No images are displayed in tree view

If no images are displayed for pages, URLs, or portlet nodes in the tree navigation view, review your settings.

Note: Images cannot be displayed for pages, URLs, or portlet nodes in the tree navigation view if you are using a WML device or a device with a small buffer that requires HTML pagination.
If you are using the default tree view, images are not displayed for page, URL, and portlet navigation nodes. To enable images in the tree view, you must modify the wp_profile_root/PortalServer/ file and set the following property to true as follows:

Also check the default tree image properties (, mwp.tree.default.image.portlet, mwp.tree.default.image.url) in The default image is displayed if the Extended Properties portlet has not been used to configure another image for the page, URL, or portlet. Refer to the topic Extended Properties Portlet for more details.

See the topic Configuring properties for the Mobile Portal Accelerator extensions for details on changing properties in the file and how to restart the WebSphere_Portal application server after all properties have been modified.

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