Installing MAP in a cluster

The Media Access Proxy (MAP) can be installed in a cluster when it is used to transcode images or other media types displayed by mobile portlets running on WebSphere® Portal.

Before you begin

Perform all of the steps as described in the preceding topics:

About this task

Consider the following points when installing the MAP:

Perform the following steps to install the MAP software.


  1. On each server where the MAP is installed, log in as the user who installed WebSphere Application Server.
  2. Start the application server (for example, server1 or other_map_server) on which you plan to install the MAP.
  3. Run the following command to ensure that the WebSphere environment is set up correctly:
    Note: There is a space between the period (.) and the rest of the command.
  4. Change your working directory to was_profile_root/map/install.
  5. Run the following commands to install MAP:
    Note: The command you enter is different for the primary node versus the secondary nodes.
    • On the primary node, run the following command:
      ./mapInstaller -DServerName=server_name
      mapInstaller -DServerName=server_name
      • server_name specifies the name of the WebSphere Application Server to which the MAP enterprise application is mapped (for example, server1 or other_map_server)
      • WAS_admin_userid_value is the WebSphere Application Server administrative user ID (required only when WebSphere Application Server security is enabled)
      • WAS_admin_password_value is the WebSphere Application Server administrative password (required only when WebSphere Application Server security is enabled)
      • imgHost is the fully qualified host name of the image host used by the MAP. If you are using MAP with WebSphere Portal, specify the WebSphere Portal host name unless you plan to put the images on a separate web server. If you are using the MAP with a messaging web application, specify the fully qualified host name of the messaging web application unless you plan to put the images on a separate web server. This parameter defaults to localhost if it is not specified.
      • imgPort is the port on which the image host is listening. If you are using the MAP with WebSphere Portal, specify theWebSphere Portal port number (for example, 10040) unless you plan to put the images on a separate web server. If you are using the MAP with a messaging web application, specify the port number used by the messaging web application unless you plan to put the images on a separate web server. This parameter defaults to 80 if it is not specified.
      • proxyHost is optional. Set it to the fully qualified hostname of the HTTP proxy server (if you plan to use one). This parameter appears in the installed ics-config.xml only if a value is specified.
      • proxyPort is optional. Set it to the port that the proxy host is listening on (if you plan to use a proxy server). This parameter appears in the installed ics-config.xml only if a value is specified.
      • state indicates whether the node on which the MAP is being installed is managed by the WebSphere Application Server deployment manager. If the node is a federated node managed by deployment manager, set the state to true. Otherwise, you can set state to false or omit the -DManageNode parameter altogether.
      • fully_qualified_MAPDB_Host_name is the fully qualified host name of the server where the MAP database is located.
      • MAP_database_port is the port to which the MAP database is listening (for example, in DB29.x, the default is 5000).
      • MAP_database_name is the MAP database name, created before installing MAP.
      • MAP_database_userid and MAP_database_password is the MAP database user ID and password.
      • JDBC_driver_path is the CLASSPATH of the database drivers. For DB2, use the absolute directory of the database driver location. For Oracle, direct path to the driver.
      • Database_vendor_name is the name of the supported database (DB2, MSSQL, Oracle).
      • MAP_cluster_name is the name of the existing cluster on which MAP is to be installed.
    • On each secondary node, run the following command:
      ./mapInstaller map-config-local
      mapInstaller map-config-local

      The parameters specified with this command are the same as the parameters specified for the command used to install the MAP on the primary node.

  6. Restart the portal server using the following commands:
    was_root/bin/ server_name -username WAS_admin -password WAS_admin_password_value
    was_root/bin/ server_name
    was_root\bin\stopServer server_name -username WAS_admin -password WAS_admin_password_value
    was_root\bin\startServer server_name

    where server_name is the name of the WebSphere Application Server to which MAP was mapped (for example, server1 or other_map_server).

  7. Log in to the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console where MAP is installed.
  8. Click Resources > JDBC > DataSources.
  9. In the List of Scopes drop-down list, click Node Scope.(server1/other map server) of the MAP server.
  10. Select the following data source: (data source for MAP)
    • Data source name: descriptorstore
    • JNDI name: jdbc/descriptorstore
    Note: The descriptorstore data source is created automatically during the installation of MAP.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Select the MAP data source (descriptorstore) and click JAAS-J2C Authentication data Alias.
    1. Enter an alias name (for example, MAPAlias).
    2. Enter credentials (database user ID and password).
    3. Click Finish.
  13. Click DataSources > Security settings.
    1. Select the newly created component-management authentication alias (for example, MAPAlias).
    2. Click Save.
    3. Select the descriptorstore check box and click Test Connection.
      Note: If the test connection fails and you modify the configuration, you must restart the application server (for example, server1) before testing the connection again.
  14. Confirm the saved settings to the Master configuration on WebSphere Application Server.
    1. Select the descriptorstore check box and click Test Connection.
      Note: If the test connection fails and you modify the configuration, you must restart the application server (for example, server1) before testing the connection again.
  15. Configure the data source for MAP by using the following steps from the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console:
    Note: Installing MAP on the server automatically creates the data source on WebSphere Application Server.
    1. Click Resources > JDBC > Data Sources.
    2. Edit the descriptorstore configuration. Click the JAAS - J2C Authentication data link. Create an identity with database credentials.
    3. Click Application servers > server1 /WebSphere_Portal > Installed applications > map.
    4. Click Mapping Resource references to resources.
    5. Locate the map data source and click OK.
    6. Specify the authentication method by applying previously created credentials to the MAP database.
    7. Save the configuration.
  16. On the MAP server, edit ics-config.xml located in the map_installLocation/installedApps/yournode/map.ear/map.war/WEB-INF/ directory. Update imgHost='image-host-name' with the image host name and imgPort='map-port' with the MAP database port. The map-port is the same port number you defined with DMapDBPort during the installation of MAP, for example, 9080.

    If you leave the imgHost parameter blank using single quotation marks, for example '', it indicates that the MAP server hosts itself is an image server.

    imgPort parameter represents the port number through which the image is served. If you leave the imgPort parameter blank using single quotation marks, for example '', it indicates that the imgPort is same as MAP Server Port

    To verify the successful MAP installation, make sure both imgHost and imgPort are blank, for example imgHost='' and imgPort=''.

  17. Restart the application servers using the following commands:
    Note: You must restart all the cluster nodes and the servers running on it.
    was_root/bin/ server_name -username WAS_admin -password WAS_admin_password_value
    was_root/bin/ server_name
    was_root\bin\stopServer server_name -username WAS_admin -password WAS_admin_password_value
    was_root\bin\startServer server_name

    where server_name is the name of the WebSphere Application Server to which MAP was mapped (for example, server1 or other_map_server).

  18. Start the installed MAP application from WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console. Go to Enterprise Applications and select map from the list of installed applications. Then, click Start.
  19. Verify that the MAP installation is successful by rendering the default image located on the MAP server. Enter the following URL in a browser: http://map_server:map_port/map/ics/images/cj24/volantis.gif
    Note: Verify that the imgHost and imgPort parameters are blank, for example imgHost='' and imgPort='', in the ics-config.xml file located in the map_installLocation/installedApps/yournode/map.ear/map.war/WEB-INF/ directory.

    The image renders in the browser.

  20. Create a cluster for the application server installed with the MAP. See the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment information center for details. It is recommended that you use a proxy server such as WebSphere Application Server Edge Components with the MAP in a production environment. See the topic Configuring a proxy server with the MAP for more details.

What to do next

After you install the MAP software, you can proceed to the topic Configuring a data source for MAP.

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