Properties used to configure Mobile Portal Accelerator extensions

The Mobile Portal Accelerator extensions are configured through the file and through resource environment providers.


The properties listed in the following sections are included in the file, located in the directory wp_profile_root/PortalServer/ (There may be additional properties available in this file that are not listed in these tables.) For a description of resource environment providers, which affect the same configuration properties, refer to the topic Setting service configuration properties in the WebSphere® Portal product documentation
Note: You must restart the WebSphere Portal server after changing a property in the file. If you are using IBM® Mobile Portal Accelerator in a clustered environment, you must update and restart the WebSphere Portal server on each node in the cluster.

General properties

Table 1. General properties
Property Type Default value Description
mwp.aggregator.policy.project string The Global Policy Project used by the XDIME aggregator.
mwp.generic.portlet.policy.project string The Generic Portlet Global Policy Project.
mwp.login.portlet.enable Boolean true
Enable the login portlet
Display the login screen

Icon navigation view

Table 2. Properties for configuring the icon navigation view
Property Type Default value Description
mwp.icon.omit.captions Boolean false
Remove captions (page, portlet, and URL titles) from the icon navigation view
Show captions string /wp/icon_default_page.mimg Path to the default image used to represent a page (if none is specified, a caption is used).
mwp.icon.default.image.portlet string /wp/icon_default_portlet.mimg Path to the default image used to represent a portlet (if none is specified, a caption is used).
mwp.icon.default.image.url string /wp/icon_default_url.mimg Path to the default image used to represent a URL (if none is specified, a caption is used).
mwp.locales string de,en,es,fr,it,pt_BR,ja,ko,zh,zh_TW The locales that IBM Mobile Portal Accelerator can use when determining themes. The locale default is the portal default.

PDA navigation view

Table 3. Properties for configuring the PDA navigation view
Property Type Default value Description
mwp.pda.use.images Boolean true
Display images to represent portlets
Display captions only
mwp.pda.omit.captions Boolean false
Omit captions when mwp.pda.use.images is true
Display captions
Note: In Microsoft Internet Explorer, only the portlet's icon is displayed, not the caption.
mwp.pda.max.nav.depth integer 3 Number of levels, beyond home, that the PDA view or smartphone view extends.

For example, If this value is 3, then a page that is four levels beyond home can never be displayed.

mwp.pda.default.image.portlet string /wp/icon_default_portlet.mimg Path to the default image used to represent a portlet. A default image can be displayed for portlets that are not configured with metadata to specify an icon.

Mobile Portal Accelerator tag library

Table 4. Properties used to configure the Mobile Portal Accelerator tag library
Property Type Default value Description
mwp.tag.image.enable Boolean true
Use extended properties images
Do not use images
mwp.tag.allowContent.enable Boolean true
Use extended properties display rules
Do not use display rules
mwp.tag.preloadnotice.enable Boolean true
Use preload notices
Do not use preload notices
mwp.tag.alttitle.enable Boolean true
Use extended properties short titles
Do not use short titles

Tree navigation view

The WebSphere Portal administrator can configure icon extended properties for a node to specify icons for any page, URL, or portlet in the tree.

Note: No icon is shown with a link if no extended properties are specified and no value is specified for the corresponding property, or if mwp.tree.use.images=false.
Table 5. Properties used to configure the tree navigation view
Property Type Default value Description
mwp.tree.max.nav.depth integer 1
Unlimited navigation depth
Display one navigation level (only nodes that are children of the selected node)
Display two navigation levels (nodes that are children of the selected node, and children of those nodes)
Display three navigation levels
mwp.tree.use.images Boolean false
Display an image with a link if the node represented by the link has an extended attribute that specifies an image, or if the corresponding attribute ( specifies a default image for this view
Do not display images
mwp.tree.use.shortcut.keys Boolean true
Display shortcut numbers with links to allow easy access to up to nine of the links displayed

For example, Press 1 for the first link, 2 for the second, up to 9 for the ninth

Do not display shortcut numbers
mwp.tree.portlet.above.nav Boolean false
Display portlet titles with page and URL links
Do not display portlet titles string /wp/tree_default_page.mimg Path to the default image used to represent a page when mwp.tree.use.images is true.
mwp.tree.default.image.portlet string /wp/tree_default_portlet.mimg Path to the default image used to represent a portlet when mwp.tree.use.images is true.
mwp.tree.default.image.url string /wp/tree_default_url.mimg Path to the default image used to represent a URL when mwp.tree.use.images is true.
mwp.tree.indent.value string . String used for indentation when mwp.tree.max.nav.depth is greater than 1.
Note: The character / is interpreted as the path to an image resource.
mwp.tree.bullet.value string - String used for a bullet character when mwp.tree.max.nav.depth is greater than 1.
Note: The character / is interpreted as the path to an image resource.

Additional properties are used to configure pagination in the tree view.

