cf2:js.Function#Bind | Represents support for the js.Function#Bind component that provides support for decorating callback functions. |
DOM components
Name | Purpose |
cf2:dom.Element | Represents support for the dom.Element component that provides a placeholder for methods that need to be added to the DOM element objects. |
cf2:dom.ElementAccess | Represents support for the dom.ElementAccess component that allows authors to access enhanced DOM elements. |
cf2:dom.Element#Dimensions | Represents support for the dom.Element#Dimensions component that allows authors to fix device specific issues related to the screen dimensions. |
cf2:dom.Element#Navigation | Represents support for the dom.Element#Navigation component that allows authors to fix device specific issues with navigating from elements to nodes. |
cf2:dom.Element#Styles | Represents support for the dom.Element#Styles component that allows authors to fix device specific issues with setting styles on an element. |
cf2:dom.Element#Text | Represents support for the dom.Element#Text component that allows authors to fix device specific issues with accessing the text content of an element. |
JSON components
Name | Purpose |
Class cf2:json.ajax | Represents support for the json.ajax component that integrates JSON and AJAX. |
cf2:json.Parser | Represents support for the json.Parser component that provides a mechanism for parsing a JSON string into the equivalent JavaScript object. |
cf2:json.Parser#TrustedSource | Represents support for the json.Parser#TrustedSource component that parses a JSON string coming from a trusted source into the equivalent JavaScript object. |
cf2:json.Parser#UntrustedSource | Represents support for the json.Parser#UntrustedSource component that parses a JSON string into the equivalent JavaScript object. This component can be used for both trusted and untrusted sources. |
AJAX components
Name | Purpose |
cf2:ajax.Request | Represents support for the ajax.Request component that handles AJAX requests and responses. |
Dynamic properties
Name | Purpose |
cf2:ui.DynamicProperties#Custom | Represents support for custom dynamic properties. |
cf2:ui.DynamicProperties#Displayed | Represents support for the cf2:ui.DynamicProperties#Displayed dynamic property. |
cf2:ui.DynamicProperties#Enabled | Represents support for the cf2:ui.DynamicProperties#Enabled dynamic property. |
Web storage
Name | Purpose |
cf2:storage.local | Represents support for accessing a local storage area. |
cf2:storage.session | Represents support for accessing a session storage area. |
Name | Purpose |
cf2:Frames | Represents support for the client-side frames model. |
The following table lists the features that represent support for CSS 3 style properties.
Name | Purpose |
cf2:styles.BorderRadius | Represents support for rounded corners. |
mcs:style.Opacity | Represents support for the opacity style property. |
mcs:style.OverflowX, mcs:style.OverflowY | Represent support for the overflow-x and overflow-y properties. |
mcs:style.Overflow#Ellipsis | Represents support for ellipses. |
mcs:style.Overflow#Image | Represents support for using images as overflow indicators. |
mcs:style.Positioning | Represents support for position parameters and z-index properties. |
mcs:style.Reflection | Represents support for reflections. |
mcs:style.Transforms2D | Represents support for all 2D transformations. |
mcs:style.Transforms2D#Matrix | Represents support for the 2D matrix transformation. |
mcs:style.Transforms2D#Rotate | Represents support for the 2D rotate transformation. |
mcs:style.Transforms2D#ScaleX, mcs:style.Transforms2D#ScaleY, mcs:style.Transforms2D#Scale | Represent support for 2D scale transformations. |
mcs:style.Transforms2D#SkewX, mcs:style.Transforms2D#SkewY | Represent support for 2D skew transformations. |
mcs:style.Transforms2D#TranslateX, mcs:style.Transforms2D#TranslateY, mcs:style.Transforms2D#Translate | Represent support for 2D translate transformations. |
mcs:style.Transforms3D | Represents support for all 3D transformations. |
mcs:style.Transforms3D#Matrix | Represents support for the 3D matrix transformation. |
mcs:style.Transforms3D#Perspective | Represents support for the perspective transformation. |
mcs:style.Transforms3D#RotateX, mcs:style.Transforms3D#RotateY, mcs:style.Transforms3D#RotateZ, mcs:style.Transforms3D#Rotate | Represent support for 3D rotate transformations. |
mcs:style.Transforms3D#ScaleZ, mcs:style.Transforms3D#Scale | Represent support for 3D scale transformations. |
mcs:style.Transforms3D#TranslateZ, mcs:style.Transforms3D#Translate | Represent support for 3D translate transformations. |
mcs:style.TransparentColor | Represents support for transparent colors. |
The following tables list the features that represent different MCS functionalities.
Name | Purpose |
mcs:gestures.Drag | Represents support for drag gestures. |
mcs:gestures.Swipe#Left, mcs:gestures.Swipe#Right, mcs:gestures.Swipe#Up, mcs:gestures.Swipe#Down | Represent support for the swipe gestures. |
Document relationship links
Name | Purpose |
mcs:link.chapter, mcs:link.contents, mcs:link.first, mcs:link.index, mcs:link.last,, mcs:link.prev, mcs:link.section, mcs:link.subsection,, mcs:link.up | Represent support for document relationship links. These features indicate that the corresponding link types are supported, but not necessarily presented to the user. |
mcs:link.chapter#Usable, mcs:link.contents#Usable, mcs:link.first#Usable, mcs:link.index#Usable, mcs:link.last#Usable,, mcs:link.prev#Usable, mcs:link.section#Usable, mcs:link.subsection#Usable,, mcs:link.up#Usable | Represent support for document relationship links. These features indicate if the corresponding link types are supported and presented to the user. |