Multi-Channel Server and XDIME aggregator flows

This overview shows how data is passed from a customer's mobile device, through Mobile Portal Accelerator and the XDIME aggregator, and back to the customer's mobile device.

Multi-Channel Server runtime

WebSphere® Portal uses the Multi-Channel Server (MCS) runtime code to convert XDIME markup into a markup language that can be used by a requesting device. The illustration and the list that follows describe how the MCS runtime plugs into WebSphere Portal:
Figure 1. MCS and XDIME aggregator flow
Request flow moving through the Mobile Portal Accelerator product.
The mobile device request flow is as follows:
  1. The mobile device makes a page request, which is received by WebSphere Portal, is sent to the Mobile Portal Accelerator.
  2. The MPADispatchFilter dispatches the request to MCS (through a "forward" call).
  3. The MCSPreFilter prepares the request for MCS and forwards the request.
  4. The MCSFilter prepares the request for application (device identification, and so on) and forwards the request.
  5. The MCSServlet dispatches the request back to the WebSphere Portal server.
  6. The MWPFilter intercepts the request and prepares the request for Preload Notice (PLN) handling.
  7. The WebSphere Portal servlet aggregates the portlets to generate XDIME.
The return response flow is as follows:
  1. The Portlets generate XDIME, possibly using information from the mobile device to control output.
  2. The WebSphere Portal servlet aggregates portlet XDIME into the response and returns the response.
  3. The MWPFilter returns the response.
  4. The MCSServlet returns the response.
  5. The MCSFilter processes the XDIME and generates device specific markup in the response and returns the response.
  6. The MCSPreFilter returns the response.
  7. The MPADispatchFilter returns the response to the mobile device.

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