Exercise 7.5: Forwarding e-mail from an account

In this exercise you will test the administrative mail forwarding functionality in SmartCloud iNotes®.


Forwarding addresses help users manage their e-mail. For example, users can forward mail to another address when working remotely.

Administrators can forward user e-mail automatically to alternate e-mail accounts.


In this exercise, you will:


Log in and navigate to the Administration panel. For detailed steps, see the procedure document: Accessing the Administration Panel.
Click iNotes > Mail Account Manager.
Select a user from the list, and click the Forward mail icon.
screenshot depicting the FORWARD MAIL icon
Enter a destination e-mail account. For testing, use an alternative e-mail account like GMail. To keep a copy of the forwarded e-mail in your iNotes account, check "Keep a copy of mail in the login account." To forward the mail without retaining a copy in your iNotes account, uncheck "Keep a copy of mail in the login account." For this exercise, check the option to keep a copy of the maill in your iNotes account.

Click Save.

screenshot depicting the destination e-mail account

Note that after you save the destination address, the mail forward feature is activated. Deactivate and Edit options will become available for the destination e-mail account.

The SmartCloud iNotes administrative panel will indicate that mail forwarding is activated for the user.

screenshot depicting the deactivate and edit options

Send a test message from your SmartCloud iNotes account to your SmartCloud iNotes account. Check the inbox of the account entered for the destination address. You should receive the forwarded message in the destination account's inbox.
Remove the forwarding feature for a user's SmartCloud iNotes account by clicking the Deactivate option. The SmartCloud iNotes administrative panel will indicate that mail forwarding is not activated for the user.
screenshot showing that the Mail Forward feature is not activated


Problem Resolution
User does not receive the forwarded messages in their destination e-mail account. Ensure that there is not a spam blocking feature preventing the message from being delivered.
