
The following tables list all the features exported by MCS. A feature is a unique identifier for some functionality. It can refer to a single piece of functionality on a device, or to a functionality provided by a part of the application. Feature support depends on the version of MCS being used, and the capabilities of the device. The mcs:feature function can be used to verify if the selected feature is supported on the current device. Refer to the topic entitled mcs:feature for more information.

The following tables list all the features exported by MCS. A feature is a unique identifier for some functionality. It can refer to a single piece of functionality on a device, or to a functionality provided by a part of the application. Feature support depends on the version of MCS being used, and the capabilities of the device. The mcs:feature function can be used to verify if the selected feature is supported on the current device. Refer to the topic entitled mcs:feature for more information.

Client Framework 2 features

The following tables list all the features that represent support for the Client Framework 2 components.

UI components

Name Purpose
cf2:ui.Box Represents support for the Box component.
cf2:ui.Button Represents support for the Button component that provides a button-like control.
cf2:ui.Checkbox Represents support for the Checkbox component that allows users to choose between two possible states.
cf2:ui.FlexibleBox Represents support for the Flexible Box component that allows UI elements such as text input fields to expand or contract depending upon the width of the device.
cf2:ui.Inline Represents support for the Inline component.
cf2:ui.Label Represents support for the Label component.
cf2:ui.ListView Represents support for the List View component. The component presents the data as a list of items.
cf2:ui.ListModel Represents support for the List Model component that allows the list view contents to be specified using the XML representation of a data structure equivalent to JSON.
cf2:ui.ListItemRenderer Represents support for the List Item Renderer component that uses a combination of the Prototype and Client-side templates functionality to represent the rendering of a list item.
cf2:ui.ListCellLayout Represents support for the List Cell Layout component that allows page authors to create and manage the list cell layout for a given list view.
cf2:ui.Overlay Represents support for the Overlay component that allows client-side manipulation of elements with different stack levels.
cf2:ui.Password Represents support for the Password component that allows users to enter confidential or sensitive information such as passwords.
cf2:ui.Prototype Represents support for the Prototype component that provides a client-side factory for constructing multiple instances of the nested content.
cf2:ui.Radio Represents support for the Radio component that provides for selection of a single choice from a list of options.
cf2:ui.SearchBar, cf2:ui.SearchBar#Flexible, cf2:ui.SearchBar#FixedNoWrap, cf2:ui.SearchBar#FixedWrap Represent support for search bar constructs.
cf2:ui.Select Represents support for the Select component that allows users to select one or more items from a list of options.
cf2:ui.SlideView Represents support for the Slide View component that displays slides from a specified set.
cf2:ui.TextArea Represents support for the Text Area component that provides a multi-line input control for large amounts of text.
cf2:ui.TextField Represents support for the Text Field component that allows users to enter a a short text.

Template components

Name Purpose
cf2:cst.AnchorSlot Represents support for anchor slots.
cf2:cst.ImageSlot Represents support for image slots.
cf2:cst.Switch Represents support for switches.
cf2:cst.Template Represents support for templates.
cf2:cst.ValueSlot Represents support for value slots.

Custom components

Name Purpose
cf2:CustomComponents Represents support for the custom component markup.

Common component

Name Purpose
cf2:BindObservableProperties Represents support for the cf2:bind element that binds two observable properties together.
cf2:Class Represents support for the Class component that simplifies the task of creating classes.
cf2:CometD Represents support for CometD.
cf2:ConstructionComponent Represents support for the Construction component that constructs the Client Framework 2 XDIME pages.
cf2:Copy Represents support for the Copy component that provides methods for copying properties from one object to another.
cf2:DataSource Represents support for the Data Source component that provides access to information from external data sources such as web services, or databases, leveraging the existing Dynamic Content Integration infrastructure.
cf2:EventTarget Represents support for the Event Target component that allows different elements of the Client Framework 2 to communicate with each other.
cf2:Geolocation Represents support for the Gelocation component that provides a JavaScript API that abstracts away device specific APIs, allowing page authors to easily utilize the device's GPS capabilities.
cf2:Geolocator Represents support for the Geolocator component that uses the API defined by the cf2:Geolocation component and provides a simple mechanism for obtaining the location information within a Client Framework 2 application.
cf2:ForEach Represents support for the For Each component that provides support for iterating over the properties of objects and the indexes of arrays.
cf2:Mixins Represents support for adding the methods defined in the sourceClass's prototype object to the targetClass's prototype object.
cf2:ObservableProperty Represents support for the Observable Property component that handles observable properties.
cf2:ObservablePropertyPrototype Represents support for the Observable Property Prototype component that allows authors to easily define and use observable properties on a class.
cf2:ObservablePropertySet Represents support for an object that can contain a number of observable properties.
cf2:OnEventHandler Represents support for the cf2:on element that allows authors to specifies an event handler on a component.
cf2:Property Represents support for the cf2:property element that allows page authors to add custom properties to existing components and XDIME 2 elements.
cf2:TimerQueue Represents support for the Timer Queue component that allows applications to perform tasks after a specified period of time.
cf2:TimerTask Represents support for the Timer Task component that manages tasks in the timer queue.
cf2:viewport Represents support for the Viewport component that provides information about the usable width and height, mode and orientation of the device viewport.
cf2:WebSocket Represents support for the WebSocket protocol.
cf2:WebDB Represents support for the Web SQL Database API.
cf2:js.Function#Prefix Represents support for the js.Function#Prefix component that provides a limited form of currying.
cf2:js.Function#Bind Represents support for the js.Function#Bind component that provides support for decorating callback functions.