Table 6. Properties used to configure pagination in the tree navigation view
Property Type Default value Description integer 1500 Estimate of the markup size overhead in bytes for an xHTML, cHTML, or other HTML page. The estimate should exclude elements represented by the other properties, such as

Assume the worst-case markup that could be generated and include the greatest number of images that could be included in a page at any given time. integer 20 Estimate of the markup size overhead in bytes for adding a single link, excluding the actual 'src' URL and the title of the link.
mwp.tree.pagination.max.buffer.match integer 12300 Maximum matching buffer size in bytes that will be paginated for the tree view. This value is compared against the maxhtmlpage policy value from the MCS device repository.

A value of 0 disables HTML pagination.

mwp.tree.wml.conversion.size integer 100 Estimate of how much conversion overhead the final markup (output from MCS) will undergo before it arrives at the target device. This includes transformations as the markup travels through proxies and other changes in the markup before it is saved in the WML device's buffer.

Example: The single quote (') character is converted to '–increasing buffer usage by 5 characters.

mwp.tree.wml.deck.size integer 171 Number of bytes occupied by the markup that declares the WML deck. If an image is used as a header in the deck, its size should be included in this number. This value is added to the total byte count only once per page response.
mwp.tree.wml.card.size integer 35 Number of bytes occupied by the markup that declares each WML card. This value is added to the total byte count for each card that is added to the deck. integer 20 Number of bytes occupied by the markup that declares each nav link on a WML card. integer 59 Number of bytes occupied by the markup that declares each <do><go> WML link on a WMLcard.

Normal mode portlets

Table 7. Properties for configuring normal mode portlets
Property Type Default value Description
mwp.portlet.default.mode string maximized Default value for the portlet when the render mode extended property for the portlet is not explicitly defined. Possible values: normal, maximized. Boolean true
Allow a rule between multiple portlets rendered in normal mode
Do not allow a rule
mwp.tree.normal.mode.enable Boolean true
Allow portlets to be rendered in normal mode for the tree navigation view
Do not render portlets in normal mode, even if specified through the Extended Properties Portlet
mwp.tree.wml.normal.mode.enable Boolean false
Allow portlets to be rendered in normal mode for the WML tree navigation view
Do not render portlets in normal mode, even if specified through the Extended Properties Portlet
mwp.tree.pagination.normal.mode.enable Boolean false
Allow portlets to be rendered in normal mode for the pagination tree navigation view
Do not render portlets in normal mode, even if specified through the Extended Properties Portlet
mwp.icon.normal.mode.enable Boolean true
Allow portlets to be rendered in normal mode for the icon navigation view
Do not render portlets in normal mode, even if specified through the Extended Properties Portlet
mwp.pda.normal.mode.enable Boolean true
Allow portlets to be rendered in normal mode for the PDA navigation view
Do not render portlets in normal mode, even if specified through the Extended Properties Portlet integer 300 Time interval, in seconds, in which the mobile portal checks for updates.

Virtual portal policy mapping tag library

Table 8. Properties used to configure the virtual portal policy mapping tag library
Property Type Default value Description
mwp.virtual.portals string (none) List of virtual portal URL mapping contexts, separate by commas (,).
mwp.vp.default.policyset string / Path to the default policy set to use with virtual portals.

Media Access Proxy (MAP) portlets

Table 9. Property used by MAP portlets
Property Type Default value Description
mwp.icsServer string map/map URL of the MAP that is being used with WebSphere Portal. When MAP is not installed with the WebSphere Portal server, the format of the property value is:
  • hostname is the fully qualified hostname of the server where MAP is installed or the hostname of the reverse proxy server
  • port is the port number of the application server to which the MAP enterprise application is mapped, or the port number of the reverse proxy server
  • context_root is the MAP context root (map)
  • servlet_name is the MAP servlet name (map)
If MAP is installed on the same server instance as WebSphere Portal, the mwp.icsServer entry can contain the fully qualified name, or it can omit the hostname and port as in the following example:

Properties used by Preload Notices

Table 10. Property used by Preload Notices
Property Type Default value Description
mwp.pln.datasource string jdbc/mpaplnDS Specifies datasource name to be used to connect to the Preload Notices tables (for example, Direct Customization datasource name)
mwp.pln.schema string customization_databse_username Schema name for preload notice tables

Properties used by Preload Notices

Table 11. Property used by Preload Notices
Property Type Default value Description
mwp.pln.datasource string jdbc/mpaplnDS Specifies datasource name to be used to connect to the Preload Notices tables (for example, Direct Customization datasource name)
mwp.pln.schema string customization_databse_username Schema name for preload notice tables

Property for skipping WEBDAV requests

Table 12. Property used by Preload Notices
Property Type Default value Description
mwp.excludewebdav.requeststring string /wps/mycontenthandler/ String for excluding the WebDAV requests from going to MCS

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