Installing the Mobile Portal Accelerator instance WP02 (existing WebSphere Portal cluster)—horizontal scaling

After installing Mobile Portal Accelerator on WP01, the next step in this process is to install IBM® Mobile Portal Accelerator instance WP02.

Before you begin

You must have performed the instructions in the topic Installing the Mobile Portal Accelerator instance WP01 (existing WebSphere Portal cluster) topic before installing the WP02 instance.

About this task

WP02 is the second WebSphere® Portal instance in the cell.


  1. Follow the instructions provided in the Performing required steps before installing Mobile Portal Accelerator.
    Note: Because this is a secondary node, it is not necessary to migrate the WebSphere Portal database from Derby to DB2®, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server.
  2. Follow the instructions in the topic Installing Multi-Channel Server for your database type (DB2, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server). In addition, replace the following command:
    AIXLinuxSolaris ./ init mcs-deploy-mcs command with:
    ./ init mcs-config-cluster-secondary-node
    Note: For DB2 databases, the value of db_vendor is db2-type4.
    Windows ConfigEngine init mcs-deploy-mcs command with:
    ConfigEngine init mcs-config-cluster-secondary-node
    • Do not create another MCS database, because you will use the same MCS database information created by the WP01 instance. Make sure to use the identical values for the following parameters in both WP01 and WP02:
    • Do not run the following command, because the default device policies were imported when you installed MCS on WP01:
      • AIXLinuxSolaris ./ init mcs-import-devices -DMcsProject=mobile-portal
      • Windows ConfigEngine init mcs-import-devices -DMcsProject=mobile-portal
  3. Use the appropriate database-specific commands to add the JDBC driver to your current CLASSPATH environment variable, as illustrated in the following examples:
    DB2 (version 9.1 (with fix pack 5) or 9.5 (with fix pack 3))
    export CLASSPATH   
    DB2 (version 9.7)
    export CLASSPATH   
    Note: If DB2 and WebSphere Portal are not installed on the same machine, specify the path to where the files are located on the WebSphere Portal server.
    export CLASSPATH
    MS SQL
    export CLASSPATH
  4. Change your working directory to:wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine
  5. Make sure that the correct values are specified for the following parameters in the file wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine/properties/
    • WasHome
    • WpsInstallLocation
    • NodeName
    • ServerName
    • PortalAdminId
    • PortalAdminPwd
    • WpsHostPort
    • WpsContextRoot

    If WebSphere Application Server security is enabled, you must also specify values for the WasUserid and WasPassword parameters in wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine/properties/

    Note: For security reasons, if you do not want to store the WebSphere Portal admin password and WebSphere Application Server admin password in the file, you can specify the passwords on the portal server command line. For example, when this topic directs you to enter the ConfigEngine script or batch file, you would add parameters to the command to specify the password values as shown here:
    ./ init task_name -DPortalAdminPwd=WP_admin_password_value -DWasPassword=WAS_admin_password_value
    ConfigEngine init task_name -DPortalAdminPwd=WP_admin_password_value -DWasPassword=WAS_admin_password_value
    Note: All of this text, including parameters, is entered on the same command line.
    • task_name is the name of the configuration task being invoked (for example, mcs-deploy-mcs)
    • WP_admin_password_value is the value of the WebSphere Portal admin password
    • WAS_admin_password_value is the value of the WebSphere Application Server admin password if WebSphere Application Server security is enabled
  6. Install and configure the Mobile Portal Accelerator extensions using the following command for every instance on the secondary nodes:
    • AIXLinuxSolaris ./ mwp-config-cluster-secondary-node
    • Windows ConfigEngine mwp-config-cluster-secondary-node
  7. Run the Health Check Utility to check the status of the Mobile Portal Accelerator installation using the following command:
    • AIXLinuxSolaris ./ check-mobile-install -DMPAInstallZip=/tmp
    • Windows ConfigEngine check-mobile-install -DMPAInstallZip=c:\mpa_temp
    The output displays the directory locations for files that are required by WebSphere Portal and Mobile Portal Accelerator.
    • If all of the files were installed successfully, the message BUILD SUCCESSFUL is displayed. Proceed to the next step.
    • If the utility detected a problem with the installation, the message BUILD FAILED is displayed. This indicates that files required by Mobile Portal Accelerator are not installed in the proper locations. Check the output for a description of the problem. Then, make sure that the image zip files are complete, or not corrupted due to a failed copy or lack of disk space; compare the file sizes against the original media. You can also verify that disk space or permissions are sufficient. Next, you will need to uninstall and re-install Mobile Portal Accelerator. After the re-install, run the Health Check Utility again.
  8. Restart the portal server using the following commands:
    wp_profile_root/bin/ server_name -username WAS_admin -password WAS_admin_password_value
    wp_profile_root/bin/ server_name
    wp_profile_root\bin\stopServer server_name -username WAS_admin -password WAS_admin_password_value
    wp_profile_root\bin\startServer server_name

    where server_name is the name of the WebSphere Application Server instance (for example, WebSphere_Portal).

What to do next

Importing aggregator policies and portlet policies is not required for secondary nodes. The data would have already imported in the primary node installation steps.

After Mobile Portal Accelerator is installed on WP02, continue to the next topic Configuring the cluster (existing WebSphere Portal cluster).

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