DOM components

Name Purpose
cf2:dom.Element Represents support for the dom.Element component that provides a placeholder for methods that need to be added to the DOM element objects.
cf2:dom.ElementAccess Represents support for the dom.ElementAccess component that allows authors to access enhanced DOM elements.
cf2:dom.Element#Dimensions Represents support for the dom.Element#Dimensions component that allows authors to fix device specific issues related to the screen dimensions.
cf2:dom.Element#Navigation Represents support for the dom.Element#Navigation component that allows authors to fix device specific issues with navigating from elements to nodes.
cf2:dom.Element#Styles Represents support for the dom.Element#Styles component that allows authors to fix device specific issues with setting styles on an element.
cf2:dom.Element#Text Represents support for the dom.Element#Text component that allows authors to fix device specific issues with accessing the text content of an element.

JSON components

Name Purpose
Class cf2:json.ajax Represents support for the json.ajax component that integrates JSON and AJAX.
cf2:json.Parser Represents support for the json.Parser component that provides a mechanism for parsing a JSON string into the equivalent JavaScript object.
cf2:json.Parser#TrustedSource Represents support for the json.Parser#TrustedSource component that parses a JSON string coming from a trusted source into the equivalent JavaScript object.
cf2:json.Parser#UntrustedSource Represents support for the json.Parser#UntrustedSource component that parses a JSON string into the equivalent JavaScript object. This component can be used for both trusted and untrusted sources.

AJAX components

Name Purpose
cf2:ajax.Request Represents support for the ajax.Request component that handles AJAX requests and responses.

Dynamic properties

Name Purpose
cf2:ui.DynamicProperties#Custom Represents support for custom dynamic properties.
cf2:ui.DynamicProperties#Displayed Represents support for the cf2:ui.DynamicProperties#Displayed dynamic property.
cf2:ui.DynamicProperties#Enabled Represents support for the cf2:ui.DynamicProperties#Enabled dynamic property.

Web storage

Name Purpose
cf2:storage.local Represents support for accessing a local storage area.
cf2:storage.session Represents support for accessing a session storage area.


Name Purpose
cf2:Frames Represents support for the client-side frames model.

CSS 3 features

The following table lists the features that represent support for CSS 3 style properties.

Name Purpose
cf2:styles.BorderRadius Represents support for rounded corners.
mcs:style.Opacity Represents support for the opacity style property.
mcs:style.OverflowX, mcs:style.OverflowY Represent support for the overflow-x and overflow-y properties.
mcs:style.Overflow#Ellipsis Represents support for ellipses.
mcs:style.Overflow#Image Represents support for using images as overflow indicators.
mcs:style.Positioning Represents support for position parameters and z-index properties.
mcs:style.Reflection Represents support for reflections.
mcs:style.Transforms2D Represents support for all 2D transformations.
mcs:style.Transforms2D#Matrix Represents support for the 2D matrix transformation.
mcs:style.Transforms2D#Rotate Represents support for the 2D rotate transformation.
mcs:style.Transforms2D#ScaleX, mcs:style.Transforms2D#ScaleY, mcs:style.Transforms2D#Scale Represent support for 2D scale transformations.
mcs:style.Transforms2D#SkewX, mcs:style.Transforms2D#SkewY Represent support for 2D skew transformations.
mcs:style.Transforms2D#TranslateX, mcs:style.Transforms2D#TranslateY, mcs:style.Transforms2D#Translate Represent support for 2D translate transformations.
mcs:style.Transforms3D Represents support for all 3D transformations.
mcs:style.Transforms3D#Matrix Represents support for the 3D matrix transformation.
mcs:style.Transforms3D#Perspective Represents support for the perspective transformation.
mcs:style.Transforms3D#RotateX, mcs:style.Transforms3D#RotateY, mcs:style.Transforms3D#RotateZ, mcs:style.Transforms3D#Rotate Represent support for 3D rotate transformations.
mcs:style.Transforms3D#ScaleZ, mcs:style.Transforms3D#Scale Represent support for 3D scale transformations.
mcs:style.Transforms3D#TranslateZ, mcs:style.Transforms3D#Translate Represent support for 3D translate transformations.
mcs:style.TransparentColor Represents support for transparent colors.

Miscellaneous features

The following tables list the features that represent different MCS functionalities.


Name Purpose
mcs:gestures.Drag Represents support for drag gestures.
mcs:gestures.Swipe#Left, mcs:gestures.Swipe#Right, mcs:gestures.Swipe#Up, mcs:gestures.Swipe#Down Represent support for the swipe gestures.

Document relationship links

Name Purpose
mcs:link.chapter, mcs:link.contents, mcs:link.first, mcs:link.index, mcs:link.last, mcs:link.next, mcs:link.prev, mcs:link.section, mcs:link.subsection, mcs:link.top, mcs:link.up Represent support for document relationship links. These features indicate that the corresponding link types are supported, but not necessarily presented to the user.
mcs:link.chapter#Usable, mcs:link.contents#Usable, mcs:link.first#Usable, mcs:link.index#Usable, mcs:link.last#Usable, mcs:link.next#Usable, mcs:link.prev#Usable, mcs:link.section#Usable, mcs:link.subsection#Usable, mcs:link.top#Usable, mcs:link.up#Usable Represent support for document relationship links. These features indicate if the corresponding link types are supported and presented to the user.

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