The first step in this process is to install IBM® Mobile Portal Accelerator on
a stand-alone node prior to configuring the node into a cell.
Before you begin
Before you can install Mobile Portal Accelerator, WebSphere® Portal must
installed on the primary node. For detailed instructions, based on
your operating system, refer to the Installing topics
in the WebSphere Portal product documentation.
About this task
WP01 is the first
WebSphere Portal instance
in the cell.
- Follow the instructions in the topic Performing
required steps before installing Mobile Portal Accelerator.
This includes migrating the WebSphere Portal database
from Derby to one of the supported database types (DB2®, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server) if not done previously.
- Follow the instructions in the topic Installing Multi-Channel Server for
your database type (DB2, Oracle,
or Microsoft SQL Server).
- Follow the instructions in the topic Installing IBM Mobile Portal Accelerator extensions.
What to do next
Depending on whether you are creating a horizontal or a vertical
cluster, proceed to the appropriate topic for
Installing the Mobile Portal Accelerator instance
WP02 (creating new cluster).